Bergana Tellus, Chapter Seven

Bergana Tellus, Chapter Seven

A Chapter by Veronica

Chapter Seven

Charity gives each of her friends a brief hug as they come in.  They only go a couple steps when they see Dagroth, Dar’Gall, Kel’Ren and bringing up the rear coming from the kitchen is Ber’eall, Valarie and Rayne.  Fawn says “I thought it was a girls night only Charity.”  Charity answers “Yeah, I did say that, unfortunately Valarie and I got our wires crossed and she didn’t know it was to be a ladies night.  She invited some new friends of hers and thought it could be a bit of a mixer tonight.  It wasn’t intentional, just a miscommunication.”  Fawn starts edging back to the door.  “Miscommunication or not, I just cant handle it yet, I’m heading back to the shelter.  Maybe I’ll see ya all at the next grope meeting.”  With that Fawn flees out the door and back in her car, leaving before Meagan and Sage even have a chance to react to the situation. Charity looks at the two other women “Sorry, ah, was she everyone’s ride for the night?”  As Sage tugs on her pony tail Meagan answers “Yep. Guess we’re staying.”  Valarie says “You might as well come on in, the pizza will be here soon, in the mean time lets get introductions out of the way.  I’m pretty sure I’ve met you two before when I picked up Charity from the shelter after the last two meetings.  Ya’ll were standing around still talking.”  Meagan says “I remember meeting you now.  Nice to see ya again.”  After a hesitation Sage says “Hi”  Charity says “Behind her is her daughter Rayne, and you already met Valarie, to her right is Ber’eall, her new boyfriend, next to him is my fella so no drool please, he’s Kel’Ren and there two friends Dar’Gall and Dagroth.  There visiting with us for a little while from out of town.  Sage waves and begins chewing on the end of her pony tail nervously.  Meagan says “Hi”  Ber’eall, Kel’Ren, Dar’Gall and Dagroth each incline there heads and say “Hello” in return.  Rayne says “If you two want to come in the kitchen and get a drink, we have tea, kool-aid or water.”  Sage says “We brought sodas but hadn’t gotten em’ out of Fawns car yet.  Sorry.”  Meagan asks “What flavor kool-aid?”  Meagan and Sage follow Rayne in the kitchen to get drinks.  Dar’Gall slowly steps around Ber’eall watching Sage and Meagan as they go in the kitchen.  He leans over a little to keep them in sight and almost falls.  Kel’Ren smacks him in the back of the head saying “Have some dignity warrior.”  Dar’Gall answers “Easy for you to say, Charity says your already taken cat boy.  I still need to meet someone, and I’m hoping I just did.” and glances back at the kitchen again.  Dagroth glowers at Dar’Gall and says “Stop acting like a wolf on the hunt, the one named Sage is timid and shy, I do not want you to frighten her away.”  Dar’Gall responds “I’m sure that’s something you want to do for your self?”  Ber’eall smacks him in the back of the head.  Dar’Gall growls “Why doses everyone keep smacking my head?”  Rayne, Sage and Meagan walk back in the room with there drinks and Rayne says “Probably because they know you.”  Meagan had just taken a drink and chokes a bit as she, along with everyone else chuckles at the comment.  Charity says “Ya’ll know I’ll take ya home when ever your ready right?”  “Thanks” Meagan says and Sage nods her head as she looks around at everyone, smiling shyly at Dagroth before ducking behind Meagan.  The doorbell rings again and this time it is the pizza.  Unfortunately the order isn’t even close to being right.  As the delivery guy hands Charity and Valarie the pizzas, Rayne opens some of the boxes and says “Mom, no way are we accepting these pizzas. Not only are they not what was ordered, but they are  burnt. Eww, jalapeños, and is that, uh, anchovies?  That’s just nasty.”   Valarie starts gathering the boxes back up as Charity stops the guy from leaving and asks Rayne to find her phone.  Valarie says, “There aren’t even ten pizzas like we ordered.  This is ridiculous.”  The delivery driver says “Hey, lady, I just take what they send.”  Rayne hands Charity her phone and Charity quickly dials the pizza joint “Hi, this is Charity Vans, I ordered ten pizzas, and the delivery guy just got here.  The order is all wrong and what he did bring is burnt.  CANCEL the charge to my card.”  The girl on the phone says “I’ll have to talk to the manager for that ma’am.”  Charity says “Then get the manager, now.”  The delivery kid tries to slip out the door but Ber’eall steps in front of the door effectively blocking it.  