What a beautiful poem to a father you clearly love, who has bought you up to be a good strong man, and pride shows in your writing, all parents try their best, we are all parents for the first time and don't always get it right........well written with love and respect.
What a beautiful poem to a father you clearly love, who has bought you up to be a good strong man, and pride shows in your writing, all parents try their best, we are all parents for the first time and don't always get it right........well written with love and respect.
I think this was a nice poem. I liked it a lot. I love that you dedicated a poem to your father. I really like to read writings like this. Thanks for sharing. :)
You share deeply moving personal insights and let us be a part of your life journey... What a lifting write and a tribute to a dear man who helped protect you until you could stand alone. Wonderful write!
It must be so difficult being a parent.. trying to love and protect without being too distanced, while trying to maintain distance for growth, without pushing one's children away. It's a fragile path, parent's are not given enough credit. Beautiful tribute to one of the most important figures one can have in his or her life.. Thank you for sharing :)
i won't go about describing myself cause it'll end up as a self deprecatory saga .. my poems are there to speak for me .
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