![]() Bergana Tellus, Chapter FiveA Chapter by VeronicaChapter Five There were four stone plates, two on each side of the gate. The Alphas each placed a hand on one of the plates and the gate activated with a shimmering, swirling light. Taking a deep breath to fortify themselves, Kel’Ren, Dagroth, Dar’Gall and Ber’eall stepped forward into the swirling light of the gate. They felt a slight tingle on their skin but it is not painful. They took about twenty paces then emerged from the gate into a different world. They were in a lightly forested area that quickly gave way to the strangest looking structures the shifters had ever seen. Without words the four shifters hung back in the wooded area and observed this new world to see what they would learn. After an hour they pulled back further into the woods when they heard the sound of people coming out of one of the buildings. Kel’Ren said “I know we need to watch the people so we can find mates, but we also need to be careful and we should find a place to remain hidden while we learn of this world and find our mates.” “True” Ber’eall agreed “Since we have no way to know how long this will take, we are going to need to hunt for food. I recommend two of us continue to observe the people while the other two search for a hidden place to set up camp and hunt for food.” Dagroth, Dar’Gall and Kel’Ren all agreed. It was decided that Kel’Ren and Ber’eall would find a secure camp site and food while Dagroth and Dar’Gall watched and learned about the people. After an hour, Kel’Ren and Ber’eall returned to the others with the bad news that not only was there not a good camp site, but there aws no safe drinking water anywhere near by. The wooded area turned out to be rather small, not going far in any direction before other buildings and things they didn’t recognize took over the land. The only water they found was stagnant, and filled with garbage. The smell was awful. Dagroth and Dar’Gall filled Ber’eall and Kel’Ren in on what they have seen. Dar’Gall said “These buildings seem to be dens for very small families. We did notice that two of the dens that are beside each other do not seem to have any adult male. At least not that we have seen so far. Those two dens also do not seem to be in as good of repair as the others.” Dagroth said “Since there is no safe drinking water or shelter and this wooded area is too small for us to remain undetected for long, I recommend that we approach one of the two dens.” Ber’eall asked “Which of the two dens should we approach?” Before anyone could answer a female walked out of the back door of one den and across the yard to knocked on the clear but apparently solid entryway of the second den. It was a large, rectangle shape clearly large enough to walk thorugh and when the female knocked on it, it rattled but did not break. A female opened the solid clear door by sliding it sideways and let the first female in sliding the door closed. Kel’Ren smiles and said “I suggest we approach the den where both females currently are.” “That does seem to be a good suggestion at this point.” Ber’eall agreed with a roll of his eyes. The four High Alphas looked around, saw no one else around so they cautiously walked to the back of the den where both females are inside. Dagroth, Dar’Gall, and Kel’Ren stay a foot behind Ber’eall as he stepped up to the clear door and knocked, being careful not too hit it to hard. Though solid the clear sliding door doesn’t look very strong. A female came to the door and opened it part way, looked up at Ber’eall and waited for him to speak. The other female came up behind the first and both glanced around Ber’eall at his three large companions then back to the very large Ber’eall, still waiting for him to say something. “Hello Female. I am Ber’eall and my fellow warriors are Dar’Gall, Kel’Ren, and Dagroth. We are travelers, new to this area and could find no water for drinking. Could you please tell us where we may find safe drinking water?” Kel’Ren stepped forward and added “We have searched the small wooded area behind these dwellings and found only a small amount of water but it was foul. There is no game to hunt for food.” Ber’eall had continued to look at the first female who answered the door. She was perhaps five foot four inches tall with gold hair that gently curled to her shoulders. She had a heart shaped face and beautiful blue eyes with just a hint of gray. Her figure was lushly curved, perhaps two hundred and twenty pounds. Ber’eall had never been so drawn to a female and was mesmerized. Fortunately for him, the female seemed to be just as taken with him as he is with her because she was staring at him in much the same way. Ber’eall was six foot eight inches tall with straight dark brown hair that shines as it flows down his back to his shoulder blades. He had a masculine face, rectangle