The kid swallows, hard.  Finally the manager gets on the phone “Ma’am, how may I help you?”  “I ordered eight meat lovers, a spinach and chicken, and a Hawaiian pizza.  I got six mystery burnt offerings.  The only recognizable things on them are jalapenos and possibly anchovies.  The delivery boy has an attitude and we have no food and a house full of company.  Now, how are you going to fix it?” Charity asks the manager in a surprisingly calm voice.  The manager says “Please give me just a moment to pull up your order here.  Ok, got it.  Hummm, did you happen to notice the name of the driver?”  “Yes” Charity says “We still have Kenny right here, the little weasel.”  The manager says “Kenny, ah, I believe I know what happened.  I apologize Ms. Vans.  If I’m not mistaken, you live fairly close to the collage area?  Our soon to be unemployed friend Kenny there has buddies on campus.  I see that the stack of stuff slated to go to the dumpster is gone too.  I’m pretty sure your order went to Kenny’s friends and he tried to slip you a stack of whatever he could and get out before it was found out.  I would like to offer to replace your order at no charge along with four desert pizzas.”  Charity says “Add two forty count wings and I’ll accept, otherwise I’m calling your district manager.  This is the third time this has happened to me in the last four months. You told me the same order switch story last time.”  The manager says “You drive a hard bargain Ms. Charity Vans, what flavor wings did you want?”  Charity smiles before answering “Lets have bar-b-q and garlic parm.  Remember to take the charge off my card.”  “Yes ma’am and we will have that replacement order to you in thirty minutes.”  “Thank you.”  Charity says sweetly and hangs up the phone.  “Kenny, take your trash back with you” Charity says as Valarie hands the stack of boxes back to the pissed off looking kid.  He takes the boxes and leaves without saying another word.   Charity says to the rest of the room.  “We will have a fresh order in about thirty minutes, free of charge.  Sorry for the delay in dinner.  Sage says “It’s not your fault the pizza was wrong, and we will live.”  then she blushes and ducks back behind Meagan again.  Valarie asks “So anyone want to watch a movie?”  Having never watched a movie, the four warriors simply look at Valarie blankly.  Meagan being her usual self says “I would rather talk and get to know these four big towers of handsome you have lining the wall in here.” and she gives a predatory smile.  Dar’Gall gives her the same kind of smile right back.  Charity looks at her and says “Yea know Meagan, it’s a shame your so shy and all.” and every one laughs.   Everyone finds seats in the living room then Rayne jumps back up and says “I might as well get the paper plates and a roll of paper towels for when the pizza gets here.  I’m hungry and don’t want any more delays.” Valarie says “Sounds like a plan to me babe.”  Ber’eall squeezes onto the end of the couch where Valarie is setting.  Kel’Ren is leaning on the wall next to where Charity is standing and Meagan and Dar’Gall are sitting on chairs next to each other already in there own conversation.  Dagroth takes a deep breath and smiles gently at Sage as he sits down in the chair next to her.  Though she looks like a cornered rabbit, she tries to smile at him.  Trying to help her out Valarie asks “Sage, any luck looking for a job?”  Giving up on the smile Sage answers “Not yet.  With no car , no high school diploma and no permanent address right now, no one wants to hire me.” and her shoulders slump.  Charity smiles at her and says “Don’t get down yet my friend, life is full of unexpected surprises, and some of them are even good ones.”  Thirty minutes after the first pizza mess, the doorbell rings again and the fresh pizzas are here.  This driver is a little older and the pizzas are done to perfection.  The wings and desert pizza are also correct.  Charity thanks the driver as she passes the last of the boxes to Meagan and Dar’Gall.  The coffee table was already cleared  so they sit the pizza boxes down and open the first few boxes and start handing out slices of pizza to everyone.  Ber’eall and the other males hesitate and watch the females to see how to eat the pizza.  Dar’Gall is the first to take a bite. “This is great!”  and he stuffs the rest of his first slice in his mouth all at once.  Dagroth reaches over and smacks him in the back of the head.  “Don’t eat like an animal.”  Dar’Gall growls but keeps chewing.  