Love me for i will Love you FOREVER

Love me for i will Love you FOREVER

A Poem by frogbean

Love me for i will Love you FOREVER


Someone hurt so bad

Trusts none

Loved by many

Loved by me


Who never knew

How to love

Never taught

Untill now


I have a tale

One to tell

Truly i love

Over all. YOU


Your gaurd is high

My love is strong

Wanting you to know

You can trust me


I will never hurt you

I'll be there always

By your side

To catch your tears


I ask nothing

Only one wish

That you love me

Like i do you


Please trust

What i am saying

For i will not and cannot

Lie to you





© 2008 frogbean

Author's Note

please state what you think. does it state a form of reality.

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yes it states true love and what you would do to be with the one you love and i for one know exactly how this feel yes at times it gets confusing but 99.9% of the time love is worth it no matter if it works or not you always learn something to help you do better next time and i wish you the best with your special someone!


Posted 16 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


Yes this is a form of reality
Love bring things together
Bring the one we have been looking for..
I love this and how you touched no how much you love that person and that they could trust you
I injoyed reading your poems
And how real they feel to me
Thank you for sharing for me


Posted 16 Years Ago

This is good. I thought it is a great poem about saying you will be there to love this person who isn't so sure. I think everything about this poem works. Great write!

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

yes it states true love and what you would do to be with the one you love and i for one know exactly how this feel yes at times it gets confusing but 99.9% of the time love is worth it no matter if it works or not you always learn something to help you do better next time and i wish you the best with your special someone!


Posted 16 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

I really enjoyed this peice of writing. YOu really can express your words and put them down.. This is a real state of reality in my eyes. Great Poem!

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

The Marquis de Sade once said, "An urge towards love, pushed to its limit, is an urge towards death." Few poems capture that statement as much as this piece. Not only does the picture seem to illustrate that idea, but the writer doesn't seem to be so much in love as s/he seems to be in a state of desperation. The writer is begging for the love of his/her object of desire and seems as if s/he will kill him/herself if s/he doesn't get it.

I'm not exactly what you mean by stating a form of reality, but if it means what I think it means, than yes. Many people do feel what this poem is expressing. Many people do love (or think they love) a person so much that their "love" borders on a sado-masochistic obsession for their object(s) of desire.

My only complaint about this piece is that I would try using some stronger descriptions. Something about this piece seemed very weak as it was going down. But in another sense, perhaps that's exactly what you were looking to do. Perhaps this obsessive love was supposed to be very much, under the surface and not quite visible to the world yet. Perhaps it was supposed to be calm on the outside, yet raging on the inside, as so much obsessive love usually is.

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 2 people found this review constructive.

this is a great poem. and yes it does state really hit home for me

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

One thing I do know is it is very difficult to show or teach someone how to love...
"Someone hurt so bad
Trusts none
Loved by many
Loved by me "
I get the idea excuses are being made for this person's lack of love or desire to love as the writer does. Your poem is full of excellent emotion and promises in exchange for love here. I really like the poem and the imagination behind it. I believe it displays a reality for sure! I had a similar experience. Excellent!

Posted 16 Years Ago

0 of 1 people found this review constructive.

This is a very strong and moving peice. It is really pretty with the way you are describing your heart and how the only thing you want is for him/her to love you back. This is a very common thing now a days, many people are getting walked all over, used and then thrown away. No one really knows how it feels to have that happen to them untill they have it done to them. The deepness in which you describe this is showing that you have/are going/gone through this kind of pain. I hope everything is all right.

Posted 16 Years Ago

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9 Reviews
Added on April 10, 2008
Last Updated on April 10, 2008




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