When Alexis awoke, the trees were gone from the forest and the land was made of gasoline. Odd when she realized this but the gasoline was frozen. She continued to wander around for about two and a half hours until she saw the light. It was the brightest light, brighter than the sun. She walked towards it with precaution but within 23.6ft of this light, she lost all pre-existing ideas about the situation at hand and she was no longer dreaming in her mind, she was at peace with the ideals of her superiors. She long had a pre-existing hatred of authority and loved liberal freedom but with her situation at home, she was not free to think like the minds of good, long dead politicians. When she approached the light she saw a figure. A shadow in the light which spoke in many languages finally spoke in English saying “Hello, welcome stranger, I am you free of spirit and bodily mind, follow the man to your left and he will take you home.” Next to her stood a man of about 2’4, 40 lbs who’s name was Peter. Peter took her by the hand and lead her to a passage in the canyon. The path they took was very strange indeed. There were rabbits and unicorns and flying horses and most of all, a girl named Amanda who was from Texas, there was Maria of the skye who love the excitement of nighttime. At the entrance, there was a goblin and the skye turned black as he said “Ticket please” When Alexis said she had no ticket, the goblin hit a lever and she fell into a hole. She was falling and falling and falling and falling, she had been falling for three years and had seen every sight in the universe. Then “BAM!” she fell on wood surrounded by black