Everyone laughs and digs in to the pizza.  Conversation stops for a bit as everyone chows down.  Rayne is the first to finish, setting back with her hand on her very full stomach.  “I didn’t know I could eat that many slices”  A much braver Sage asks “Are there any wings left?” Dagroth snatches the last of the wings from Dar’Gall and hands them to Sage with a gallant bow.  Dar’Gall doesn’t even bother to complain.  He just finds another piece of pizza.  Sage only blushes a little as she says “Thank you” and happily bites into a wing.  Dar’Gall pokes through the boxes looking to see if there is any more pizza, there isn’t.  Meagan looks at him and says “You can’t possibly still be hungry.  You ate everything that couldn’t get away from you.  If I ate like that I’d be as big as a house.”  Without thinking Dar’Gall responds “It’s the shifter metabolism, I never get full, and have to work to keep from getting too thin.”  As he finishes speaking, he realizes what he said, along with everyone else in the room.  All conversation stops and everyone looks at him.  “I did not mean to say that.” he says quietly.  Meagan says “Please explain that and don’t make the mistake of thinking I’m stupid because I’m blond.”  Not knowing what to do to fix his mistake Dar’Gall looks at the other three High Alphas and takes a deep breath.  Charity opens her mouth to speak and Meagan cuts her off. “Don’t Charity, don’t make excuses.  I want the truth and I want it from Dar’Gall.” She looks back at Dar’Gall and continues “You said you have a shifters metabolism.   The four of you are bigger than any man I have ever seen, at least in real life and not an ounce of fat on any of you.  You talk strange, you obviously never had pizza before, and the clothes?  No way is that normal.  Who, or what are you.”  Dar’Gall takes a moment to gather his thoughts, then begins his explanation.  “I will tell you all truthfully, I only ask that  you listen with an open mind, and know we will not hurt any of you.  As I already let slip, we are shape shifters.  It is just as it sounds, we change or “shift” our shape.  Each of us shift to a different animal.  I am canine, Kel’Ren is Feline, Ber’eall is a Kodiak Bear, and Dagroth is a Dragon, though from what we have discussed with Charity and Valarie, not as your world pictures them.  We are from a different world.  Our people are on the brink of extinction and one reason is a lack of females.  Our Great Creator gave us a gateway to this world that we could come seeking mates.  These are the most basic facts.”  All four males sit quietly waiting for Meagan and Sage to react.  Meagan is quiet for the moment, going over what Dar’Gall said in her head and Sage has turned pail and a tear slowly rolls down her cheek.  Dagroth slowly walks to Sage and kneeling down in front of her, wipes the tear from her face and gently takes her hands in his.  “Sage, please do not fear me, I would protect you with my life.  None of us will harm any of you I promise.”  Sage, the most timid of all of them looks Dagroth straight in his eyes and says “Dagroth, I have never been attracted to anyone like I am you, but this is the craziest story anyone has ever told me, and for some strange reason, guys have told me some really crazy things over the years.  I need proof before I can even start to decide what to think of all this.”  Meagan looks at Charity and asks “Did you already know about this?”  Charity answers “They told us about it a little while before you came over.  The only reason I didn’t call and cancel our plans is because after what they told us, and showed us, I forgot there were any plans.”  Meagan, starting to have some reaction tells Charity, “You know, with all the time we have spent in group therapy together, I thought we were friends, but no friend would try to feed a friend this kind of crazy bull s**t.  I just want to know why you’d turn on us like this.”  Charity clenches her fists and forces her temper under control. “ I get that this sounds extremely crazy, but before you go accusing me or anyone else of doing you wrong, you need to listen to the facts.  They can actually prove what they have told you is true, if you can close your mouth and try to open your narrow mind for a few minutes.”  Meagan narrows her eyes and takes a breath but as she opens her mouth to say something back to Charity Dar’Gall cuts her off “Females stop fighting.  You are friends, do not throw that away because you have learned something that is hard to accept.  