Raw Deception, Eric's Dilemma

Raw Deception, Eric's Dilemma

A Story by George Wilder Jr.

A nasty divorce turns deadly



When I walked out of that courtroom onto Chicago’s midday busy downtown

streets. It was a perfect sunny and bright day for a blustering cold and chilly

late March. The frosty sun hung over beautiful Lake Michigan. It seemed that

wintertime was going to hang around a while longer. And it always did whenever it

was freezing outside and when most everyone wanted the cold weather to go away.

But it stayed.

I was thrilled at the very small victory that I had won for my young

son, Nevada. However, I was saddened that I had gone through so much from a

woman who literally wanted to throw him away. She was his mother. I couldn’t

allow that to happen. And I didn’t. Now Dee Moore, my ex-wife, tries to convince

others around her that she always loved him and wanted to visit with him. And that

I kept, then three year old Nevada, our son from her. Who she gave me sole custody

of without my ever asking. Dee did it intentionally.

I was relieved to have finally signed all of her papers in order to start

receiving support for my son that he rightfully deserved and ultimately bringing our

heated relationship to a rough conclusion. I was now just waiting on those papers

that would say that we were finally divorced. I needed to see everything in writing

and sign by a judge because Dee was a person of raw deception. I knew I couldn’t

trust her in any shape or form. So many times I wanted too.

A few weeks later I received some of the legal documents I had been waiting

for. They were from Circuit Court of Cook County. It had Dee Moore as the

Petitioner and myself, Eric W. Moore, Jr., as the Respondent. It was called the

Judgment for Dissolution of marriage. It was packaged together along with the

divorce decree that clearly stated that this marriage was now hereby dissolved, and

that bought a smile my rugged brown and tearful face. This had been my second

married. And it had been a nightmare. I’m Eric Moore, thirty-three years old. Dee

Moore my ex-wife was had literary put on mountains of extra fat since I first met

her. She looked older than her thirty-six years. However, she still possessed that

crafted interior. Her hair had grown down to her shoulders. Her skin looked to have

been lighten by her on going use of facial cosmetics. She was physically strong as an

ox. She still had that simmering temper just waiting to boil over at any minute. She

was not an ugly woman, however, not a beautiful one either.

Whenever Dee and her lawyer put together paperwork and sent it to me,

there was some things there that I disagreed with. For example, the judgment stated

that both parties, myself and Dee, were properly and fit to be awarded custody,

education, and the control of Nevada. That is totally wrong. Dee was not fit, at that

time, to have complete custody of my son. And she knew that she was inappropriate

to solely take care of him. That was just a hit at me for being a single father to my

son for years without her intervention. I do believe, if Nevada had been in her care,

Dee would have given him back to the stork. The young toddler would not get the

proper education, the best upbringing, and the love that a mother should

ultimately give to her young child. She should not be awarded custody. I knew Dee

was unfit and she knew she was unfit. I just needed to gather evidence to try and

someday to prove that fact in court.

Dee could have stated inside the court building after she lost the case for

child support, that now she wanted custody of our child, the baby she had kicked

out of her home. It was all about money. I believed she only now wanted custody so

that she wouldn’t have pay child support. She wanted custody so that she could get

her hands on his death benefits in case I died early. It was not about love for young

Nevada. It was about getting funds for her biological children and paying her bills.

Therefore, I have written a Living Will. I stated that under no circumstances that

she should ever be awarded custody of my son under any situation. If she was given

custody, the State would be surely be sorry. And the big loser will be my son.

Like many of my conversations with Dee, this one ended in a loud fiery

argument. Apparently she didn’t know her obligations as a petitioner in the case

that she brought against me. When she was the one with a real live functioning

lawyer. One conversation was about who is responsible for contacting whom, when

it came time for visitation pickup for Nevada. Once I told Dee that if she didn’t call

me when the day came for her visitation of our son, I would call her. She tried to

make me obligated in calling her when the time came for her to see and talk to

Nevada, whom she gladly gave me custody. I remember a time when I phoned her

only because she didn’t call me like she was ordered too by the court and asked if

she could see Nevada. There was a slight pause on the other end of the line, and that

told me that she didn’t want to see him.