shaped with prominent cheekbones and a Roman nose. He had wide shoulders with strong muscular arms. His waist and hips were lean and his legs long. Kel’Ren, Dar’Gall, Dagroth and the second female all struggled to contain there mirth as they watched Ber’eall and the first female continue to stair at each other in a dazed fashion. The second female was five foot seven inches tall and two hundred and fifty pounds. She had short brown curly hair that bounced around her head and sparkling green eyes. She stepped forward around her still staring friend and reached her hand forward to Kel’Ren as he worked his way around a not moving Ber’eall. Kel’Ren was six foot six inches tall with golden brown hair to his shoulders and brown eyes that have flecks of gold. He was two hundred and seventy five pounds of solid muscle. He saw her outstretched hand and grasped her forearm in the same greeting he would give a warrior on his home world. He could tell his greeting was slightly off from the look on her face. “I am Charity and my suddenly mute friend here is Valarie.” Charity introduced herself and Valarie. With a start of surprise Valarie and Ber’eall finally broke eye contact as everyone heard a car screech to a stop on the street in front of Valarie’s house. Valarie’s daughter ran from the living room into the kitchen and yelled “Mom, its Dad and he looks really pissed.” Before anyone could say anything else there was the sound of breaking glass and a man’s voice that shouted “Valarie, you b***h, I told you we weren’t done till I say we’re done. I warned you that if the courts messed with my pay I‘d come take it out of your hide didn‘t I you stupid cow. Now here’s my check stub and they done went and took money away from me for that good for nothing brat you claim is mine.” As he stormed through the living room they heard the crash of the end table and lamp before he made it into the kitchen. Valarie and Rayne both looked as if all the blood has been drained from their faces which were white as a sheet and even as she held Rayne in her arms both of them were shaking. Charity was franticly digging through her purse trying to find her cell phone. Rayne’s dad, Chet grabbed Charity’s purse out of her hands and backhanded her sending her falling back through the open sliding glass door. Everyone had forgotten the four huge men sanding outside the door watching the drama unfold. Kel‘Ren caught Charity as she fell through the open door. He carefully set her back on her feet and waited till she was steady before he and the other three warriors maneuvered around Charity, Valarie and Rayne to stand in front of them. Kel’Ren reached out and grabbed Chet by his throat and lifted him with one hand. “No male should strike a female in such a manner. Tell her you are sorry and get out while you still can.” growled Kel’Ren set Chet back on his feet though not before they all noticed a puddle of piss form just under Chet’s dripping foot. Chet turned and ran out the front door he had smashed through such a short time before and he jumped in his car and tore down the street leaving strips of rubber for half a block. Charity stumbled over to Valarie and Rayne and the three women held each other as they collapsed in a pile on the floor and cried for a moment until they realized the four huge strangers had knelt in a half circle around them. In a deep, rumbling voice warm as honey Ber’eall said “You are safe now females. We will protect you. No male has a right to treat a female in such a manner. You are safe now, we can protect you and will not harm you. This I vow.” Charity, Valarie and Rayne dry there tears and struggled to pull themselves together. Rayne said “Wow, they are big, who are they Mom?” Valarie responded “Um, I don’t actually know who they are Rayne honey. They had just knocked on the back door and were asking uhm, well, they asked something, but I can’t seem to remember what it was now.” Valarie looked around and realized they were still sitting on the kitchen floor where they had collapsed when Kel’Ren ran Chet off. She began untangling herself from Rayne and Charity and got to her knees fixing to get to her feet. Ber’eall reached out a hand to steady her and help her up as he also rose at the same time. Ber’eall then reached a hand to Rayne and Kel’Ren reached a hand to Charity helping them to their feet. Ber’eall smiled and said “I am Ber’eall and these are my fellow warriors, Kel’Ren, Dagroth, and Dar’Gall.” Rayne whispered “Wow.” Kel’Ren looked at Charity and asked “You were struck female, are you well?” Valarie said “Oh Charity, let me get you an ice pack for that.” as she noticed that Charity’s jaw and cheek were starting to swell and bruise. As she turned to the fridge, she saw the puddle on the floor and commented “Euww, guess I better get the mop after I get the ice for you Charity. I have never