Now, Meagan and Sage, would it be easier for you to see the gateway, which Charity, Valarie and Rayne have yet to see or do you wish to see us change into our animal forms?  Meagan looks at Dar’Gall, then turns to Sage and says “What do you think Sage, should we give them the chance to prove they are animals or do you want to see a gate to another world.  Personally I think that no mater which one we pick there will be a reason they can’t show us right now because you can’t prove the impossible.”  As Meagan finishes speaking, a frustrated Dar’Gall steps directly in front of her and says “Watch me beautiful one.” and without waiting any longer he shifts.  There is a shimmer of light and his shape seems to blur for a second or two then there is simply a very large wolf standing where Dar’Gall was only a second before.  Meagan’s mouth drops open and she stares in shock for a second before she lets out an ear splitting scream.  Sage rushes to her and grabs her by the shoulders to get her attention as she shouts “Stop screaming!  It won’t do any good and will only give us all headaches, and maybe you a sore throat.  We both wanted proof, well, I’d say now we have it.”  Sage turns a little to glance over her shoulder at Dagroth, then back to Meagan “Do you think your ok now?  No more screaming?”  Sage rubs her hands up and down Meagan’s arms until she nods her head yes and says “Ok, I’m ok now.  Well, maybe not ok, but done screaming anyway.” and she gives a shaky smile to Sage and the room at large.  Sage steps away and walks back to Dagroth.  Meagan looks at the now canine Dar’Gall as he calmly looks back at her.  He is to big to be a normal wolf.  He has dark brown fur, lighter on his belly and chest.  His eyes are still the same amazing amber they were before he shifted.  Ber’eall says “Meagan, it’s ok to touch him if you want to, he won’t hurt you.  It’s still Dar’Gall and he understands everything anyone says, just with a animal mouth, we can’t really form human words.”  Slowly Meagan walks forward and reaches her hand out for Dar’Gall to smell.  Kel’Ren says “Meagan, he is still Dar’Gall, not some stray dog, I can  promise you he already knows your scent.”  Valarie says “Be nice Kel’Ren, let her figure it out her own way.  This is a lot to take in.”  Dar’Gall has taken a small step closer to Meagan and she is now exploring his fur covered body.  As Meagan is coming to terms with Dar’Gall’s shift, Dagroth looks at Sage and asks “Do you want to see my shifted form sweet Sage?  If so we will need to go in the kitchen, there is to much furniture and not enough room here.”  Sage asks “What do you turn into?”  Dagroth answers “A dragon, though from what Valarie, Rayne and Charity told us my dragon is different from what your world describes a dragon to be.  Though I am large in dragon form, I do fit in Valarie’s kitchen without breaking anything and the dragons of my world are mammals with soft warm fur which is a very good thing since we tend to live in the cooler areas or our world and the air is quite cool when we fly.”  Sage, still holding Dagroth’s hand says I want to see your animal. Dagroth smiles back at her and they walk in the kitchen.  He lets go of her hand and stands in front of the sliding glass door and faces her then shifts.  Again there is a shimmer of light and his shape blurs for a moment then he is a sleek silver dragon. After he shifts he lays down so he will be less intimidating.  Sage doesn’t seem scared at all surprisingly and walks up to him without hesitation.  She puts her hands on each side of his face and looks at his eyes. “Your eyes are still the same smoky gray.  I really like your eyes.”  Sage releases his head and begins exploring the rest of him.  His fur is silky soft and silver in color.  Though he can’t fully extend his wings in the kitchen, he dose hold one out enough that she can see how the fur on the wing is much shorter than the rest of his fur.  Sage further surprises Dagroth when she hugs him around his neck and sniffs his fur.  She giggles and says “What?  You smell good.  Not what I would have thought an animal would smell like though.  It’s a fresh smell, like a winter breeze, really fresh and clean smelling.  I love it.  I wish I could be a dragon like you and learn to fly, it must be amazing.” She says with a dreamy look in her eyes.  Dagroth gently pulls away from her hug and carefully nudges her to step back then shifts back to his man form.  “Sorry to break your hug but I wanted to talk and cant in dragon form.  