We Shall Be DangerousA Poem by Marie AnzaloneI. The ones who own the stories rule the world; we shall become dangerous, so very dangerous in the taking back of the world’s greatest stories- we shall imagine all lands through the eyes of the sun. Our sunrise, like the recovery of endangered species, exists for small moments in the measured heartbeats that mark the end of their own dissolution. II. We shall be dangerous. We shall never wait for permission to do what we see needs our hands and voices; we shall be demanding in cultures that demand passivity; we shall carry the pickaxe to the rocky fields others simply pray will bear fruit- we shall carry books written by poets to meetings led by dictators. We shall love the world more than you hate each other and us. We will bring new stories to old and worn out livelihoods. III. We shall make ourselves dangerous, for we will confront the beasts that hunt our souls, and kill the fear they feast upon; we shall tell the Truth, not your truth or my truth or His truth but The Truth about what was done to us, how what was done unto others was also done unto the living parts of the world; we shall always read more than one book before we die, and will raise our children in the presence of all the books. IV. We shall speak dangerously, we shall clean the prejudices that block the light from getting in; we shall let all women own both their bodies and their futures. We shall teach the genius children; those same children that upper class autocrats do not think deserve the same education as the lazy nephews of autocrats. We shall build grit into all lands long taught to fear its thinkers; and teach all children to be thinkers that fight. The new militia will not wear uniforms or terrorize innocent people. V. We shall love dangerously; we shall wear flowers in our hair and carry the secrets of ancient starlight and magical words in our eyes; we shall love everything the haters hate, we shall list all of those things and write them into great books that bind outcasts like us all over the world, to the world. We shall let our lovers be weak with us, we shall love with the same tenderness the cup uses to hold our tea; the same fierceness the sun uses to scorch his deserts; loving everyone and everything how and when and where we want; all the things that people in too many churches tell us are unlovable. We shall allow desire, real, living desire to play us like so many oboes in so many orchestras. VI. We shall be dangerous. We shall live lives that make the land beneath our feet remember us fondly; we shall be the opposite of saints, for we shall love the poor and despise poverty. We shall walk naked down all the streets of all the people who want us invisible; we shall make their spouses look upon us and ponder their boring lives in sanctioned beds. VII. We shall teach dangerously. We shall be the poets who prepare you for both your deadliest love and your most impactful war; our presence at tables will liberate all the silences of all the worlds; we shall invite our loneliness out on dates and occupy too much time and space when we eat alone at restaurants in the company of a dangerous notebook and a poet’s sword. VIII. We shall reclaim the most dangerous stories as our own; we shall be the speakers of full truths and gray morals; we shall be the people whom orators of partial truths and black and white lives, toss into the rivers to drown- lest their children turn curious faces in our direction instead of theirs- we shall be the emerging writers of new narratives and we shall be labeled dangerous while we save children, animals, sinners, and ourselves. © 2024 Marie AnzaloneAuthor's Note
Added on January 31, 2024 Last Updated on January 31, 2024 AuthorMarie AnzaloneXecaracoj, Quetzaltenango, GuatemalaAboutBilingual (English and Spanish) poet, essayist, novelist, grant writer, editor, and technical writer working in Central America. "A poet's work is to name the unnameable, to point at frauds, to ta.. more..Writing