![]() Bergana Tellus, Chapter FourA Chapter by VeronicaChapter Four Ber’eall and his chosen reached the site of the gateway to worlds mid morning. They were the second group to arrive. The dragon High Alpha and his chosen had arrived late the night before. The two High Alphas greeted each other by grasping right forearms. Dagroth, High Alpha of the dragon shifters said “Welcome Ber’eall, have you and your chosen had first meal?” Ber’eall answered “A very light and hasty first meal was had, we were eager to get here and be done with our traveling. We would not turn down a cup of tea since you already have a fire going, if you are offering?” “I am offering, the tea is hot and ready along with some fruit we gathered on the way before we got here. You and your chosen are welcome to join us and refresh yourselves before we all begin the task of setting up shelters and gathering food. “Chosen of the dragons, meet the Chosen of the bears. Share tea with them and get to know them for we have much work to do together.” Each of the twelve dragon chosen stepped in front of a chosen of the bears and held out his right forearm. The bear chosen reach forward and grasp right forearms with the dragon chosen in front of them as they introduced themselves.” Several large logs were arranged around the camp fire the dragons had set up. Dagroth and Ber’eall sat on the same log giving each other plenty of space. Ber’eall dug his cup out of his travel pack. Dagroth poured tea in Ber’eall’s cup and refilled his own cup. He added honey to his tea and passed the honey to Ber’eall. All the chosen found seats and shared the tea and fruit as the leaders were doing. Dagroth and Ber’eall watched as their chosen made these first introductions. Ber’eall said to Dagroth “I suggest sending our warriors out in mixed teams to hunt and gather what we need. That way they can start getting to know each other as the work gets done.” “Good idea Ber’eall, otherwise they will stay with their own kind and continue to be uncomfortable around those of the different races. For peace to work they must get to know each other.” As they sit and drink the tea they saw that a few of the warriors were managing to share a joke or two enticing smiles from those around them of both races. Dagroth asked Ber’eall “Do you wish to tell them they are working as mixed teams or shall I?” Ber’eall said “You tell them and then let them choose their own teams. Any that do not manage to form a team on their own, we will assign a teammate. We will hand out the work assignment together so they see us working as a team.” “That will work my friend.” Dagroth said then addressed the chosen “Chosen, hear me. All of you need to form mixed teams. As you form your team come forward to receive your job assignment.” Most simply moved forward to pair with whom they had shaken forearms. There were two from each side that did not make such good first greetings so they traded places with each other to form the last two teams. Each team was quickly given their assigned tasks. Dagroth and Ber’eall walked up to the gateway. It was set into the side of a very tall cliff. The gate is large enough that all the shifters can use it in there animal form as well as there man form though it will be a close thing for the dragons who are the largest of all the shifters. The cleared area only goes maybe five feet past the gate along the face of the cliff. There is a water fall of probably 80 feet with a clear pool at the base which feeds the stream the dragons set there camp site next to. The gate is forty feet past the pool along the face of the cliff. Dagroth and Ber’eall both agree that this was the first thing to change. Since the last two teams were still not comfortable with each other, they were assigned to start clearing the land closest to the gate so the High Alphas could keep an eye on them to avoid conflict. Dagroth, Ber’eall and the assigned teams quickly started by pulling out all the loose wood like fallen limbs and small brush. All that made for quick and easy fire wood. As the two teams worked on that the other two High Alphas and their chosen arrived. The High Alpha of the felines, Kel’Ren came first with his chosen, quickly followed by the canine High Alpha Dar’Gall and his chosen. Dagroth and Ber’eall left clearing brush to the two teams and returned to the camp fire to welcome the new arrivals. Dagroth said “Welcome Kel’Ren, High Alpha of the felines and chosen of Kel’Ren.” Ber’eall added “Welcome Dar’Gall, High Alpha of the Canines and chosen of Dar’Gall.” Dagroth stepped in front of Kel’Ren and Ber’eall stepped in front of Dar’Gall, each extending his hand in greeting. Dagroth continued “We have hot tea and fruit for you to refresh yourselves from your travels.” Kel’Ren clasped Dagroth’s forearm and Dar’Gall grasped Ber’eall’s forearm in greeting. Kel’Ren and Dar’Gall both nod to their chosen as Ber’eall said “Chosen step forward and greet one another, sit and have refreshments.” After teach of the chosen has exchanged greetings with a chosen of the other race, all sat down and dug out there cups. Dagroth sat on a log with Dar’Gall while Ber’eall sat with Kel’Ren. Dagroth explained “ We have sent our chosen out in mixed teams to hunt and gather food and