telling it true is all:
i see a world that has problems
seems to be going all wrong
gangsters promoting bad things in our anthems
our peace and love world is long gone
they sing bout w****s, guns and dope
like it's fashion and it's cool and ok
i think it's sad that there is no more hope
people just care about sex and pay
i want people to have morals, joy and love
but in this sick world its the nice guys finish last
its all violence, who's the hardest, punch, push and shove
i can only dream now of how it was in the past
its fucked i tell you cos you cannot survive
unless you go with the flow: kill and steal
i dont want to give up, want to do good and strive
but i know thats not practical so the world will never heal
calm down says the man, deluded or thick:
"there is nothing the matter with society
i'm truthful, genuine, your average guy
crack down on weapons, health and dietry
it's under control, 5 year scheme, i don't lie
i'm your priminister, you can can trust me 'mate'
i want what's best for you and i've got good ideas
people, don't worry, my men will cure the world of hate"
(i know i'm talking s**t, councillors, community police, peers
bla bla bla i'l say what i like
cos i'm the one comfy, money, motorbike
they will belive what i say, i'm talking shite)
"good news people, our future's bright!"
why calm down i say, cos im clever like that see:
people carry guns now
so i'm going to have to carry a gun now
people should never carry a gun now
but because it's begun, you have to now
s**t, people are bad and it ruins the world
they see violence as cool and it ruins the world
they don't care bout nothing and it ruins the world
i drawn on and repeat, but i used to like my world
i want it back but its changed and its gone and it's ruined, my world
that's it is what i think, i'm seeing it real and it's over
technology means that the views are gone, and the air is rotting, and the grass is gone
buildings means that the space is gone, and the skies are blocked, and the freedom is gone
electricity means that the darkness is gone, and the peace is disturbed, and the moon is gone
radar means that the mystery is gone, and adventure is destroyed, and excitement is gone
maybe happiness is gone, happiness on the whole, damn, it's all gone
so i think there is no looking on the brightside
the time has come, it is the world's death
we should all be ashamed, do NOT show pride
though the way our lives are now, it's probably for the best
f**k the system, cos it's a system of a down
we have nothing going right, it is a system of a down
i'm running out the door, i'm starting to cry
i'm falling to the floor, sigh.