Elijah and Isla

Elijah and Isla

A Story by Caitlin Jane

St Joseph's Boarding Academy; the most private school in the country. Once you apply there's no going back; you're there till graduation. You can start boarding at the age of 12 but I started when I was 16. The rules at St Joseph's must be followed, down to the last detail. But under our conservative uniforms, there are real people.

I have 5 tattoos that are all cleverly hidden under my clothes; a big black dragon that spreads from my left thigh all the way up my back and up to my neck. I have a broken love heart on my left wrist, which is covered with makeup. A large, black, detailed cross on my right thigh: a tiny red rose on my ankle and lastly several dates placed neatly next to the dragons body. Including the day my other died and the day I was admitted to a mental health clinic. I stayed in the clinic for two years and only made it out just in time for school admissions.

My name is Isla Wilde and welcome to the school.

The study room was in my sights as I climbed the last few steps of my least favorite staircase. I opened the door and several pairs of eyes shot up at me but then back down to whatever they were doing. I spotted a seat and whisked quickly and quietly into it; 2 rows from the back, last seat on the left. I pushed my headphones into my ears and started on my book.
The population of the study room rose and fell; and by the end of the day there were only 3 other people in there. The door suddenly opened and books flew through the air and thudded to the ground. I heard laughing from the others but when they saw who it was they immediately stopped. His name was Elijah Rhodes, he was my year and your typical d****e-bag but for some reason today when he looked up and saw me a large grin enveloped his face. I looked back down at my book but I heard footsteps and the chair pull out beside me. "Hi Isla..." He mumbled. I could only just hear him over the music that was pumping into my head. "What'cha reading?" He asked a little louder. I took out one of my headphones and replied; "What?" "The book... What are you reading?" "It's called Matched by Ally Condie.. Why do you ask?" As I asked him a thought ran through my mind; why would he even associate with me after what I did to his girlfriend at the ball this year?

This years ball theme was 'Movie Glamour' and I thought it would be a good idea to do a tribute to a very well known movie; Carrie. And when she was crowned I poured pigs blood all over her.

"Cool... Does it have romance and stuff in it?" He asked. "There is romance in it yes.. But it's mostly about society at its extremes.." I could see his little brain processing the sentence I had just spat at him, he got through it surprisingly quickly. "Like if you arrested for not returning a library book?" I nodded slowly; "Yeah.. Something like that..." I said sarcastically; I looked away and went to put my headphone back in but he had other ideas. "Hey Isla..." "Yes Mr Rhodes?" I said sarcastically. He moved closer like a little kid whispering in class; "Any sex scenes?" I rolled my eyes. "No Elijah there isn't.." My monotone answer then turned to another question. "Elijah... Why are you speaking to me? You haven't spoken to me since... I don't even know when..." He looked around then leaned in again; "I've heard a couple of things about you and I was wondering if I could ask you about them?"
This was the first time that the rumors about me had come face to face. I took a deep breath and replied; "Fire away."
"Is it true you have tattoos?"
"Yes, I have 5. Next"
"Is it true you hooked up with Henry Marks last year?"
"No, he tried but failed"
Elijah laughed and grinned; "Okay last one... Is it true that you came here after you were in a mental hospital?" I looked down in shame. I quickly started to collect my books and just before a escaped for the study room and looked him in the eyes and said "yes".
That was the first time I'd admitted it to anyone outside of my shrinks office. And I defiantly wasn't going to be sharing it again after the look on Elijah's face.

Three days had past and Elijah had managed to get two notes to me. The first note was his friend Andrew Weiss; he tried to be all secret agent about it. He leaned back on his chair in politics and 'accidentally' dropped it onto my desk. 'Im so sorry for asking! Can I see you and apologies?'
The second note was taped to my door to my room. 'Isla, room 436, second floor of the G building. Tomorrow at 11 please!' Was he serious? I had stuck out before but did he really expect me to sneak out for him?

