Chapter 2

Chapter 2

A Chapter by hardscoper6

Tetroin attempts to find a new companion in the city of Karrath, things get complicated.


Gron holds a quick pace as he flies through the forest, branches smack at him and twigs crack beneath his feet, he felt like he has been running for hours. Gron was a Dwarf, average sized. He holds a warhammer in his left hand. His hands have leather, studded gloves covering them and he is wearing heavy plate mail, which concealed the chainmail that hung beneath. He wears large heavy boots and a helmet that matches his plate mail. Neck length brown hair hung down to his neck, and a beard hung down his chest, with color similar to his hair. After he left home, a group of bandit attacked him, and much like his lost Dwarven brethren, they had glowing red eyes, and shadowy, black smoke resonating from their skin. There were three of them but Gron swiftly took care of them then switched his blue, masonry vest for their armor. His was thinking, hopefully this would throw his pursuers off, or at the very least protect him when they caught up, and follow him they did. That had been several hours ago, though, and the pursuers were back on his trail. He has come to a clearing where he pauses and looks around, into the dark of the woods, he raises his great warhammer and stands completely still for a moment. In an instant he spins around and slams his hammer down hard on the attacker’s head. The blow crushes the attacker's skull and kills it instantly the attacker fell backwards on the ground. In the moonlight Gron could make out that his attacker was a wolf. Gron looks up and can make out that there were more wolves coming and now they were angry. Another wolf jumps up and snaps its jaws at Gron. He quickly dodges it and smashes the bottom of the wolf's jaw with the top of the hammer sending the wolf flying back and dazing him, but in seconds a wolf has replaced it. Soon the clearing is filled with the wolves’ red glowing eyes, but then a stiff gust of wind causes Gron to stumble giving one of the wolves an opening as it slashes at Gron leaving a long jagged gash down the side of his face, but that was all the wolf could get in before the sudden gust of wind got stronger and sent the wolf flying. Confusion struck the pack as the wind continues to get stronger and stronger as more and more of their pack were getting blown around the clearing. Gron dug the end of his hammer deep into the ground and held on tight, realizing this was no normal wind. Once the wind subsides, what was left of the pack scrabbles away while they still can. Out of the shadows of the forest steps a man. His eyes were hidden but Gron could see a smile on the man’s face and a revolver in his hand. Gron quickly raises his hammer preparing for anything. The man lowers the revolver. He puts his free hand up, holstering the revolver with the other.
“I am friend. No need to worry.” said the stranger as he gestures for Gron to lower his hammer.
Gron lowers the hammer, then he responds “Do I know you? How did you find me? And, why did you save me?”
The stranger let out a chuckle, “All questions that will be answered in due time, but right now we are still in danger, come, before the evil returns to this place.”
The stranger beckoned Gron to follow.
“I do not fear evil, or death, I have seen things you cannot imagine. Now I ask you again, who are you? And what is your purpose?” He raises his hammer again.
“You have a lot of temper built up inside you. Unchecked, that can be the end of you but with my help you can become a killing force.” The man said this, trying to choose his words carefully.
Though, before he could get anymore words out, Gron was charging towards his, raising his hammer high above his head. The man dove to the side, trying to dodge the attack. The man looks up from the ground and realized that he was not the target of this attack but a stray wolf that had come back and was creeping up on the man. Gron sends the wolf flying into a nearby tree. The wolf slumps down at the botton of it, dead. Gron walks over to the man and helps him up.
“Your name?” Gron asks with force in his voice.
Being a Dwarf, Gron was short, but even looking down at Gron, the man felt slightly intimidated.
Finally, the man answers the question. “I go by the name Tetroin.”
Gron gasps and then anger washes over him. “Tetroin? As in one of the wizards of the six?”
Tetroin nods. It was clear Gron was angry, very angry.
“Not many people know of what happened, on that faithful day,” Gron pauses at looks Tetroin directly in the eyes, “But I do, and I won’t forgive you! You have forsaken these lands!” Gron began pacing about muttering to himself.
“Listen, I have come from your father directly. He said you could help. I am trying to right my wrongs.” Tetroin was trying to calm Gron down, with no luck.
“Then my father is just as bad as you, aid a wizard of the six, HA! That’s a laugh. Either way, whether father sent you or not, right your own wrongs, wizard!” And he spits on the ground in front of Tetroin.
Gron walks into the center of the clearing at this time and pauses, then brings his hammer up and back down on the ground, sending a shockwave through the forest. Suddenly, the crashing of trees and a large roar could be heard from Tetroin’s left and he is bewildered. Into the clearing crashes a large grizzly bear, battle armor covering most of its body. Tetroin reaches for his revolver before Gron walks up to the bear and scratches it head. The bear didn’t attack him, just rubs it’s head on his arm. Gron laughs, then jumps of the saddle on it back, then began riding away.
“Good luck on your quest, wizard!” Gron calls mockingly back at Tetroin.
Then, the forest was silent again and Tetroin was alone.


