Crucify th Siren: Lost in the Abyss

Crucify th Siren: Lost in the Abyss

A Poem by dan nacario

The dancing dreams that rode the sea,
Meet the darkness following me.
Bedight in lily-white of hue,
Trapped without the rainbows' dew.

Oh Cupid! You mischievous lad,
Brought poison so bitter and sad.
For the one lost in the abyss,
Wander away with his sweet kiss.

Ah! But to dream away the night,
When the ravens are all in flight.
A wanderer would never find
A siren's love so true and kind.

© 2012 dan nacario

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ah, beautiful!
just why does everything sound good with love even when we're talking about it's being lost?
loved it. :)
just a li'l question: aren't you feeling a little bit of pity for the siren?
yuo've had it crucified like, not just once.:)

Posted 10 Years Ago

dan nacario

10 Years Ago

well i pity her
but I will crucify her one more time. :)
a lot of fantasy
with words that really carried me away

Posted 12 Years Ago

A beautiful write :))

Posted 12 Years Ago

Beautiful piece about love!! I enjoyed reading it very well :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

I liked this piece a lot. I could see both sorrow and hope in it.
Ah.. and how alluring love is!

Smooth rhythm and lovely imagery. The idea of darkness following someone is always interesting--I can see one looking over his shoulder when he feels it behind him. Nicely written.

And the last two lines are perfect.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Really nice, I enjoyed the words you used in this as well as the nice flow of rhyming. Enjoyed.

Posted 12 Years Ago

It is about love. fantastic :)! all of your Crucify the Siren series.. really wonderful and amazing.. feels like i'm in the story! thanks for sharing :)
- Kuhr Gred

Posted 12 Years Ago

REALLY interesting and quite wonderful!

Posted 12 Years Ago

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9 Reviews
Added on May 18, 2012
Last Updated on May 30, 2012


dan nacario
dan nacario

iriga city, cam. sur, Philippines

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A Poem by dan nacario

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