

A Poem by harley

when the person you love changes all you can do is tell them how you feel and hope with all your heart that they will listen...


we were the best of friends.

we always had so much fun.

we grew up together.

we did everything together.


once we got older we started hanging out more.

we started dating.

we went swimming.

we went and saw movies.


we sat in your room watching old movies.

we played video games for hours.

we did anything to spend time together.

we managed a relationship while going to different schools.


it was going great for a while.

but with all good comes the bad.

we began growing apart.

we tried to keep it together but failed.


it wasnt a terrible breakup.

since we both understood why it wasnt working.

we stayed friends and still hung out.

just a normal friendship.


we were back to the old days.

but then there was a few weeks we didnt see each other.

and when we did see each other.

it was weird.


when i looked at you,

i didnt see the boy i fell in love with.

i didnt know who this person was.

he looked like you but sure didnt act like you.


then you ignored me.

treated me like i was no one to you.

it killed me.

you changed.


now all you wanted to do was be a jerk.

you just wanted to hang out with anyone but me.

the way you used to look at me went away.

i felt like nothing.


we were so close.

but now it feels like we were never friends.

you dont seem like yourself.

i wondered what happened.


when i asked your reply was quite blount.

"i havent changed im the same old me"

but then all i could do was walk away.

all i wanted was for you to follow but you went the other way.


then i finally told you,

"your not the same. your not the one i fell in love with and i dont like this new person. i want the old you back that would play video games wth me, that would go out of his way to see me. i want him back."


you looked like someone had just shot you in the chest.

in excruciating pain caving inside.

i think i have finally gotten through to you.

all you did was walk away.


now we dont speak.

we dont even look at each other.

you havent gone back to the old you.

so im kinda glad that we dont talk.


im not sure if im the only one.

but i really do miss the old you.

the new one can go fall off a cliff.

i want the original you back...

© 2011 harley

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thanks! it really does suck when people you love change and dont want to believe it. but i guess it was for the best(:

Posted 13 Years Ago

I can relate to this entire poem. I went out with someone for a long time and towards the end she changed. When I tried to tell her that I didn't like who she became, she left. In all honesty, I wish I could still talk to the old her at least, if nothing else.
Thank you for writing this, Harley. :]
I efinitely enjoyed it.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on April 13, 2011
Last Updated on April 13, 2011



Kingsland, TX

im 15 go to Llano High School. I play drums in band and i perform in winterguard on rifle/saber. i am also apart of my schools debate team. i am very involved with church. i love my friends so much. t.. more..

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