Hawk Sprit

Hawk Sprit

A Poem by Jo Zapata

Another newly discovered old poem!


Hawk Spirit


We gazed at the full moon,

my wolf-friend and I.

My heart ached to be

one with the sky.


The leaves and the grass,

the wind that flowed by,

all beckoned me join them.

I slumped with a sigh.


I know it’s not time,

though I do not know why.

For now on this earth

with my man I will lie.


We will dance in our love,

in passion we’ll cry,

until my Hawk Spirit

says my time is nigh.



May 7, 2001

© 2011 Jo Zapata

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Added on January 23, 2011
Last Updated on January 24, 2011


Jo Zapata
Jo Zapata

Jefferson, TX

56-year-old 'girl' who is constantly frustrated to be trapped in this aging body. Single mother of three adult, formerly dysfunctional children. Former military, enlisted and officer, of ten years. .. more..

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