

A Poem by Jo Zapata

A beloved 'brother.'




You teased and cajoled

until we all rolled.

Such are the memories I hold.

Today more precious than gold.


But the light in your eyes

was always more wise.

You saw through the worldly lies.

        Wished you could break through the ties.       


You never figured life fair.

Always sought to go where

life was more than just prayer.

You drank to help you dare.


You suffered and drank

and then drank and then drank.

All while your frail body sank.

Until even your thick hair was lank.


Trapped in your skin

you drank once again

until you were way too thin.

Ignoring the pleas of your kin.


As your body grew weak,

your soul more did seek,

until it began to leak.

How hard you tried to peek!


Now at last you lay down.

You’re no longer bound

by this mortal, dirt ground.

Freedom at last you have found.


Travel well my brother.

Fly further and further.

Leave father and mother.

Go find that infinite ‘other.’



         July 17, 2005

         1:30 a.m.

          San Antonio

© 2011 Jo Zapata

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Thank you, Art. He was a genius IQ-wise, and sooooo funny! But also so tortured.

Posted 13 Years Ago

a sad view of how life can become a downhill journey...and yet I see you have and view more for your brother in his adventure to his new world...where he will be with peace...nice tribute ...

Posted 13 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on January 22, 2011
Last Updated on January 22, 2011


Jo Zapata
Jo Zapata

Jefferson, TX

56-year-old 'girl' who is constantly frustrated to be trapped in this aging body. Single mother of three adult, formerly dysfunctional children. Former military, enlisted and officer, of ten years. .. more..

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