![]() Bergana Tellus, Chapter SixA Chapter by VeronicaChapter Six Rayne asked “You said there are almost no women, or females as you put it, why are there so few?” Dagroth answers “The number of male verses the number of female cubs has always been very unbalanced on Bergana Tellus with perhaps twenty male to one female born. Add to that the fact that though we don’t include females in battle, there were attempts to steal females in the past and other times when enemies would attack a den and then the females were as much at risk as anyone else in the den. All warriors try to protect females, but sometimes they were injured and killed during attacks on dens. All these things led to there being almost no females left on our world. Without females coming through the gateway, our races will no longer survive.” Ber’eall commented “It is sad that it had taken us coming to the brink of extinction to finally realize we need to stop fighting and killing each other. If we can not convince females from your world to be our mates and come with us to Bergana Tellus, we will become extinct.” Charity asked “Just what kind of living conditions can a person expect if they were to come with you to your world? What type of technology do you have?” Kel’Ren asked “What do you refer to when you speak of technology?” Charity said “Everyday things, at least here, central air and heat, computers, cell phones, cable TV. A gas stove or an electric stove? A microwave, dishwasher?” The more things Charity listed, the more puzzled the looks on the shifters faces became. With drooping shoulders, Ber’eall said “None of those things are familiar to us. I noticed the box you took ice from? We don’t have such things.” Valarie asked “Do you have electricity at all?” A despondent Ber’eall answered “The only electricity on our world is lightening.” A very sober Valarie asked “What type of transportation do you have?” Kel’Ren answered “Our feet.” Rayne asked “Do you have indoor plumbing?” Dagroth answered “We do have running water, sort of, and established dens have plumbing of sorts though not at the same standard you have here.” Valarie asked “What do you mean not at the standard we have here? Please explain what you do have instead of making us play twenty questions.” Kel’Ren explained “We have only been in our new settlement three days. It is extremely primitive at this time. We can’t even put in plumbing until after we finish planting emergency crops. We are living in a large cave and haven’t yet built any buildings. Yes it will get better. When we do have plumbing, it is a hand pump over a sink, but in the den. You would not always have to haul water. We will be able to make flushing toilets, eventually, but at first we are stuck with outhouses. Our first priority is food, then we will work on tools, plumbing, and furniture. It is extremely rough now but I promise it will get better.” Valarie said “Outhouses, campfires and sleeping in a cave. Wow. Just wow.” Charity said “Yup, that about sums it up.” Rayne asked “Well, is it super hot or cold where you live?” At that question Ber’eall smiled before answering “Most of the year it is actually quite comfortable. We do have our hot months when we are glad of the shade and cool of the forest or our home, even if it is a cave but it’s not unbearable. Also there is the frozen months when the ground is covered in snow, the rivers are solid and a fur coat is a good thing to have. It is the perfect time to cuddle up by a fire with a mate, share stories with cubs. For cold food we have a cold cellar. We dig them fairly deep and during the frozen months we cut Ice from the rivers and lakes that we put in the cold cellars. If the cellar is made right, the ice lasts most if not all of the hot months. In this way we are able to keep food such as eggs, parm milk and meat longer. We also dry, can and smoke foods to preserve them.” Dar’Gall added “It is a comfortable life, or will be once we are able to put in some essentials like the plumbing and get some furniture built.” Dagroth said “We can’t give you all the technology you are use to in your world, but we can give you a world where you will not have to worry about being abused. Females and cubs are cherished and protected.” Valarie and Charity looked at each other and Rayne. Rayne smiled encouragingly before saying “Mom, we would have to leave pretty much everything we know behind and it would be like stepping back in time to something kinda like what the pioneers had maybe? I know it wouldn’t be easy Mom, but at least we would be safe from that creep who happens to be my Dad. I’m not telling you to be anyone’s mate, but if you do want to accept one of them, then I would totally support your decision and the idea of getting out of here for good. I love you and I’ll um, just go listen to some music in my room for a while.” With that she gave her mom a kiss on the cheek and left the for her room. Ber’eall said “It is not like you have to make a decision right this second Valarie. Even if you were to decide in my favor right this minute, Kel’Ren, Dar’Gall and Dagroth would still have to find females and convince them to be their mates as well before we will be able to leave. The more we learn the more we can help those who come through the gate after us, and just maybe we can learn things from your world that we can take back to make ours better, who knows?” Charity said “The first thing you have to learn is how to dress to blend in and how to get money so you can pay for food and shelter in this world. Right now you guys stick out like sore thumbs. (All four shifters glance at there thumbs curiously) No one can change from human to animal here and if someone sees you do that, they are liable to turn you over to the government who will turn you into science experiments.” Dagroth said “In our world we don’t have anything called money though on occasion we will trade with each other. For the most part what ever we need we hunt it, grow it or make it ourselves.” With a smile Charity said “Valarie, doesn’t everything look more romantic in candle light? With that thought, we should have very romantic lives, he he he.” Valarie countered “Or major eye strain. Have you ever tried to read, sew or even do dishes by candle light when the power has gone out?” Dagroth said “We are familiar with candles but they are not how we light our dens. Crystals abound on our world and there are