Bergana Tellus Chapter One

Bergana Tellus Chapter One

A Chapter by Veronica

Bergana Tellus

“To care for earth”

The people of Bergana Tellus are shifters of various sorts.  Some are bears, cats, canine, and dragons, in short hunters that are able to shift from there animal form to there man form.  They have fought amongst themselves for all of there history as told by the elders of each tribe of shifters.  The reasons for the fighting were as varied as the shifters themselves.  There has always been low numbers of females born, and though they didn’t take an active part in the fighting, they often did end up being killed when caught in the way when one tribe would attack another.  Such is the nature of war.  Over time things finally reach a point where all the tribes of shifters realize they were facing extinction because of the lack of females.  A meeting of all the leaders of all the shifter tribes is called and with much effort, it’s agreed that all fighting must stop and all the shifters must pray to the Great Creator for forgiveness and for a miracle to save the many tribes from being no more.  The Great Creator hears the prayers of his people and gives them space travel through a magic gate way.  This gate way connects the shifter world to another world that has an abundance of females that when brought to the shifter world as bond mates’ in time will become able to shift.  After the female is able to shift she is able to become pregnant and have children giving the shifter races hope of survival.
Chapter One

Ber’eall put the bundle of tea in the pot of water hanging over the fire pit.  Ber’eall’s High Alpha to all bear shifters.  Though at one hundred and forty-eight  he’s still young for a shifter, he’s an exceptionally strong and skilled warier.  The battle for High Alpha had been brutal.  More than one bear who answered the challenge for the position had died in the battle.  
This was the first meeting called since Ber’eall earned the position of High Alpha but he knew what needed to be done and was prepared to make sure it happened.  After a moment at the edge of the clearing with there betas, Bru’sal, Bran’lek, and Bek’fen came  forward to sit around the fire pit.  No one said anything as each alpha dug in his travel pack and set out his drinking cup.  Ber’eall poured tea for all , added honey to his cup and offered the honey pot to the other three den alphas.  When every one had their tea how they wanted it, all took a drink.  Only then did Ber’eall say “Welcome Alphas” thus ending the formal greeting ceremony of bear shifters.  
With the greeting out of the way, Bru’sal asked “Why have you summoned us High Alpha?  My only sister is close to the age of mating and the males of my den are very aggressively trying to win my approval to claim my sister as mate.  I mean no disrespect but I need to return to my den as quickly as possible.”  Ber’eall replied “I summoned you because I am High Alpha and it is my right to summon you as I choose; however I understand your concern for your sister and will keep this meeting brief.  Speaking of your sister nearing mating age brings me to the first reason for this meeting.  The High Alphas of the Canine, Feline, Bear and Dragon races have met and one of the things we all agree must change is how mates are clamed.  Until now mates have always been chosen within the female’s clan. With each passing generation the clans have become smaller and more closely related.  In order to stop inbreeding, from now on females will be mated to a warrior from a different den, pack, or pride.  Any who go against this law will be put to death.  Bru’sal, will you accept the new law or will you die?”  Bru’sal took a deep breath then answered “Though I know my sister will not be happy when she learns of this law, I see the need of it.  I accept and will enforce the new law of mating High Alpha.”  Turning and looking at Bran’lek, Ber’eall asked “What say you Bran’lek?”  Bran’lek replies “I too understand the need for this change.  I accept and will enforce the new law of mating High Alpha.”  Ber’eall replied “Well said Bran’lek, now what say you Bek’fen?”  Instead of accepting like the others, Bek’fen shifted to his bear form and leapt at Ber’eall.  Ber’eall instantly shifted to his bear and caught Bek’fen mid-leap, turning and slamming him to the ground.  Ber’eall ripped out Bek’fens throat with one swipe of his massive claws and the fight was over.  Ber’eall gave a ground shaking roar, then shifted to his man form calling in a strong voice “Beta of Bek’fen, come forward.”  A warrior walks forward out of the trees to the clearing where Ber’eall stood over Bek’fens body.  “I am Brawn’fen, beta of den three  and brother of Bek’fen.” Ber’eall replied “Brawn’fen your brother and Alpha, Bek’fen, refused to accept the new law regarding mating and instead chose to fight, thus resulting in his death.  As beta to den three, I require you to step up and take the roll of Alpha of den three.  Do you accept the position Brawn’fen?”  Brawn’fen answered “Though I will grieve over the death of my brother I accept the position of Alpha to Den three High Alpha Ber’eall.”  Ber’eall said “Good. Now the new mate law says all females must now be mated to a warrior of a different den, chosen by the warriors den.  The reason for the new law is to stop inbreeding.  What say you Alpha Brawn’fen?”  Brawn’fen answered  “I accept and will enforce the new mate law High Alpha.”  “Well said Brawn’fen.  I will help you take care of your brothers funeral pyre when the meeting is finished.  Bru’sal and Bran’lek, please call your beta’s to move the body to the edge of the clearing and to gather wood for the pyre while we finish the meeting.”  Both alphas stepped away to call their betas, quickly giving them the needed instructions.  The betas immediately set to work and the alpha’s returned to the meeting.  