seen Chet scared of anyone before. Thank you for that and for protecting us. Um, can you gentlemen have a seat at the table over there and we can talk in a couple minutes.” Valarie stepped around the mess on the floor and Rayne joined her and said “I’ll get the ice for Charity Mom but you get the mess if that’s ok with you.” “Ok, thanks Rayne and get her some aspirin for the headache.” Valarie answered her daughter. Valarie got the mop bucket and mop from the utility closet and filled it with a disinfectant soap and hot water and quickly cleaned the mess on the kitchen floor. Once the mess was taken care of Valarie realized though the men introduced themselves, she hadn’t returned the gesture yet so she said “Gentlemen, I am Valarie and this is my daughter, Rayne as well as my friend Charity. Thank you for rescuing us from my ex-husband, Chet. Rayne, now that introductions are out of the way would you please clean up what ever he broke in the living room while Charity and I talk with our rescuers?” Rayne said “Mom, I’m fourteen, you don’t have to send me out of the room every time something interesting finally comes up. Seriously.” When Valarie simply stared her down, Rayne gave a dramatic sigh and stomped from the room. “Teenagers are so much fun.” Charity deadpaned. Valarie ignored her friend and said “So, Ber’eall, and friends, why don’t you have a seat and tell us about your selves and why you’re hear because I really don’t think you are from around here. I also don’t think you are quite what I would call normal.” Ber’eall glanced at the other High Alphas before beginning his explanation. “You are correct when you said we are far from being normal for here Valarie. The truth will require you to keep an open mind, and know that we can prove what we tell you is true. We will not harm you but we do ask that you please keep our secrets.” At this point Kel’Ren said “Get on with it or let some one else tell it Ber’eall.” Ber’eall looked at Kel’Ren and said “Fine, you do it if it is so easy Cat Boy.” Ignoring Ber’eall’s last comment, Kel’Ren said “We are from a different world. The Great Creator provided us with a gateway so we could come here looking for females willing to come back to our home world with us as our mates.” After a moment Ber’eall prodded “And….” turning back to Kel’Ren making it clear he was to finish. With a huff Kel’Ren said “And we are animal shifters meaning just what it sounds like , we can each shift our form into an animal. See big bear baby, that wasn’t so hard.” Charity looked at the men, then at Valarie and told her “You have got to quit letting crazy people in your house Val.” Valarie replied “First, I didn’t actually let them in and secondly you couldn’t come in if I did that Charity. Now, Ber’eall you said you could prove what you say is true, so prove it.” Ber’eall asked “Do you wish to see the gateway first or see each of us shift to our animal form. We are each a different animal. If you want us to shift, you must promise to keep in mind that it is still us and we will not hurt you. We can understand everything you say just as we do in our man form.” Charity said “Oh, lets see them shift since we don’t have to leave the room for that. Wait let me guess, there’s some reason why you cant do it right now isn’t there.” she finished with sarcasm. Ber’eall simply smiled, stood and walked a few steps from the table then turned back to face the females. There was a slight blurring and shimmer of light and then there was a huge Kodiak bear where Ber’eall had been standing. The other three Alphas calmly stood, walked a few steps from the table and change there shapes. Both women sat stunned for a couple minutes before Valarie slowly got up and walked over to Ber’eall. She reached a shaky hand out to touch the fur on his shoulder because she could not reach his head. A slightly pale Charity hung back by the edge of the table which was tight against the wall or there wouldn’t have been room for the shifters. She watched as Valarie touched Ber’eall and he gave a soft chuffing sound. Ber’eall carefully changed from sitting to laying down so Valarie could reach more of him. She ran her hands along his shoulders and back marveling at how good his fur felt. After a moment she looked at Dagroth, Dar’Gall and Kel’Ren and smiled. She looked back over her shoulder and said “Come on Charity, touch one of them and see for yourself. You’re the one who told them to shift so they did. Don’t wimp out now.” Charity squared her shoulders and slowly walked up to Kel’Ren. As she approached him, he lay down so she would be less afraid and to make it easier for her to touch him. Charity smiled as she reached out and stroked the top of his head, behind his ears and down his shoulders. Neither woman had seen any large cat quite like Kel’Ren, he looked like a cross between a tiger and a leopard