The light, so fleeting, so drearily spread
Across a canvas designed for eyes
That yearn for a life far beyond
The reaches of even light.
The love, the comedy, the epic fight
That rages past death, that rages on
Until the only left alive,
Hand in hand, run off to bed.
And though not quite an exit, stage west
Into the setting fire of passion,
Some of the entranced envision
A comparable ending.
For this gallery is the beginning
Of the grandest of the Illusions
Performed by the old Magician.
This one, in fact, is his best.
A simple flicker in time with a song
That plucks the strings of even the strong
Can disgress a man to what has
Been confused with love before.
This tiny moment! leads him to implore,
"I'll stand against the back of Atlas!"
And cry in thirds with Siren songs,
"Here--this is where I belong."
But before he points to her bosom...heart...
A better line, not curving around
Leads him to remember ladies
Are not fond of grovelling.
Quelling his sense and need of belonging,
His head rising from its begging knees,
He turns his head lightward, back 'round,
And thinks, "Holding hands--a start."