Dee said on the phone that I didn’t want Nevada to be around her biological

kids. Dee had three children of her own when we had first met. She had always

accused me of hating her children. I was stunned to hear the same actuation after

the divorce. I wanted to tell her, if I didn’t want Nevada around her children, why

would have allowed for her to have visitation of him all these years? I wanted to say

to her, how could I hate your children when I tried helped them to better their own

lives? However, she never wanted to hear the truth. She wanted to hear lies. They

made much better sense to her.

And then it came to me. The real reason she keeps stating to me and maybe

everyone else associated with her, that I hated her children because she was giving

herself another reason for filing for a divorce. She wanted others to think that her

divorcing me and kicking Nevada out of her house was justified. So she keeps saying

I hated her children. The real reason, I think, she filed for the divorce is because

she felt that she didn’t need us anymore. I had taught and showed her and the

children so much on how to get their lives on the positive track and they all learned.

Now she felt that she had life by the balls. Therefore, Dee decided to lie, make up

excuses, and use my own words against me in filing for her divorce.

I told her the reasons why she lost in court was because of her excessive lying.

For example, Dee lied about her income on the income disclosure form. And the

judge found that out. She lied when she told the judge that I would say I did not get

a child support check after I did receive the funds. Dee lied when she told the judge

that she didn’t state in her own prepared Marital Settlement Agreement that she

refused to pay child support.

I was ready to produce Dee and her lawyer’s own paperwork that said she

had decided not to pay child support. Dee stated in front of her own lawyer, that I

was a

con man twice. She lied again when she said, that I would disappear off the face of

the earth. In reality, Dee wished I had disappeared off the face of the earth then she

would gotten away with not paying child support at all. And she would have really

liked that. Therefore, she actually lost the case when I started appearing in court to

fight for my son.

Within the first six months after the court order for her to have scheduled

visits and daily phone calls with her young son, the phone calls to him from

her had stopped. I could almost hear Dee’s litany of excuses: I called but your voice

mail did not pick up. Eric, you didn’t want me talking to him. How come you didn’t

call me? Eric, you don’t him around my other children. My house burned down last

night. You don’t answer you phone.

On each visit with her I would have Nevada all dressed up in fine clothing or

brand new attire. Because when my son goes to visit someone, I want him to look

his best. He represents me, his Dad. Therefore, whenever I dropped him off with

her, he’s always groomed, clean, cool, and a sharp looking very handsome little

toddler. However, when she returned him back to me a few days later, he looks pale,

ashy, looking like he was dirt poor, and he seemed very exhausted. And he always

appeared very withdrawn. Nevada, was sometimes wearing the same clothes he

wore for the visit.

My mother had said me many times that Dee told her that I was good

husband and provider. However, when Dee said that, it was only during more

happier times during our marriage and only by her strict standards. I always felt

that Dee was bad mouthing me to her friends and relatives. I can recall many

happy times in the marriage that was true. She now claims again that she loved and

always wanted see our son. And that I stopped her. Dee, told all her brand new lies

such as: I don’t answer my phone so she can talk to Nevada. I didn’t want Nevada

around her other children. That I was a con man. That I wanted the child support

payments for myself, and so on and so forth. Oh yeah, that I now wanted her house.

Dee had a best friend named Paula. I recalled, while married, the first time I was introduced to her by my wife. She was a very dark skinned slightly over weight

average looking African-American woman about five feet eight inches. I could tell

by her diction that she was an intelligent lady or maybe she just sounded like one.

