Written for MomzillaNC poetry challenge about Plagiarism
One, who is so boasting about his pen,
With an eagle's eye watching pages in the den,
Picking words of others like a crow's beak,
And sewing these words with tailorbird's tweak,
Decorating the work as cunningly as fox,
Making a document in pdf or docs,
Pompously showing and feeling so glad,
Dont know why his soul so empty and sad,
You can cheat all and even cheat God,
But with your soul, can you fraud?
I know that your conscience is already dead,
So I want to boil your nads in bat guano up to your head .
You used good rhyme scheme and rhythm with difficult words to rhyme, and you described the cheating, lying, pestilent-filled creep's activities perfectly. It was shorter than I wished, because I enjoyed reading the rhymes. Nice writing! Thank you for sharing this one in the contest...:)
I've read one of your evocative poetry called "Layers" so I ain't think, you be a third class writer. You're quite good at writing especially the way you slip down your thoughts on paper. Now here, in this poetry "A Third Class Poem" .. I can see how rhythmically you play with words keeping the balance of rhyme & thoughts stable & so certain. Very touching poetry you've come up with. It'll surely make "plagiarists" think 'bout "plagiarism" once again that how it feels when the stuffs - the feelings - one's thoughts & the love toward words got plagiarized for nothing. Liked reading your work!
You are absolutely correct. Plagiarism is a serious misdemeanor. It takes the sweat of one's brow to write a poetry. A poet toils, than he is able to get a masterpiece.
But, ironically a plagiarist, commits this unethical job of replicating one's piece.
Your. lovely poem is a slap upon the faces of those impostors, who commit, this sort of job.
This was really cool. The inclusion of the different animals raises the questions, doesn't all life write in one sense or another? What the eagle sees, how the crow selects its' food carefully, the fox's cunning plans, they're adaptation yes, but also their expression. Language is meaningless, expression is everything, and your poem raises this idea but with subtle poetic elements. Well done.
Posted 10 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
10 Years Ago
Thank you so much for a nice review:)
10 Years Ago
Boiled In Bat Guano contest at http://www.writerscafe.org/contests/Boiled-In-Bat-Guano/50802/
Plagariam is sin I feel, what is done is to be paid, a day or another. I agree with you Hardeep you know we can cheat anyone on this earth even to God sometimes but not our innervoice or soul. It is known of our every work and it judge us prudently. It taunts on our crime like plagarsim.
Come to the point anything can influence a writer, he may get his ideas while he listening his someone or while praying or it may be anything else, it looks almost similar to origin idea but still he fills his owness in some part of mostly. Beautifully written.
You used good rhyme scheme and rhythm with difficult words to rhyme, and you described the cheating, lying, pestilent-filled creep's activities perfectly. It was shorter than I wished, because I enjoyed reading the rhymes. Nice writing! Thank you for sharing this one in the contest...:)
'Dont know why his soul so empty and sad'
A wonderful piece depicting the reality of plagiarism :)
Well written Hardeep!
P.S- It's is a first class poem for sure!
Posted 10 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
10 Years Ago
Thankyou so much :)
10 Years Ago
Boiled In Bat Guano contest at http://www.writerscafe.org/contests/Boiled-In-Bat-Guano/50802/
Hardeep Sabharwal describes himself as person of few words. He is one of millions of middle class Indians who do not have any ideology; they only want to live a peaceful life. The thing that hurts him.. more..