Gron was riding for several hours when he finally stops. He gets down from his bear and pats its side.
“This looks like a good spot to stay for the night, good job Harx.” Gron pulls a deer and giant bears back. He looks around then steps into the mouth of the cave. Inside he quickly sets up his cot and sets a fire. He pulls the deer into the cave and sets it next to the fire. He began skinning it and preparing it for cooking, putting it on spit once ready and he began cooking it. Gron feels cramped in the cave so he takes a step outside. The sky was perfectly clear, stars dotting it. Gron could see all the different night creatures scurrying in and out of the trees. Harx lies at the mouth of the cave, starring up at the sky. Gron pats him on the head, “The foods ready, Harx.”
The large bear stands, turns and lumbers his way into the cave. Gron stood at the mouth of the cave for a while longer, “Why not come out, old wizard?” He calls out into the forest.
Moments later, Tetroin steps out of the shadow of the trees.
“You don’t give up easy, old man.” Gron continues to stare at the stars.
“How long did you know?” Tetroin looks at him questionably.
“Right from the beginning, I thought I’d lose you, or you’d give up, but you are defiantly persistent.”
Gron finally makes eye contact with Tetroin. Tetroin felt like Gron’s eyes were staring through him, searching his mind. After a while, Gron finally broke eye contact and steps inside.
“Come, wizard, we have much to talk about.”
Tetroin doesn’t question it and follows. Inside, Harx was chewing on a large chunk of deer meat in the corner. Gron hands an old steel plate to Tetroin, on it was a piece of deer meat, next to it on the plate was a salad, made of various herbs Gron had found in the forest. Gron then hands Tetroin a mug of ale and beckons him to sit across from him near the fire. He did. Tetroin sat silently for a moment. Gron looks up from his meal. “Well? You didn’t come all this way to sit there, did ya?”
Tetroin apologizes and begins telling Gron of his plans.
“So, you do have go intentions to stop this,” Gron stops and stares into the fire, thinking. “Very well, as long as I believe your intentions remain true, I will help you.”
Tetroin simply smiles and takes a swig of ale.
“Now, don’t go thinking that means we are friends. I help you solely for the fate of Pryth.” Gron gives Tetroin a cold stare, but he just brushes it off and sets his empty plate and mug on the ground next to the fire.
“Perhaps we should sleep now. We have a long way to travel tomorrow.” Tetroin stands and walks to the mouth of the cave, he waves his hand, and the mouth of the cave wavers for a moment. Gron was confused by this. Tetroin turns and lays out a sleeping pack.
“But there is so much unanswered!” Gron cries out.
“No need to worry, all these questions will be answered in due time, now we rest.” With a flick of his wrist the fire dims slightly.
“I guess I will stay awake for the first shift.” Gron stands up.
“No need to worry for that either, Dwarf, just get some rest for now.”
The old wizard brought his hand up to his face, waving it past his visor. The magic visor vanishes and in its stead were a pair of deep grey colored eyes. A long jagged scar was drawn across his left eye. Seeing this man’s eyes made Gron uneasy, especially the scar.
Finally, the Dwarf did as he was told and attempts to get some sleep, but sleep did not come easy to him that night. Why should he trust this wizard? He has heard the stories about the wizards of the six. How is he supposed to know someone won’t come and slit their throats in the night, no one would be awake after all. What was wrong with the creature that pursuer him? And what of his home, in the mountains? Was his father okay? And why would he knowingly tell a wizard of the six that his son would help them? These thoughts swirl through his head until the darkness of the cave consumes him. He dreams of red eyes, watching him, unblinking, and of shadowy hands grabbing out at him.


