indeed, to be awake, or to be aware (how I perceive it), is a wonderful topic for a poem; sensations provide one with awareness of nothing independent of them; with some sensations (here seeing light, feeling the warmth) we can draw a distinction between the sensation and what it is a sensation of...when we are listening to our senses we write authentic poetry and that's what I feel when reading your poem, this is first hand experience, and that's what makes this poem so special. many great lines, I liked how you play here: squinting in an alight sun
that remembers every rise,
exploding light on our lives.-------this has even philosophical meaning. For instance, in Confucian ethics, love was just a secondary attribute, because humaneness as principle denoted the oneness of all beings. but in classical Buddhistic thought everything is connected, and this is the poetic answer to it. As you say, -to stare at the source of life,
enchants even aching listless eyes.---------- love (sun) makes us feel alive. This is kind of poetry I love; poetry which can be reread and reread and one still finds new impulse to see the world differently.
I really like your use of figurative language. You know its a true poem when the words are showing you something, and not just telling you and that's what you did.
Its like someone opening the curtains in your room while you're sleeping, and you wake up to the warm sun on your skin. And when we open our eyes we are blinded by the bright light our eyes haven't adjusted to yet.
I had to really think about this!
indeed, to be awake, or to be aware (how I perceive it), is a wonderful topic for a poem; sensations provide one with awareness of nothing independent of them; with some sensations (here seeing light, feeling the warmth) we can draw a distinction between the sensation and what it is a sensation of...when we are listening to our senses we write authentic poetry and that's what I feel when reading your poem, this is first hand experience, and that's what makes this poem so special. many great lines, I liked how you play here: squinting in an alight sun
that remembers every rise,
exploding light on our lives.-------this has even philosophical meaning. For instance, in Confucian ethics, love was just a secondary attribute, because humaneness as principle denoted the oneness of all beings. but in classical Buddhistic thought everything is connected, and this is the poetic answer to it. As you say, -to stare at the source of life,
enchants even aching listless eyes.---------- love (sun) makes us feel alive. This is kind of poetry I love; poetry which can be reread and reread and one still finds new impulse to see the world differently.
I'm a 29-year-old using this site to backup my writings, which are mostly poems.
Leave a comment if you like, they always make me smile.
Have a nice day! more..