Bergana Tellus, Chapter Three

Bergana Tellus, Chapter Three

A Chapter by Veronica

Chapter Three

The next morning, High alpha Ber’eall asks Benweth “Do you have everything you need for the challenge or do you need a couple of the males to carry anything for you?”  Benweth responded “It would be good if you would get them to set up a small table under the shade tree over there, and lay out a couple pallets with blankets.  Although I have my herbs and bandages and such, I don’t think I will need many because the few who are entering the challenge, well, I doubt they will give up as long as they are still alive.” “That’s true Benweth, however there is the possibility a challenger can be knocked unconscious, he would loose the challenge but still live that way.”  “Good point High Alpha.  I hope not many challenge Brawn’fen, he will be a good alpha and I don’t want to see a bunch of the other den warriors end up hurt or dead because they have more ambition then sense.”  Ber’eall ordered several of the younger warriors to set up the table and pallets as Benweth asked.  By the time everything was set up as Benweth wished the whole den was gathered around the training ring ready to witness the alpha challenge.  Brawn’fen walked up beside Ber’eall already warmed up and wearing just a pair of pants.  A moment later a warrior named Bip’rall stepped into the ring next to Brawn’fen and they were joined by a third named Bas’ren.  No others entered the ring to challenge for the alpha position.  Ber’eall stepped forward and said “Since there are only three, let all three fight at the same time.  You can fight in which ever form you choose, the last bear standing will be alpha.  Begin.”  Ber’eall very quickly backed out of the fighting ring as Brawn’fen, Bip’rall and Bas’ren formed a triangle facing each other.  Bip’rall and Bas’ren both tried to jump Brawn’fen at the same time.  Brawn’fen stepped to the left side dodging Bip’rall at the same time he punched Bas’ren in the face.  Between the punch and the momentum from both Bas’ren and Bip’rall jumping forward, they hit heads, hard.  Bip’rall was  dazed but Bas’ren was knocked out.  With Bas’ren unconscious, Bip’rall and Brawn’fen faced off.  As they moved in the fight circle, they both changed to their bear form and locked with each other in a vicious battle.  Though Bip’rall was heaver than Brawn’fen, he was nowhere near the fighter that Brawn’fen was. Bip’rall tried to take a bite of Brawn’ fens shoulder but ended up with a mouth full of fur instead.  As Brawn’fen dodged the bite he landed a deep slash of his claws across Bip’ralls back that quickly coated his fur in blood. Brawn’fen gave Bip’rall two chances to back down and submit, but Bip’rall refuses and again tried to rip out Brawn’ fens throat. Instead he ends up taking a chunk of flesh from Brawn’ fens shoulder.  At the same time Bip’rall nailed his shoulder, Brawn’fen twisted around and  grabbed the back of Bip’ralls neck in a solid bite, snapping his neck ending Bip’rall and the challenge.  Brawn’fen, still in his bear form stood on his back legs and roared, then returned to his man form.  Brawn’fen walked over to Ber’eall who said in a voice all can hear “Brawn’fen, by right of challenge you are now Alpha of Den three, lead well Alpha”  “Thank you High Alpha. Now I will see Benweth for a couple minutes and get patched up.”  Turning to the rest of the den still gathered Brawn’fen said “The pyre for Bip’rall will be in one hour.”  As Brawn’fen sat on a pallet while Benweth cleaned his wounds and applied healing salves he glanced at the other pallet and asked “How is Bas’ren?”  Benweth said “He ended up with a knot on his head where he and Bip’rall hit heads, and his  jaw bone is cracked but he will be alright.  That bear is too hard headed for any real damage to be done.”  Brawn’fen said “I am glad he isn’t badly hurt and thank you for taking care of us Grandma.”  With that he gave Benweth a hug then headed to his sleep chamber to finish cleaning up from the fight.  Everyone returned for the funeral pyre.  Brawn’fen stepped forward, took a fortifying breath then speaks.  “Bip’rall lived with honor as a warrior; he died as a warrior.  Brother warrior, may your journey to the land of ancestors be swift.”  With that Brawn’fen accepted a burning torch handed to him and lit the pyre.  Everyone stood quietly for a few moments to honor and remember Bip’rall: then all but those assigned the task of watching and tending the funeral pyre headed back to their tasks for the day.  