That afternoon I had study and I knew Elijah was going to arrive any minute. And as I had so accurately predicted he sat down next to me and began to pour his heart out. "Isla! I'm so sorry! I had no idea! I thought it was just a stupid rumor!"
"Well next time somebody makes a joke about it you'll know better then to make fun of someone who's been in a mental hospital..."
"I'm really sorry Isla! Can I please make it up to you tonight?! Please!"
"I haven't heard that line before.."
"Seriously! Just come to my room tonight and I'll make it even between us! And if you don't I'll come to your room and bug you there!"
"Fine then... I'll see you at 11.."
He smiled, collected his books then sped back out the door.

Ten to eleven. I wore a black band shirt, jeans, boots and a cardigan. I slipped past the loud door to my building the headed for the G building. It was pouring rain and by the time I reached the door I was soaked. My boots clacked on the marble floor so I slipped them off and attempted to walk up the stairs in wet socks. I wondered around his floor for a while until I found his room. I quietly knocked and it swung open almost immediately.

I raced into the warm room, dropped my boots on the floor and began to shiver as I looked around. His room was a lot different then to what I had expected. The stereotypical trophies, posters of barely dressed girls and a stack of not very well hidden 'nudie mags'. Instead his walls were filled with band posters and to my surprise good bands too. Never Falling, Curves, Heavy Emperor and Killing Floor. He had a desktop, a large sound system and a book shelf filled to the brim with books; old and new.

"I didn't think it was raining that hard..." He muttered. "Well... I'm here so can at least get me a jumper or something?" "Oh s**t! Sure!" He ran to a set of draws next to his large book shelf and pulled out a dark blue woolen sweater; I snatched it out of his hands and put it on as fast as I could. As I rubbed my arms I wandered around his room a little and spotted a book on his bedside table. "You don't have this!" I said loudly grabbing the book and looking it over. "Have what? That old book?" "Do you know what this is? It's an original printing of Sherlock Holmes!" "Well... My dad got it for me on my 17th birthday.." He gently grabbed the book out of my hands and placed it in the top shelf of his huge bookcase. I stood there for a moment awkwardly then asked "I get it. You're sorry.. Is there something else you wanted or can I give you your sweater back and go?" He moved toward me quickly; "No! I wanted to be even with you! I don't like knowing people's secrets it makes me uncomfortable if they don't know mine..." "Okay..." I sat down suddenly on his bed and moved back to make myself comfortable; he did the same.

"When I was little my uncle Patrick and my dad used to get drunk in his study. They used to tell these stories about girls they went out with and the cars they had but mostly they just talked about what they did when they were young. I was about 10 and I used to sit outside his door in the hallway. It was close enough to hear them talk but not close enough so they couldnt hear me laughing along with them.."

Elijah's childhood was forming inside my head, it was quant and just a little off being perfect. I pictured the white picket fence and young Elijah running around the front yard with the family dog. Mum cooking a cake in the kitchen while a little girl plays with her dolls in the lounge room. Dad comes home at 7 on the dot and is greeted by a family meal and a happy family.

"But one night it went too far; I was 13 and I had just come home because it was Easter holidays. Dad was working late but Patrick was already at our house, drunk off his a*s. Mum wasn't really worried because Patrick was the one who introduced her to dad. She got a call from dad saying that he had a flat tire and so she left to go and get him. She was only gone for maybe 5 minutes when I started hearing screaming coming from downstairs.

I ran down the stairs and into the kitchen where I found Patrick with a knife holding my sister Clara. He was cutting into her chest not like her b***s but her actual chest. She was screaming at me and crying so I went to knock the knife out of Patrick's hand but he moved his hand down and the knife went straight into me.. Lucky for me I have a misplaced liver other wise I wouldn't be here now..."

He stood up and lifted up his shirt; the damage was indescribable. The scar went from near his belly button through the middle of his chest then almost all the way up to his collar bone. "It wasn't very deep but it did bleed a fair bit..." I had no words. I reached out a little but then withdrew my hand very quickly. He sat back down next to me and continued.