fire wood. Some of them should be returning soon so we can prepare a late second meal.” Kel’Ren said “This is good. I suggest we follow suit and have mixed teams of our chosen make three more camp fires and put on water for more tea as well as starting water pots for stew at each of the fires. They also need to find suitable stones for cutting and cleaning the meat and vegetables.” Kel’Ren and Dar’Gall told their chosen to make mixed teams and set up the three new fires, and to set up four fire sites to prepare second meal as the food is brought in. Before all three of the new fires were started, the dragon-bear teams started returning with the meat and vegetables the skilled warriors knew how to find in the forests. Most of the meat was hoppers, but one team brought down a large parm. The hoppers would be used for the stew while the whole parm carcass would be slow roasted on a spit over hot coals. With four fires, there will be plenty of hot coals to keep it cooking. The four High Alphas continued to have their chosen work in mixed teams to learn about each other as they did what needed to be done. As the last teams returned to the camp with the supplies they found, the second meal is ready to eat. Although the chosen had worked in the mixed teams as they were asked to do, they sat at separate fires for the second meal. The four High Alphas realized the chosen were not mixing as they sat for their meal but decide to let it pass, allowing the chosen time to relax and think on how things went as they worked in the mixed teams. Hopefully this would allow the chosen time to adjust and help keep tensions lower. The alphas want their chosen to mix and make friends but know not to push too hard too fast. After second meal is finished, teams are set up in groups of four, one of each race and jobs are again assigned. Most of the teams are to build temporary shelters for everyone, others are to clear more land around the expanding camp site. Those who were being most difficult about working with the different shifters, were given the job of digging the latrines far down wind from the camp. They are told to make them plenty deep, and to make many of them. It dose not pay to displease the High Alphas. With everyone working, the High Alphas start checking the cliff wall. They checked the gateway of worlds first in order to determine the best way to keep it secure, then how best to defend it if needed. As they continued to explore the cliff face they found several entrances to caves going back into the depth of the cliffs. They explored the caves for a good two hours, finding tunnels that connected larger chambers. There were two very large chambers close to the cliff face that would easily house all the High Alphas and all the chosen, allowing them time to better plan and organize themselves as well as the mixed community they are building for everyone. Finally the Alphas quit exploring for the evening and joined the chosen for the last meal of the day. The four Alphas sat at the original fire for there last meal so they could continue to talk and make plans for the following day. Most of the chosen still separated themselves to sit for the last meal, but a group of about eight who were mixed as work teams seemed to be well on their way to making friends and remained in a mixed group as they sat for their meal. Not surprisingly they sat at the same fire as the alphas. Just as the meal was finishing up, two shifters who had been assigned to the latrine digging got into a fight. The corresponding High Alphas separated the combatants after a few minutes of letting them work off there steam but before any real damage was done. The fighters were one of Ber’eall’s men and one of Kel’Ren’s men. Ber’eall said “You know we are here to make a community where we all work and live together. All have been warned that we will not tolerate fighting.” Kel’Ren picked up with “We are all warriors and have spent our lives fighting each other. Fighting is easy. It is learning to live together in peace that is hard but because we are all warriors, hard…is what we do best.” Ber’eall added “As punishment you will each receive 10 lashes with a whip.” Kel’Ren added “And I hope you are fond of latrine duty because both of you will continue with it tomorrow.” Since there was no central training yard with a convenient tying post, Bear’tall and Ketch’win were led to the edge of the clearing and made to face a tree and wrap their arms around the trunk. Their hands are tied to hold them there. Ber’eall and Kel’Ren stepped up behind Bear’tall and Ketch’win and gave the 10 lashes at the same time. With the punishment finished they were released and told to put healing salve on each others backs. The bad news ends up being that the only tub of healing salve in the whole camp is one half used tub that Ber’eall has in his travel pack. Ber’eall tossed the tub to Bear’tall and he and Ketch’win slowly walked to the stream where they cleaned themselves up and then applied the salve to each others back. Both were in too much pain to do any more fighting. Lesson learned. With last meal is cleaned up and everyone found a place to spread out there bedrolls for the night. There are no more fights this night. Dagroth, Ber’eall, Dar’Gall