The first thing I suggest is you use a bolder test, when I was viewing your poem , I had a hard time seeing it on the screen. For the content, The message is true, I think people a lot of times try to medicate their problems away, instead facing the facts that this world is a hard place, and fairness rarely is found , people need to face pain, and figure out how to get through life's trials, not numbing themselves with substances and pretend the problems they face will go away by their self. I think you could improve you writing by introducing analogies in your poetic writings . A good writer's goal is not just to communicate their message, but to get the reader to also feel the emotions that inspired poet to write the piece
It sort of relay's a real life situation, in a sense. Good job on this. Random question: in the poem are you saying 'dont do stupid s**t' or are you saying 'forget about the stupid s**t u do! it was fun while it lasted'?