Bella and Bajena joined Benweth as she gathered her supplies from her temporary first aid station to return them to her healing chamber.  As the younger females helped Benweth, Bajena asks “ Grandma, Bella and I have noticed the grain is in need of harvesting, yet no one has bothered to harvest it, and we are unable to get any of the warriors to gather extra supplies to store for the frozen months.  If things continue this way, there will not be enough supplies for the frozen months this year.  No one is willing to listen to Bella and me so can you talk to our new Alpha about it?”  Just as she finished her question Ber’eall and Brawn’fen walked up behind her and Brawn’fen asked “ What ever is on your mind, go ahead and ask Bajena.”  “Alpha, Bella and I have asked several warriors to gather extra supplies for the frozen months and no one is willing to work on it.  Also the grain is ripe in the field but no one is bothering to harvest it.”  Bella added “Bajena and I are doing all we can preparing the daily meals and cleaning the common areas of the main den.  We can’t even find the time to take proper care of the garden behind the kitchen we are so busy.  We will not have near enough food stored for the frozen months.”  “Who helps you females with all the den work and cooking?” asked Brawn’fen.  Both females answered “No one Alpha.”  “I see changes are needed in our den.  I foolishly assumed that as warriors everyone would see what needed doing and pitch in.  Apparently I was wrong.  How many do you need to help for now and for tonight’s dinner?”  Bella smiled “Three would be good, four better.”  Ber’eall chuckles as Brawn’fen answered “I will send four males to help you right away females.  I will also see to it that everyone gets very serious about harvesting the grain and bringing in supplies for the frozen months.”  Both females said “Thank you Alpha” at the same time and then quickly headed to the kitchen to get to work, much happier with the knowledge that help will be coming.  Benweth smiled as she watched the younger females hurry away. “They did well to bring these problems to your attention alpha, I have been off gathering healing herbs and other things have been on my mind but even I have noticed that when you and Bek’fen were not right here watching, no one is organized the warriors and very little work was done.  Your brother was my grandson as you are, and I loved him but you will be very busy correcting problems that have been allowed to get out of hand in this den Brawn’fen.  The good news is I believe you are up to the task and will be a excellent alpha.”  “Looks like you really will have your hands full getting ready for the frozen months and getting the warriors in your den organized.”  Ber’eall said.  “I can not put all the blame on my brother, as his Beta I should have done a better job making sure things were getting done around the den.”  “It is good that you are willing to accept your share of the responsibility for the current state of your den and not simply say it was all Bek’fens fault.  You are willing to learn from your mistakes and that can only help you to become a better leader.  Let us walk around and see what condition your den is actually in and what needs to be done.  Who is, and isn’t willing to work.” Ber’eall said.  “You are right High Alpha. I need to pick four males and send them to help in the kitchen right away as I said I would.  I did not realize how over worked the females had become.”   They walked to the training yard and found most of the warriors there.  Brawn’fen pointed to a group of four males doing nothing more than talking as they watched others target practicing and said “The four of you come here.”  The males hurry over to the alphas.  “Yes Alpha?”  “For the rest of the day and evening, including clean up, the four of you are to help the two females with cooking and cleaning and anything else that they need you to do.  I will check with the females later and if you give them any trouble at all, or do not help them as I have told you to, you will suffer sever consequences.  Do you understand?”  “Yes Alpha” one of the four males said as they turned and walked off in the direction of the kitchen.  Brawn’fen walked to the center of the training area and said, “Everyone listen up.  Changes have to be made in this den starting right now.  No one is working on harvesting or bringing in stores for the frozen months as we should have been.  That changes now.  Bas’ren, I want you to sit down with Grandma Benweth and find out what is needed to get this den ready for the frozen months.  We are all going to have to work hard to be ready for the frozen months.  We have left so much not done while we focused on war.”

Ber’eall and Brawn’fen finished walking and observing what all the members of the den were doing with their time as well as looking at the condition of the actual den, storage areas and tools.  Brawn’fen finally shook his head and said “High Alpha, how could I have been so blind to what poor shape the den is in.  The only things not broken or filthy are the weapons of the warriors.  Our den has been so focused on war, we have let everything else fall to ruin.  No wonder we are a dying race.”  “It is good  you see this Brawn’fen. I expect it is so for all of us, not just your den.  For now I recommend the most basic of repairs for the tools needed to harvest and store the foods.  Better tools can be made during the frozen months when all spend more time in the dens and there is no planting and harvesting to be done.  If you look at everything that needs to be done, it can overwhelm you.  Look at what is of the highest priority, like harvesting the rafe before it wastes in the field.  Prioritize the rest of what needs done from there.” Ber’eall advised the new alpha as they headed to the main hall of the den for the last meal of the day.   The meal was quickly eaten and the den meeting with Ber’eall explaining all the changes that the High Alphas agreed to, the new mating laws, and about the gateway to another world for females that the Great Creator had provided.  Four warriors were chosen from the den to go and serve Ber’eall in the new joint community being established by the High Alphas of all the races at the site of the gateway of worlds.  

Ber’eall and the four chosen ones left early the next morning on their journey to the other two dens.  One day was spent at each of the other two dens answering any questions and collecting the four chosen from each of those dens.  When Ber’eall had the twelve chosen of the three dens they made the final leg of the journey to the gateway to worlds where the High Alphas of all the shifter races will live together working to share the responsibility of protecting the gateway and keeping peace among their peoples.

© 2013 Veronica

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Added on September 29, 2013
Last Updated on September 29, 2013



Melbourne, AR

50 year old single mother of two boys. I have just started writing so i'm new to the craft. I have a creative imagination and am enjoying learning to write. There's a big learning curve but I know .. more..