She possessed great command in her conversations. However, nothing about her

moved me, except for that big wide butt that she never failed to shake all in front of

me as she pranced around the living room. Listening to my wife and Paula

conversations, I immediately gotten the impression the Paula was a leader and my

wife was one of her followers. I was stunned that my wife was reduced to mush in

this woman’s presence. When Paula spoke, Dee would sit at the edge of the sofa

making sure to take in each and every word her friend said. Paula wanted everyone

to shut up and just listen to her rumblings as if she was the only one with something

interesting to say.

I had taken another look at the visitation schedule that Dee and her lawyer had

sent me. I saw that Dee would have my son on Christmas day. It fell on a

Saturday. Just like on any other day, I didn’t mind at all nor did I object to her

spending time with him on holidays. I only hoped that he would have a good time

and would tell daddy all about it when he got home. I could not let my feelings for

her cloud my judgment when it came to Nevada.

Therefore, like so many times before, I had taken Nevada to Dee’s designated

drop off area for him to be put in her car to spend Christmas with her family. I

would make our own little Christmas with him the following day when I picked him

up. Dee always told Nevada that she loved him whenever she dropped him back off

to me. Now I wanted to believed that she really came to love our son.

Under the Christmas tree at Dee’s house were the traditional toys and

presents at holiday time. There were roller skates and toy scooter for Nevada. She

told him that Santa had brought them. Nevada was elated. The entire house was

festive. There were Dee’s family and friends in all the elegant rooms. Christmas and

the coming new year cheer filled the air at the suburban resident. Dee’s two

children open their presents along with Nevada. Dee and her new boyfriend kissed

under the holiday lights. Dee’s friends from hospital where she worked and people

from her college days and others were all in attendance always at holiday time.

Dee’s new boyfriend worked on a city garbage truck for eight hours

everyday. His name was Mark Cohn, a four time loser. He was a very dark skinned

heavy set African-American, six feet thirty-five years of age. Pointy nose, beady

eyes, deep set forehead, wide cheeks, and big lips. His face always appeared slimly,

black, and sweaty. He looked as if he always needed a shave. He was a criminal and

it showed. In school, he only made as far as the eighth grade. He was raised and

reared in the streets on the west side of the city. He had several criminal records. He

once was a bad guy who had to been caught. He had been arrested for armed


At one time, on the north side of Chicago was where Mark could always be found

concealing his 22 caliber hand under his dingy hanging shirt. This side of the city

was always busting out with all kinds of people going about their daily grind. It may

be school or work. The north side of Chicago was filled with many cultures. It was a

diverse vicinity.

Mark would hide in the dark shadows and chose his victims carefully. He

would soon jump from the corners, alleys, crevices, and land on top of his victims

with a gun at their foreheads demanding money. One day he jumped and landed on

a female police officer and got kicked in the balls. That put an end to his wicked

ways for the moment. He spent three years in Federal Prison.

Soon after being released from jail he was picked up for shoplifting and

parole violation. He actually was caught in a downtown department store trying

to steal a pair of shoes. He was sent back to prison for another year.

Not long after his third release from prison, he was picked was up again for

illegal drug possession. He was sent back to jail for six months. Released again

however, he was picked up for loitering on street corners and for harassing

community residents. Mark was sent back to jail for another year.

He was released a final time from prison. This time he went looking for a job.

Mark Cohn had planned this time to stay out of jail because he didn’t like it at all.

After so many months of trying, he landed a sanitation job with the city.

Mark Cohn and Dee met several times in back of her house as she watched

him dump her garbage. But this time Dee decided to take it a bit further and she

asked him to dinner one evening. Dee saw his big broad shoulders and rugged

hands, and that caused great wetness inside of her skimpy panties that she wore

under her housecoat.

Mark was not a handsome man. But that wasn’t Dee’s main concern. And

not even the smell of garbage that was forever a part of him even bothered her. She

wanted him sexually. Mark was a jailbird and he gave off an aura of being a

criminal. However, having employment kept him out of trouble and it provided him

with a steady income. Dee knew that garbage men worked for the city and made a

pretty nice paycheck every week. She wanted to lay with him but she also needed

help with her escalating bills.