Gron wakes in flurry, and instinctively grabs his hammer from beside him. It takes him a moment to realize he was safely back in reality. He sets the hammer back down next to him, then moves to the mouth of the cave where Tetroin now stands.
“Good morning, Dwarf.” Tetroin chews at a piece of deer, as a crisp breeze blew at the rim of his hat.
“Not as good as I’d of liked it to be.” Gron had large black rings around his eyes, from lack of sleep.
“You don’t look so good this morning. Didn’t sleep well?”
“No thanks to you, old man!” Barks the Dwarf, as he retreats back into the cave.
“Now, if you are going to come with me, we can’t have you continue having sleepless nights. Come, tell me what trouble you.”
The Dwarf stops in his track, anger fills him once again. He had never been good at controlling his temper. He turns and looks the wizard directly in his grey eyes.
“You, wizard! You are what’s troubling me! I’ve heard all the stories about you! And the other five! You thought you had it under control, but you didn’t and look at the mess we are in now! I don’t even know why I agreed to help a deranged old man like you!” Gron continues to storm to the back of the cave.
“I don’t expect you to believe me when I say I tried my hardest to stop it. Now I’m just trying to repay my debt.”
“Argh! This is madness, old man!” The Dwarf roars “The six great wizards couldn’t stop it, with their powers combine, why should I think it’ll be any different this time.”
“It will be different. I know this, you have a great temper Dwarf but if you can control it and use it to your advantage perhaps your fighting skills will also increase in doing so.”
Gron has heard enough, he quickly picks up his hammer and bolts across the cave at the wizard. As calm as ever Tetroin raises a hand and Gron is held there, unable to move.
“Most importantly, Dwarf, we must have trust. With trust we can overcome anything.” Tetroin took a step closer, releasing Gron from his hold.
“Why should I trust you, wizard?” Gron snorts.
“Your father did, and no harm came to him while I could stop it. If I really had dark intentions, I would have struck last night. There were several moments you were left defenseless. If you won’t trust me in general, trust me when I say, if I wanted you dead, you would be.”
Tetroin raises his hand and waves it over his eyes, and the blue visor is replaced there again. Then Tetroin continues. “Now, if you still wish to accompany me on this quest, it is your choice.” Tetroin takes a step out of the cave.
“I leave for the desert city, Karrath, right away.” Tetroin begins gliding on the air. “I trust you know your way to Karrath.”
Gron steps out of the cave, staring up at Tetroin. He looks almost unsure of himself.
“Very well, I will ponder it and if I decide to accompany you I will be there.”
Gron turns to enter the cave again but only finds a stone wall, he puts his hand against the solid stone wall where the opening had been.
“I told you, you could have gotten some sleep last night.” Tetroin waves his hand and the stone wall breaks apart and disappears into thin air, leaving the cave entrance once more.
Gron whips around, bewildered. Tetroin smiles, then turns and glides gracefully through the air in the direction of Karrath.


Gron finishes cleaning and putting his belongings away. He sits down putting his hand on his head, he still was thinking about Tetroin, should he trust him or not. “If I wanted you dead, you would be.” The words rang through Gron’s head.
“Damn that old man!” Gron struck the ground with his fist.
He removes his helmet and smooths back his brown hair.
“Where are you going to go, Gron?!” Gron talks out loud to himself. “You go with that crazy, old man, or you go home, fight off those horrible shadow beings.” He put his face into his hands, holding it between his knees. He laughs softly at himself.
“How do I get myself into these kinds of things?”
Harx moves over next to Gron and sets his head in Gron’s lap, letting out a sigh. Gron smiles, petting Harx’s head.
Gron stands up, thinking for a moment. He collects his things and then looks back at Harx.
“Let’s move Harx, the island of Pryth is in our hands.” Smiling Gron leaves the cave, Harx in toe.