Brawn’fen takes his brothers drinking cup and empties it, then returned it to his brothers travel pack.  Then he took his own cup from his pack and set it on the stone before Ber’eall.  Ber’eall filled his cup with the hot tea and refilled everyone’s cup.  Everyone added honey as needed.  Ber’eall said “Welcome Brawn’fen”  With Brawn’fen formally brought into the meeting, Ber’eall then continued “Now to the next point of this meeting.  As we all know our races are on the brink of extinction.  All races have few females left.  Between the constant fighting and inbreeding we shifters have all but destroyed ourselves.  We now must change or die.  Although it will be hard for the females being mated to outside clans , it must be done.  We  have to end the fighting and learn to live and work together for the sake of survival for all shifters.  The High Alphas of all  shifter races have been meeting over the last several months working on these problems.  We have spent time with each of our packs, prides, dens, and enclaves. As we spent time with our people, we asked what laws they thought would help all shifters live and work together fairly.  Suggestions were taken down.  We held a time of fasting and prayer that has been completed.  The High Alphas again met and purified themselves in sweat lodges, praying and fasting.  We were given an answer to our prayers, a way to travel to another world and obtain females we will claim as bond mates.  After a male bonds with a female, it will take some time, but she will change and become a shifter matching her bond mate.  Once the new female is able to shift she will be able to have children, bringing hope of survival to all the shifters on Bergana Tellus.  The Great Creator made it clear that only warriors will be allowed through  the gateway to the other world when they have proven themselves worthy,  honorable, and able to care for a mate and young.  The presence of the Great Creator lingered with the High Alphas and guided us through writing the Book of law.  Many of these new laws come from the suggestions that all the High Alphas gathered from their people.  With the guidance of the Great Creator we developed these new laws and punishment for shifters to follow.  We understand it won’t be easy to change our ways but with determination and work it can and will be done.  I have brought a copy of the Book of Law that each alpha must copy before we leave this camp.   The first to go through the gateway to other worlds will be the High Alphas, then the Alphas, then the betas, and then the warriors who are worthy and approved by their alphas and betas.  Any who are not worthy the gate way will not pass.  Only four males will be allowed to pass through the gateway at a time to the other world.  Each male can claim only one  female and she must be without a mate.  If that female has children from her life before meeting the male, then she may bring her children with her and the warrior must accept her young as his own.  These young will develop the ability to shape change just as their mother will.  Beyond that, we will have to learn as we go.  Now, if there are no questions, let us take care of the funeral pyre for Bek’fen.

© 2013 Veronica

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I like the name Bergana Tellus as well as the other names that you use. It is a really bad problem that there are a lack of females. The intro might be better if it was being told by someone, one of the main characters perhaps. I don’t know if you need the Dragon races, these other natural ones seem like they are enough. There are too many dragons already in too many books. Maybe they could be serpents, or some other type of reptilian? I’d be interested to learn about the other groups for sure
The fight is a bit sudden, I’m not sure if you need it, you could just have him disagree, and give the reader the feeling that a fight is on the verge. Wouldn’t others be angrier at this too? If that guy is the main character, he is not a very likable type. I like the idea of the High Alphas purifying themselves in sweat lodges and fasting.
Are there enemies in this other world they must go to? I think there must be
Can I ask what the inspiration for this was? I get the feeling of the story of the Three Bears, Twilight, and Children of Men
Before doing your next revisions, you probably want to outline your stuff a lot, structure it the way you want it to be as much as possible, then dive into the next draft

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


I like the name Bergana Tellus as well as the other names that you use. It is a really bad problem that there are a lack of females. The intro might be better if it was being told by someone, one of the main characters perhaps. I don’t know if you need the Dragon races, these other natural ones seem like they are enough. There are too many dragons already in too many books. Maybe they could be serpents, or some other type of reptilian? I’d be interested to learn about the other groups for sure
The fight is a bit sudden, I’m not sure if you need it, you could just have him disagree, and give the reader the feeling that a fight is on the verge. Wouldn’t others be angrier at this too? If that guy is the main character, he is not a very likable type. I like the idea of the High Alphas purifying themselves in sweat lodges and fasting.
Are there enemies in this other world they must go to? I think there must be
Can I ask what the inspiration for this was? I get the feeling of the story of the Three Bears, Twilight, and Children of Men
Before doing your next revisions, you probably want to outline your stuff a lot, structure it the way you want it to be as much as possible, then dive into the next draft

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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1 Review
Added on September 29, 2013
Last Updated on September 29, 2013



Melbourne, AR

50 year old single mother of two boys. I have just started writing so i'm new to the craft. I have a creative imagination and am enjoying learning to write. There's a big learning curve but I know .. more..