One morning Dee walked toward the garbage man wearing a big wide smile.

Hi,” she said to him after he was finishing up with dumping her garbage he

soon turned to her.

Hi,” he retorted. Dee walked closer tuning out the bad smell of garbage and

bad breath that was his fixture.

Would you like to come to dinner tonight?” she asked. The sweaty and

unshaven man’s response was mild.


Yes, thank you very much.”

He soon moved on the next house in the trashed filled alley and onto the next

bins. Dee watched him as he moved down the alleyway in a city truck that morning

dumping garbage.

Mark arrived at Dee’s doorstep at 7:00 PM sharp that evening. The feast

was on the table and the kids were at homes of their friends. Mark knocked at the

door instead of ringing the bell chimes. Dee opened the door and her face lit up the

early night with a very broad smile at the sight of her new dinner partner. She

wanted to eat him up right then and there. However, she contained herself. As Mark

proceeded onto the house, he saw that the lights were dim to perfection. There were

candles burning in certain areas of home to signify dinner will be by candlelight. To

the naked eye, they were not impeccably dressed for the occasion but they were

satisfied. Dee looked as if she had wrestled for hours to get her overweight body in a

tight fitting elegant red blouse and a orange shirt. Dee always had bad hair days,

therefore, she wore an shoulder length hair piece.

Mark had on blues jeans, red plaid cotton shirt, and he wore sneakers.

Regardless he was neatly dressed. He possessed a slight mustache on the grizzly

looking unattractive face. At the dinner table the two sat and staring at each other

whole evening while feeding themselves. Soon Mark raised himself from the small

dinner table and walked over to where Dee was sitting, took her by the arm. He

found her bedroom and took her inside and fucked the daylights out of her and she

loved every minute of the rough sex.

During our relationship, I had no idea if Dee had ever cheated on me. At

some point I didn’t care if she had. However, I did wonder how someone who had

lied so much and could be still lying about almost about everything thing?

How could she arrive at church every on Sunday morning and call herself a

Christian? In the beginning, I knew that I had been very faithful in the short lived

marriage because I wanted the relationship to work.

I had heard in some circles of my life, that men in general have difficulty

when it comes to being faithful to their wives. I don’t know if I agree with that

assertion. “Men are just dogs, they just can’t have one woman, they have to go after as

much p***y as they can get,” some would say. I have never been a dog and took

reference with anybody who tried to lump me in that category, especially with men

who were well deserved of the title. I tried to be someone who was dedicated to

family values and that made me capable of being faithful. I think that someone who

is tired of the single life, and wants to settle down, can and will be faithful.

I do believe Dee wanted to catch or hear about me being unfaithful to her

and the children. But she never did, therefore, that was something she could never

use against me. There were many times I could have cheated on Dee. Some women

who came to house for whatever reasons always winked and smiled at me, even

while Dee was in the house. Some had some interesting things to say and we hit if

off right away. However, I was a family man, and the family was the unit that I

wanted to keep intact.

From back in the day, men were said to be the most aggressors. But the

women now have out paced the men in that category. From my standpoint, there are

more sex crazed and love starved women than there are men who supposedly fit

that mole. Some of these women have taken to loving each other. Some get a kick

out of making love to another woman’s husband. When I go to a night club, it’s the

ladies who pounce on the men. It’s the women who are dressing ever so overly

provocative like never before. The women and young girls are wearing their body

tight blue jeans half way their butts for anyone to see their vagina hairs and a*s

cracks. And then some of them asking why are most males staring at them? And

some men are calling them w****s when they are not. At some of the large and

luxurious hotels in the city it was the women who are taking the men to bed. I had

experience some of that when I first met my now ex-wife.

Television is more bolder than ever, hard core sex on every channel right in

your living rooms ever night. And the shows are mostly about women lusting after

men. The men are not innocent. I have hard try and keep my young son from seeing

sex and hearing rowdy language on television sometime in place of some other

entertainment network.