"I must have fainted or something because the next thing I remember is waking up in hospital and having Clara in the bed next to me. She was pretty much gone from the moment we got to the hospital... One of the cuts he got in was on a big vein near her collar bone and so she had lost a lot of blood.. And she didn't... Couldn't really function on her own if that makes sense.." I nodded. "Anyway.. The doctors gave her some sleeping drugs so she could pass away gently in her sleep, which I think is good because she was in a fair amount of pain... I still feel sometimes I could have actually done something... I know I was younger then her but I'm still her brother... And brothers are supposed to take care of their sisters..."

"I'm really sorry Elijah..." I reached out and squeezed his hand. "It's alright... We're even now..." I shook my head. "Not even close Rhodes..." I moved forward on his bed and went to take off the jumper. "No don't! Just give it to me in study or something.. It's really raining out there!" "Okay... After the weekend you're going to come over to mine and I'll make us even..." I slipped my boots and waved goodbye as I called the door behind me.

Saturday and Sunday went past relatively quickly; I spent it re-reading some of my own Sherlock Holmes novels. Once Monday night came I started to become increasingly nervous about explaining to him my story.

I sat on my bed and waited for the knock; I ran over those crucial 3 months that put me in hospital. I shivered at the thought of putting it all into words. I heard the knock and opened my door slowly; "Hi..." I said quietly. "Hey Isla..." He wandered into my room and looked around a little. "How was your weekend?" I asked trying to break the ice. "I went back home actually... They um... They've fully changed my sisters room now.. It's just a spare room now.." I nodded silently.
He walked around a little more and eyes off my book shelf, it was tiny compared to his. "Which ones your favorite?" He asked pointing at the books. "Honestly?" I replied, he nodded. "Naughts and Crosses by Malorie Blackman... I've read it a hundred time but I still cry at the end..." He laughed a little. "It kept me sane, literally. I don't think I would be here now if I didn't have that book.." I sat down on my bed and he joined me. He pulled my pillows up and sat against them.

"It kinda started when my dad and I had this huge fight cause he found out about me having sex with this guy, I'd been going out with him for like 10 months so I didn't see what the big deal was... And the fight was so bad that he hit me... I kinda stopped going to school after that.. I just felt so worthless and stuff so I started doing drugs and drinking pretty heavily... It was about 3 weeks of not going to school then dad raided my room and found my stash... He was yelling and screaming that it was my fault that mum died and that I was a terrible daughter and that I should never have been born..." I could feel the tears start to form in my eyes.

"And so I left, I just got out of the house and went to a friends party and it just escalated from there... I don't remember how much I took or even what it was but the last thing I really remember is that I was walking straight for the highway and I was gonna die and it would make everything better.." I was silent for a moment. I could just remember the noises of the cars and the feeling of the pain I was in. "And when I woke up I was in hospital and the nurses were telling me that after I was better that I was going to a clinic for teens and I haven't talked to or seen my dad since.. He told one of the nurses to tell me I was coming here but that's about it..."

He sat there quietly for a little while but then he moved over next to me. "Do you know why he stopped talking to you?" "I think I embarrassed him.. Cause you can't exactly tell your work buddies that your daughter is in hospital because of her drug problem.. But I'm guessing now you're gonna go tell everyone that I was in hospital... And that I'm a s**t... And that I'm a drug addict..." I sighed. "Don't be stupid! I'm not gonna tell anyone! You've been through more then you should have and I wouldn't want to tell anyone cause it would probably make things worse for you..." "Thanks.." I half smiled. We sat together for a long time, just talking. It was about 11 o'clock when he asked; "Do you wanna come over Wednesday night? You can read some of my books..." I smiled and nodded.

After that night we started seeing each other regularly. Every two or three nights I would venture over to his room and we would sit and read. We talked about books and which ones we liked better then others. But during the day we stayed separate, making eye contact here and there but never exchanging words. I would see him kissing his girlfriend or playing hockey with his friends but as soon at it hit 10pm he was all mine and it was like we were the only two people in the world.