Tetroin feels like he has been gliding for hours. He didn’t want to act like it, but he needs Gron’s help. He is aggressive, but has a lot of potential and brings a lot to the group. The sandy wind whips at Tetroin’s collar, bringing him back to reality. He looks ahead and can see the old, sandy city of Karrath. The sand almost made a cloak over the city, for the walls surrounding the village were built on such an angle that the sand blew up and over the walls then down it went on the other side. This gave the illusion of a sand dome covering the city. Tetroin now closes in on the city, as Tetroin closes in on the city, he sees the all too familiar front gates. They were massive, causing Tetroin to feel extremely small. The walls didn’t help. Up close the walls were almost just as big as the gate and from where Tetroin stood, he could not see the end of the wall, on either side. Suddenly, the gate slowly began opening, and through the opening steps a man in gleaming steel armor, with a black scorpion emblem settled on the centre of it.
He strides over to Tetroin, “What business do you have here?”
Tetroin lowers his eyes, hidden behind his magic visor. “I wish to enter your great city of Karrath.”
“Very well, and what is your name?” The man tries to re-establish eye contact. It was clear this man who stood before Tetroin was the captain of the guard and it was also clear he didn’t trust the wizard.
“My name is of no importance, but I have important business in the city. Please, let me pass, it could very well be crucial to the future of Pryth!” Tetroin attempts to step past the man, who repositions himself in Tetroin’s path.
“I repeat, what is your name?” The statement was more stern this time, the captain grips the hilt of his sword now. Some of the guards watch from behind the captain, snickering at Tetroin. Tetroin takes a step back.
“I go by the name of Tetroin.” He coldly glances at the guards who were now silent.
The captain looks down, not in shock, but in pity. He sighs and looks at Tetroin, “I’m sorry, I really am but you understand, as well as I do that I must ask you to leave.”
“I understand, I’m sorry to have bothered you, captain.” The wizard began to walk away.
The guards resumed their childish snickers. Tetroin grabs his revolver with such speed that the guards fell over each other trying to ready their own weapons.
“You are not even worth my time,” he lowers his hand and begins walking away. “Perhaps you should train your guards a bit more professionally, captain.” He yelled back mockingly. The gates close with a clunk.


“Silly guards really think they can keep me out, HA!”
Tetroin sits perched at the very top of the wall, staring down on the city. A smile drew its way across his face before he jumps down into the city. Several buildings surround him. They are all made of dry mud, with wooden roofs. Tetroin quickly made way for the main street, staying to the shadows, which was easy, for it was already close to dusk. Tetroin travels along the main road, dodging out of guards view when necessary. It was a short walk before he came to the local pub, the sign out front that hung by chains for the building had the words “The Drunken Dragon”. Below the writing was a carving of a dragon with a ale in either hands, it seems to be stumbling. Tetroin steps inside the pub. A foul smell enters his nose as soon as he is inside. Tetroin takes a seat on a bar stool, looking around.
“How can I help ya?” The barkeeper leans against the counter in front of Tetroin.
“Just an ale.”
The barkeeper was off. He returns, several seconds later, setting a mug of ale on the counter.
Tetroin looks around the pub, not much to it. Simple, a few tables and chairs. There were two Elves sitting at the table behind him, and a Dwarf two seats to his left, drowning his sorrows in ale. A few minutes after Tetroin had entered the pub, two guards step through the door. They sat at another table, across the bar. It seems they had just got off duty and wanted nothing more than to terrorize the city they protect.
“Hey! Ya lazy bum! Get over here, we’re thirsty!”
The barkeep did as he was told, they were city guards after all. The barkeeper walks by Tetroin, walking quickly to the back. Tetroin assumed it was to get more ale. While the barkeep was in the back, the two guards decided it would be nice to harass the Dwarf. Bad choice. The two walk over, cracking jokes about Dwarves, pushing the Dwarf about. Without warning one of the guard were on the ground, nose bleeding. The Dwarf is now standing, swaying back and forth.
“You little s**t! Do you know who you just-.“ The guard was cut short.
Tetroin had bashed him in the back of the head with bar stool, then Tetroin stooped over next to the guard with the bloody nose.
“Now you listen close, you will clean yourself up, wake your friend up, and without a word you will leave this bar. Got it?”
Tetroin was inches from the man’s face. He was terrified. The guard nods, wiping his nose on his hand, then began retrieving his friend. At that time, the barkeeper comes rushing out, hearing the commotion. He was shocked at what he saw, but before a word could escape his lips, Tetroin hands him a fair sized bag of gold, with a smile.
“Thank you for your generosity!”
And again, before the barkeeper says a word, Tetroin and the Dwarf were gone out the door.