“I think he is so cute” one of Dee’s girlfriends would say. She was speaking of

Nevada as they stood and walked around Dee’s home. I knew that Dee very angry

about being ordered by a judge to pay child support and being pressured into

having visitation rights to see her adoptive son. She felt that I had done her a huge

wrong by pursuing the issue and finally procuring the support for Nevada. Inside

she hated Nevada and she hated me for not letting her get away with throwing our

son literally away. She would never show her hate for Nevada in front of her family

and friends because she didn’t want to appear insensitive to a three old little boy by

whom she happened to be the mother.

“Paula, I just don’t like my ex-husband, how could he have done this? I have

two other children and a family. I can’t even afford a cheap cell phone. Now, I’m

taking care of two families, the one I have, and his family,” Dee said, as she was

stared out the kitchen rear window hoping to see signs of her lover Mark Cohn.

Dee as you know, I have met Eric during your relationship and I have even

talked to him on the phone many times and he really didn’t seem to be a bad person.

However, I do know that people do change and sometimes for the worst,” Paula


It was a cold Saturday afternoon Dee was having Sunday bunch at her house

in the south suburb and had invited several of her friends. She and Paula walked

out of the kitchen into the living room where Dee’s other friends waited to chat with

her. Dee kept a sharp eye on Nevada, whom she thought had a behavior problem.

She wanted to make sure that he didn’t tear up or tear down anything in her house.

She hated for him to touch much of anything in her house. She couldn’t wait until

she dropped him back off to me.

“He’s a con man,” Dee said, angrily as she shot her eyes in the direction of

her friend Tonya. Her name was Tonya Jones. She and Dee had been friends for

almost ten years. She worked in downtown Chicago at a large expensive and elegant

hotel. She was one to the night managers. She was a young African-American-

woman in her mid-thirties, also very attractive. Working the night audit, she didn’t

take any nonsense from young and sometimes irresponsible guests of the hotel. She

would race her large frame around the hotel evicting rowdy patrons with nothing

much said. Tonya was very sure and aware of what she was doing when it came to

her job. She took chances and most of the time they were good ones. She took her

job seriously and she took Dee’s friendship even more cautiously.

“What makes you call him a con man, Dee?” Tonya asked, calmly.

He conned me into adopting a child who loves him only him. He conned me

into paying child support for a child he doesn’t want around my own biological

children,” Dee retorted.

He did?” Tonya asked, sounding surprised.

I thought it was a judge who ordered you to pay child support and to make

regular visitation commitments to the child. I have to confess Nevada is kind of a

good looker for an adoptive five year old,” Tonya said, feeling a bit confused.

Suddenly Dee screamed in anger at Nevada for playing in her fish bowl and

instructed him to go outside in the back of the house to play with her poodle. He

obeyed his mommy. Nevada had a real love for animals of all kinds especially dogs.

However, at times he could get overly aggressive with some of the animals, to the

point where that they may get upset him and try to hurt him. I had always told Dee,

if she let our son play with her dog to always monitor him because the strange dog

may not know that Nevada is only playing and having fun.

“He is a con man and hated my children,” Dee replied again with some

raw emotion. Also among attended the bunch was Dee’s friend, Georgia Willis.

When Dee and I were married, Georgia had come onto to me sexually many times

without my wife’s knowledge. At least I think without her knowledge. One sunny

and pleasant afternoon she walked up to our porch steps where I was sitting

plucking away on my acoustic guitar...



© 2011 George Wilder Jr.

Author's Note

George Wilder Jr.
This excerpt of Raw Deception, Eric's Deliema hope be a published book

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Added on April 9, 2011
Last Updated on April 16, 2011
Tags: Divorce, Crime, Fiction


George Wilder Jr.
George Wilder Jr.

Chicago, IL

I'm a writer and author of three published books. I have written and enjoy writing short stories, articles, some published some not. I live in Chicago with my only young son whom I would like to be a .. more..