I know we just met and I’m not trying to rush you but just so you know, if you decide to be my mate and come with me to my world, you will become a dragon to.  Now I’m not sure how much time it will take, we are the first four to come here seeking mates. The Great Creator told us that our mates would change after a while, but didn’t specify how long it would take.”  “Really?  That’s amazing.  I must be dreaming.  The most gorgeous guy I have ever seen says I can come with him and be his mate, which I’m guessing is like a wife? And that I will be able to change and become a flying dragon like him.  Yep, a dream, a really cool one though.”  Dagroth wraps his arms around her and kisses her neck.  “Silly female, this isn’t a dream and neither am I.  I like that you think me gorgeous though, and I think you are very beautiful with your light blond hair and sky blue eyes.  You have the cutes little nose I’ve ever seen.” and he smiles and kisses the end of her nose, then continues “I can promise to always love you and will do everything I can to make you happy but my world is not advanced the way your world is Sage.  We don’t have vehicles like you do on your world.  There is no electricity, the other females felt that was a very big factor and from what I have seen so fare I can understand that.  Our settlement is brand new and we haven’t even had time to put in plumbing yet.  We cook over fires.  Things won’t be as easy or convenient as they are for you here Sage, I don’t want you to be shocked or disappointed if you do decide to be my mate.”  Sage puts a finger on his lips, silencing him for a moment and says “Are you trying to talk me out of it now?  Have you changed your mind and no longer want me?”  “Oh, my sweet Sage, I definitely want you, what I don’t want is for you to get to my world and then regret it because things are so primitive, and they are primitive when compared to your world Sage.”  Valarie and Ber’eall wander into the kitchen and Valarie says “I thought I’d come in and see if everything is ok with you Sage.  How are you doing with all this?”  Still wrapped in Dagroth’s arms a slightly pink Sage answers “I’m ok with it.  I actually love his dragon even though the whole shape shifter thing being real will take a little time to get used to, it’s ok.  He thinks the fact his world is primitive will scare me off but it doesn’t.  I used to love to camp with my dad so it won’t be that bad, at least I don’t think it will be.  It’s not like I’ve never made use of a tree or bush before, just have to watch out for the poison ivy and occasional snake or spider.  I think I need to be honest with you in return though Dagroth, as wonderful as you seem to be, I do have another reason for already making up my mind to go with you.  I have an ex-boyfriend who is stalking me.  He has found me and almost killed me twice now.  Currently he is in prison, but will be out in a few months and I know he will find me again.  If I stay here he will find me again, and sooner or later he will manage to kill me like he has promised.  Yes, I understand that I am making a commitment to be your wife, and that your world will be primitive,  I can accept that.  It beets the hell out of staying here and waiting for him to finally kill me.  I’m telling you this because you have been honest with me and I think you deserve the same in return.”   Valarie says “Wow, I knew you had a violent ex but I didn’t know he had actually tried to kill you.  Since you said he will be out in just a couple months, I’m guessing trying to kill you isn’t what he got locked up for.”  Sage smiles at Valarie, “Nope, the idiot crashed his car while he was drunk and couldn’t get away cause he was pined in the car.  He already had several DWI’s so they locked him up for two years this time but he’s up for early release, I just don’t know how soon.”  Dagroth says “It is shocking to me that both of you females have been treated violently by males.  On our world such treatment of a female carries a punishment of death.  Females on Bergana Tellus are very rare and are cherished and protected.”  The rest of the group amble in the kitchen.  Rayne yawns and then asks “So is Meagan and Sage going back to the shelter or staying here and taking a trip out of this world with us?”   Meagan says “I’m in, going to this new world seems to be about the only way I can avoid picking a wife beating looser for a man.  My ex is the third one in a row that’s treated me this way.”  Dar’Gall asks “How can there be so many males on your world that would do this to a female?  