I come to You as your humble servant.
I should've come to You when my soul became dormant.
I needed help when I fell deep into the shadows.
I went up hell's creek in a boat with no paddles.
I should've remained with You instead of giving into inhibitions.
I should've come to you instead of listening to evil intuitions.
I should've trusted my faith, but instead I doubted.
I should've come and talked to You, but instead I shouted.
I should have stayed in Your army and listened to orders.
I should've remained on shore instead of trying to cross raging waters.
I resisted help when I should have surrendered.
I should've accepted Your mail instead of stamping it return to sender.
I realize that I can't be controlled by man cuz You're the boss.
I respect what You've done, that's why I have a pendant with You on the cross.
I remained on the same plateau, instead I should've went to the next level.
I'm a strong souled man, but I'm constantly tempted by the devil.
I realize that You are everything from the chirping bird to the squeaking mouse.
I should've stopped in once in a while, instead I just said hi whenever I walked by Your house.