and Kel’Ren all wake up at dawn and make their way to the stream to bathe and dress. Each found a place to kneel facing the rising sun for a few minutes of prayer and meditation before beginning their day. They quietly made their way back to the fire sites, and gathered cook pots and tea pots to fill with water from the stream. They build fresh fires from the coals of the night before. Each added kell and tea to the appropriate pots. With the tea and porridge started the High Alphas looked at each other and grinned. Dar’Gall picked up a pot and spoon and banged on the pot very loudly. It was time to wake up the chosen. Pretty much all the warriors jumped out of bed grabbing for weapons before realizing there was no danger. As the camp came to life each of the alphas gathered at the original camp fire as others made it to tend the rest of the fires and cook pots. Being more awake than the rest of the camp, the four alphas settle in and talked as they ate their breakfast and enjoyed their tea. Ber’eall asked “What do you three think of setting up a central storage for basic supplies for the healing salve, kell, rafe flour, tell powder, honey. Combine all our supplies since we would be eating our meals communally now? We would be able to tell what we have and have a better idea of what we need to get.” Dagroth agreed saying “ That is a good idea though we will need pretty much everything to build up stores for the frozen months just as our dens, packs and prides should be doing now. They at least have a base point they are starting with and should have planted crops by now.” “True” said Kel’Ren, “our people should be ready to harvest the first crops soon but we have no crops to harvest. All we have with us is what we had in our travel packs. There is no way we can get to the frozen months on that never mind getting through the frozen months.” Ber’eall joined the conversation “I know it will be a damn close thing, but I think we should plant fields of the crops we need, try our hardest to find any patches of wild rafe, tell, or kell and pull in as much as we can in preparation for the frozen months. I know planting this late is a long shot but it’s the only thing we can do. We will work hard and pray harder. I don’t believe the Great Creator brought us together here with this gate and gave us hope just to watch us starve.” Dagroth said “I agree with you Ber’eall, I don’t think the Great Creator brought us this far to watch us starve either. “Ok” Dar’Gall said “We all agree we will plant crops as fast as we can manage it, now where will we put these crops and what will we use for seeds?” Ber’eall said “Hey, I came up with the idea, you get to work out the details.” With that he flashed a huge smile at Dar’Gall and all of them laughed easing the tension a little. Dagroth said “Did anyone have more than one healer in any of their communities?” After a lengthy pause Kel’Ren finally said “The best healer of my people had four students, I think the oldest and best trained of his students is ready to be healer in his own right. I will send word to Ka’vech asking that he send his best student to be our healer, as well as any supplies he can afford to send.” The Alphas continue brain storming as they finished their breakfast. One chosen of each race was sent to their people to gather any healing supplies, seeds, food and other items that can be spared. Though it would be faster to send dragons to fly to all the dens, and prides, for the needed supplies relations have not yet become comfortable enough for that to be done. Some dragons flew high and found land near the camp that would take less work to clear and plant for the needed crops. Half the chosen went to clear the land and ready it for the seeds while the rest were divided between hunting and moving the camp into the cave so time did not have to be spent on building shelters yet. With everything somewhat organized for the next several days, the High Alphas agreed it was time to activate and use the gateway for the first time. During second meal, High Alpha Kel’Ren stood and roared to gain everyone attention. “We have decided it is time to use the gateway for the first time and will activate it when we finish this meal. While we are gone to find mates we need those of you working on moving the camp into the cave to find chambers that can be private living and sleeping quarters for us to bring our mates to. Make sure they are cleaned out. We will be back with mates as soon as we can. We want two warriors to watch the gateway at all times while we are gone. Everyone else, first priority is getting the crops planted, then bringing in as much food and supplies as possible for the frozen months. Everyone knows what to do so get to it when you are through eating and remember, NO FIGHTING!.” With that the four alphas stood, picked up their travel packs, then walked to the gateway of worlds as the rest of the camp cheered.
© 2013 Veronica |
Added on September 29, 2013 Last Updated on September 29, 2013 AuthorVeronicaMelbourne, ARAbout50 year old single mother of two boys. I have just started writing so i'm new to the craft. I have a creative imagination and am enjoying learning to write. There's a big learning curve but I know .. more..Writing