This Man

This Man

A Poem by Jo Zapata

Upon first knowing the man who was to become my husband. He loved me for who I am, because that was just what he was looking for...


                                    This Man


He came one night.

So small and quiet.

A gentle-man,

A formal man,

Offering to be my friend.


We walked and talked.

We talked and walked.

And laughed

And laughed

And laughed.


He touched my hand.

I turned to sand.

And I saw he was more

Than I’d thought before,

So I offered a bit of my Self.


He took my Gift

And began to sift

It through his soul

And then to fold

A bit of himself into it.


From each other we take.

And a nectar we make

To strengthen,

To nourish

Our love.



            4/18/01  12:25 a.m.

            About Jose

            San Antonio

© 2011 Jo Zapata

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Added on January 22, 2011
Last Updated on January 22, 2011


Jo Zapata
Jo Zapata

Jefferson, TX

56-year-old 'girl' who is constantly frustrated to be trapped in this aging body. Single mother of three adult, formerly dysfunctional children. Former military, enlisted and officer, of ten years. .. more..

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