I do not understand that at all.”  Charity says “Even though our world is more advanced as far as technology goes, in the long run it hasn’t been all that long that there have been laws against beating women.  Going back in history there were times and societies where it was accepted for a man to beat his wife and no one, well none of the other men seemed to think anything of it.  Since the men ran everything and women had no say on how things were done, well, it didn’t change quickly that’s for sure.  Now even though there are laws they are not always enforced like they should be and women still are beaten to death.  Some guys go to prison for that but some are able to cover up what they have done.  You guys seem to really value honor, here on this world there are people that like you value honor and treating others with respect, but there are also way to many who don’t have any honor or morals of any kind.  Some are just selfish and don’t care if someone else gets hurt, then there are the truly evil ones who get off on hurting others.”  Valarie says “Don’t think everyone is like that, but there are a few and they are sneaky b******s, good at staying hidden.  That’s how they get away with the things they do for so long.  It will be worth giving up modern conveniences to be safe, at least for me it is.”  Rayne whoops “Yea, I’m glad you decided to go with Ber’eall Mom, I wanted to go and escape dad to.”  Valarie says “I know that dear, and that helped me decide, I want you safe where you wont have to worry about you dad hitting you any more, and you aren’t likely to end up with a husband that would do the same.  This will keep us both safe and give us a new kind of life.”  Charity says “Well I guess this means we are all in then cause no way am I letting my best friends go without me.  My ex wasn’t as bad as Valarie’s or Sage’s but well, I really like the cat boy over here.” and she hugs Kel’Ren who kisses the top of her head. Rayne says “Hey Charity you get to be cat woman.”  All the women laugh at that, where the guys not knowing the movie reference just look confused.  Meagan says “Well, unless we are going right this minutes, I suggest we get some sleep now and take care of any last minute plans in the morning.  Ber’eall says “This is a good suggestion Meagan, it is unknown when Sage’s ex male will be free to find her, and although the other Alpha’s and I would be quite capable of stopping him, permanently if need be, for the sake of avoiding undue attention, it is probably best if we leave very soon.  Let us all find a place to sleep for the rest of this night.  We will gather what ever you are taking with you and leave in the morning.”  Valarie and Rayne dig out all the extra blankets and pillows they have and Charity and Kel’Ren go back to Charity’s house taking Dar’Gall and Meagan with them since she has a spare bedroom at her house as well as more blankets and pillows.  Dagroth and Sage make use of the third bedroom Valarie has that isn’t being used.  Rayne gives her mom a hug and says “I am so excited mom, thank you for doing this.  I love you and night.”  With that everyone goes to bed.  In the privacy of Valarie’s bedroom Ber’eall looks at a very nervous Valarie and says, “Do not be nervous Valarie, I understand that we do not know each other well yet, we have only just met today.  Though I want very much to hold you in my arms, I will not seek anything more from you yet.  Rest in my arms Valarie, and know that you are safe with me.”  Valarie responds “Thank you for understanding Ber’eall” and they both climb in bed and he wraps his arms around her and they drift to sleep.

© 2013 Veronica

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Awesome writing, Congratulations

I think you are saying something very deep, something is hidden, and sewn deep within you. You are not sure whether to emote with that which you are feeling.

wondering what provoked this,

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


11 Years Ago

Thank you so much for taking the time to read some of my writing and for your feedback. It is very .. read more

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1 Review
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on September 29, 2013
Last Updated on September 29, 2013



Melbourne, AR

50 year old single mother of two boys. I have just started writing so i'm new to the craft. I have a creative imagination and am enjoying learning to write. There's a big learning curve but I know .. more..