two very common crystals that when put together make a great light source, last forever, or at least an extremely long time, and don’t make a mess like candles do. The crystals also give off better light than candles.” Valarie said “Now that sounds handy, are you sure they don’t give off some sort of radiation that could make people sick?” Dagroth answered “We have used them for as many generations as we can remember, and we live for eight hundred years or better so I’m pretty sure they won’t hurt us.” Charity said “Eight hundred years? Wow, just wow. Well, if we could get over the loss of all our electric gadgets, air-conditioning and a few other things; …. Imagine a world with no pollution. Now that would be a nice change. Think about all the breathing problems and allergies we have now. How much of it would we be able to get rid of with out all the air pollution?” Valarie countered “How much would we just not be able to treat with out doctors and medicine?” Charity asked “When did you become such a pessimist?” Valarie answered “Latent talent just now emerging, who knew?” and smirked. All the males in the room burst out laughing at the two females who, after a paused, join in. Valarie looked at her friend Charity and said “Charity, I think our plan for the night is pretty much shot, how bout you?” Charity replies “Yea, but the best thing about plans is that they can be changed.” Valarie rolled her eyes “Fine, so what’s the new plan Sunshine?” “Well,” Charity answered “I think we should start with getting everyone some dinner including our new and sometimes furry friends here.” The sound of Valarie’s stomach growling is followed by the sound of Ber’eall’s growling even louder. A blushing Valarie said “Sounds like a good place to start, but I don’t think we can afford enough pizza for everyone cause these are some big boys here.” Charity said “Well, it is the weekend and there are some good specials going at the pizza joint, plus the coupons I have, I think we can squeeze out enough money between the two of us for this. After that we will have to go shopping for some major groceries though.” “Let me check my checkbook” Valarie said and grabbed her purse off the counter. Ber’eall looked at the other males “I do not like this, we should be providing for the females, not them for us.” Kel’Ren said “I understand my friend, but the females know how their world works, we do not. We will find a way to contribute but it won’t be tonight. For tonight we must swallow our pride, and learn from the females as they provide dinner for all of us.” Dar’Gall said “Unfortunately Cat Boy here is right.” “Thanks, dog breath” Kel’Ren threw back. Dagroth calmly stepped behind Dar’Gall and Kel’Ren and knocked there heads together. “Behave boys.” Charity said stepping beside Dagroth and smiling. Charity and Valarie managed to scrape up enough cash for a massive pizza order and Valarie hollered for Rayne to come back in the kitchen for a second. “Rayne, what toppings do you want on your pizza?” Valarie asked her. “Spinach, chicken and mushrooms, as always.” Charity said “You should have known that Valarie.” Valarie answered back “The one time I don’t ask will be the time she want’s something different so don’t start with me. I suppose you want your usual Hawaiian?” “You know it girlfriend.” Charity answered. Valarie asked the men “What kind of pizza do you want?” After looking at each other Ber’eall said “We have never had this food before, but we like lots of meat if that helps.” Valarie smiled “Believe it or not, it does help” She looked at Charity and added “Eight meat lovers for them?” Charity nodded her head, “That should work.” Valarie grabbed her cell phone and called in the order. After an akwerd moment where everyone is just standing looking at each other, Charity said “Now that dinner is on the way, it’s time to start figuring out what to do with you men. I’m not talking about whether or not Val or me are ready to go with you, for now I’m talking about the basic things like clothes that blend in so you can be seen without someone thinking there is something strange about you, well other than the fact that you are taller, and better built than most body builders; but still clothes will help, and shoes.” Valarie said “They are also going to need to have a basic, very basic understanding of how our society functions, the roles of men and women, what they do, how they act and interact.” Rayne added as she strolled back in the kitchen “They are also going to need to understand how to deal with the most common household things like the microwave, phones, Tvs, things we take for granet but it will look very strange if they don’t know how to use them. The hand dryer in a bathroom or flushing toilet even. Light switches and doorbells. They can’t be supprised by cars or computers ether.” Charity looked at Valarie and asked “Where are we going to have them bunk down? What about when we have to go to work Monday?” Rayne grinned “So does this mean we’re keeping them?” Valarie said “They are not pets dear, and even though I know it’s crazy, yes they can stay with us and we will help them.” Rayne shrugged then said “It’s not crazy Mom, they protected us when Dad did what he always does and, well I don’t know how to put it in words but there’s something special about them.” Valarie hugged Rayne and said “Yes, there really is something special about them.” Ber’eall and the other three warriors can’t help smiling when they hear Valarie agree with Rayne. The doorbell rang and Valarie said “Pizza can’t be here already, it hasn’t even been ten minutes.” Charity hit the heel of her hand on her forhead “I forgot, I invited Sage, Fawn and Meagan from my therapy group for moovie night tonight. S**t. Now what do I do.” Valarie grinned and said “Let them in? Who knows maybe they’ll like Dar’Gall and Dagroth.” Charity shrugged and went to the door. Kel’Ren said “Don’t forget me” and Charity told him “Your already taken Cat Boy” and winked at him. Kel’Ren looked thunder struck as Charity turned back to the door and opened it, letting in her friends.
© 2013 Veronica |
Added on September 29, 2013 Last Updated on September 29, 2013 AuthorVeronicaMelbourne, ARAbout50 year old single mother of two boys. I have just started writing so i'm new to the craft. I have a creative imagination and am enjoying learning to write. There's a big learning curve but I know .. more..Writing