and was massive. As Charity became more comfortable touching him, Dar’Gall scooched closer so she could touch him too, so she does. Valarie was now petting Dagroth’s dragon and examining his wings in wonder. Charity glanced at Valarie and asked “Is it possible that we read too many fantasy romance books and are sharing a hallucination?” With a giggle Valarie answered “Don’t think so. Ber’eall, you weren’t kidding when you said to keep an open mind, were you. Wow. Just wow.” Even as she was petting Kel’Ren and Dar’Gall Charity was still having trouble accepting what she had seen and said “I saw it and I just don’t know how to wrap my head around it. How is this real?” Kel’Ren turned his big head to look at her and surprised her when he licked up the whole side of her face. She stepped back rubbing the side of her face with her forearm and said “Euww, no kitty treats for you.” Rayne wandered back in the kitchen looking down at her phone as she texted. Then she looked up and saw her mom standing between a giant bear and a dragon about the same size. Well she thought it might be a dragon but it had fur. Aren’t dragons supposed to have scales and be lots bigger than that? Next is a humongous cat of some kind and then Charity and a huge dog just as big as the dang cat. “Mom, when did our kitchen become a petting zoo for freakishly large animals? And where did the four hot guys go.” Valarie stepped away from Ber’eall and Dagroth and said “Rayne, don’t freak out ok? Guys, you better change back. Charity stepped away from Kel’Ren and Dar’Gall as the four shifters returned to their man forms. Rayne hollers “Holy s**t, no way” Valarie looked at Rayne and said “Normally Rayne, I would yell at you for cussing, but this once I think I will actually give you a free pass on it, just don’t tell anyone about what you just saw. No one can know what these men can do, ok?” “Don’t worry Mom, I won’t say a thing, I don’t want everyone thinking I’m crazy. It’s bad enough I’m starting to wonder myself. I’m really looking forward to hearing more about this. Wow, just wow.” At that all six adults laughed. Rayne looked confused and Charity explained “That’s exactly what your mom said when she found out. You two are sooo related With a mischievous smile Rayne said “Hey Mom I‘ve been wanting a pet for a while, can we keep one of them?” Valarie answered “Cute Rayne, real cute.” All four of the shifter High Alphas chuckled, then Ber’eall quipped “Or you could come back to my world with me as my mate Valarie. Then you would not need a pet.” Valarie answered “I would never leave Rayne like that, not for a man, or a pet.” Ber’eall dropped all humor answered “I would not expect you to leave her behind. Rayne would come with us as my daughter. I would protect, care for and provide for the two of you from this time forward.” “Oh.” Valarie said. “Just what world are you talking about now? I somehow think I must have missed this part of things when I was out of the kitchen.” Rayne asked. “Yea” Charity said “we really didn’t cover that part much, we were busy with the giant petting zoo.” The four shifters laughed at that. Dagroth said “The name of our world is Bergana Tellus and our Great Creator made a gateway to this world because we are on the brink of extinction with a low population and almost no females. We have made war on ourselves for centuries and it has brought us to this point. Now, we can not survive without the help of females willing to come back with us as our mates. Any cubs a female has will be accepted by the warrior as his own. When the female and cubs go through the gateway to our world with us, their life span will be changed to match ours and after the mate bonding ceremony, over time the female and cub will become able to shift to be like the warrior the female bonds with. For the chance to have a mate and cubs, we have stopped making war and are now learning the ways of peace. We have written the Book of Law. Hopefully with everyone following the same basic set of rules and punishments, we can cut down on fighting and start building friendships and communities with those who we fought for so many centuries. It is past time for us to stop killing each other and start learning about each other, both the things we have in common and the things that make us different. Now, I can ramble about my home world for an extended time, or you can ask questions about things you actually want to know.” Dar’Gall said “Ask questions, please ask questions, I don’t want to hear him keep rambling.”
© 2013 Veronica |
Added on September 29, 2013 Last Updated on September 29, 2013 AuthorVeronicaMelbourne, ARAbout50 year old single mother of two boys. I have just started writing so i'm new to the craft. I have a creative imagination and am enjoying learning to write. There's a big learning curve but I know .. more..Writing