The Dwarf stirred. He lifts himself up to a seated position. A thunderous headache pounds through his head. It instantly causes him to lie back down.
“I see you are awake.”
The Dwarf looks around panicked, his eyes land on an older man at the end of the bed he now laid in.
“Who are you? Where are we? What have you done with me?!” The Dwarf got up again, this time ignoring his pounding head.
“Please, Dwarf, relax. I am a friend sent by your father, I need aid and have been told you would be happy to give it.”
The Dwarf looks bewildered. Tetroin looks at the Dwarf interestingly.
“What is your name Dwarf? Your father did not give it, he only said I could likely find you in the drunken dragon.”
“My apologize, I am Darsh.” The Dwarf politely grins, then finds his manners. “And you?”
And so, Tetroin gave his name and continued by explains what has happened the past few days and what happened at the mountains with his father and the day after with his brother.
“Sorry about Gron, he can be as stubborn as a mule, stupid, too. Where are we, anyway?” The Dwarf looks curiously at him.
“An inn, the city guard isn’t too happy with us right now I imagine.”
The Dwarf chuckled, it seems this wasn’t his first time in trouble with the guard.
“I never thought I’d find myself hiding with the great wizard Tetroin in a city inn.” The Dwarf laughs even harder.
The wizard looks down in shame, he didn’t feel like he deserved to be called great, so he found his word.
“I believe it is time for me to leave. Do you wish to accompany me?” Tetroin stood up.
The Dwarf also jumps out of bed. “Well, my head doesn’t feel like it will swell any larger. I must have lost myself in drink.” He let out another laugh.
Then the Dwarf collected what little things he had, which includes a battleaxe. He wore chainmail with perfectly crafted leather armor on top. It looks to be from Karrath blacksmith. The Dwarf’s fiery orange hair looks slightly dirty. He had a beard that had the same fiery color to it. It hung down to his midsection. His face made it look like he’d been working a forge almost every day of his life.
“Well, we won’t get far standing in this room.” Laughs Darsh.
“Much easier to convince than Gron.” Tetroin smiles back.


“We are almost to the main gate.” Darsh whispers through the darkness of the night.
They have been staying in the shadows ever since the inn, avoiding guard’s eyes. Darsh peered from behind a house.
“How are we to get through this gate when it is so heavily guarded?” Darsh looks puzzled. “We may have to find another way out of the city.”
Tetroin went to take a step forward to also get a look at the gate, when suddenly a menacing cry pierced the silence of the night. Tetroin cringes, he felt like he heard something like this before.
“The guards! They are leaving their posts! Tetroin, let’s move!”
Darsh jumps out of the shadows charging for the gate, as fast as the Dwarf’s legs will carry him. Tetroin couldn’t keep up. Then he watched as a giant shadowy figure steps out of the dark, its red eyes piercing the night’s darkness. It raises its massive weapon. Tetroin sees its target, it was Darsh. It let out a wild cry like the one they had just heard. It was preparing to hammer the tiny Dwarf when a second Dwarf came flying from the shadows, smashing the beast in its knee with a hard hit from its warhammer. Tetroin caught up to Darsh at this time, watching the battle unfold. The beast is stunned, and in that instant the second Dwarf turns, revealing that it is Gron. He runs straight at them.
“Run you fools! Go, GO!” Gron gives them a push through the gate and the three race away from the city.

© 2012 hardscoper6

Author's Note

let me know what you think, let me know about any errors

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Added on October 2, 2012
Last Updated on October 2, 2012
Tags: Tetroin, Karrath, Pryth, Dwarf, Dwarves