"God damn it Rhodes! Why do I always have to come over here? It's really coming down out there! I might have to stay again!" I said as I pushed him out of the way to get into his warm room. I threw the backpack of books I had on my back onto his bed and grabbed a jumper I saw hanging from his draws. "Well maybe if you let me into your room you wouldn't have this problem? And don't tell me it's messy! I've seen it! Its borderline OCD! It's that clean!" I rolled my eyes and sat down on his bed. "Elijah we've been doing this little reading thing for a while now and I think it's time you knew something..." He sat down and had an intrigued look on his face. "I love... The... Fifty Shades of Grey series..." He burst into laughter as predicted. I opened my bag and offered him the first novel. "You made me read Dread King so this is my retaliation..." He looked at the book then back up at me. "I don't think so Wilde... It's a girls book..." I sighed. "Wasn't Dread King a nazi book? Just read it." He took the book from my hand. "Alright I'll read it and you can pick from my books to read tonight from the almighty shelf!" I laughed and jumped toward the bookcase. I carefully selected a book and sat myself back down next to him and we began to read.

About an hour later Elijah made a shocking discovery; "Wait... She's a virgin?!" He exclaimed. "Yep" "And he's gonna....?" His faced turned a little green and he shook his head. "Oh what Rhodes? You a virgin?" I joked. "That's none of your business Isla." I began to laugh. "Oh come on! You're going out with quite an attractive young women, I would assume you would have wanted to make love to her at some point?" He rolled his eyes and put the book down on his lap. "She is pretty hot..." I nudged him again and again until he gave in. "Fine! I did it! It was only twice though! Once when we first got together and then another time after we got back together but that was like 8 months ago. Happy now?" It seemed odd to be talking to him about something as general as sex, it almost seemed not real. "Your turn Wilde, fess up!"

"I lost it when I was 15... Robert Lyons. It was it's like in the movies.. Romantic and he even told me he loved me... But I guess you could say I've been around a but after that.." He nodded then asked; "Anyone I know?" "Thomas Kellen.." His jaw dropped like a dead fish. "No! My team's goalie Thomas?" "Yep". He shook his head and punched me softly in the shoulder. We talked about novels, love stories, wars and betrayal but never sex. But I guess there's a first time for everything.

I woke up in Elijah's tiny bed, he had his arm over me. I looked over at his clock; '8:34am' it displayed. "Wake up sleepy!" I said sitting up. He groaned and I climbed over him to get to some of my clothes on the floor. I started to get dressed when we asked me something; "I wanna see your tattoos Isla.." "It's too early, we've got breakfast in half an hour.." "I was gonna ask you last night but you fell asleep so come on!" "Why do you want to see them?" "I'm thinking about getting one... Just show me?" He almost sounded angry so I took off his jumper and my jeans. "This is my dragon... This is my cross and..." I spun around as I spoke, trying to get the exact location of all of my tattoos. "And there's my love heart and my rose..."

He moved his hands over my back and then took my hand as I showed him my love heart. I looked at his face as it explored my ink and he started to bite his lip. He suddenly stood up and kissed me. I was lost in it for a moment but then I realized what was actually happening. I pushed him off me and shouted; "You have a girlfriend! You can't just kiss me!" I quickly out my clothes back on and heard for the door. "Isla! I'm sorry! Don't go!" I slammed the door behind me and headed straight for the stairs. As I walked down the stairs I bumped straight into Elijah's girlfriend.

Her name was Rosie and she was beautiful. Long light brown hair, perfect make-up and had a body anyone would kill for. 'F**k' I thought. She gave me a dirty look then continued up the stairs. I prayed that I hadn't left anything in his room or that she could smell me on him.
I got back to my room as fast as I could. He was the first real friend I'd had on a long time and it fucked up again. It had happened many times before but this felt the worst. He special, he was different to all the others but it had happened once again. I got out my work for history and tried to forget about it. Tried to forget it all.

The next 7 days blurred together, it was a mess of debating in English, a history test and a yelling match between Raley Lukes and Mr Everett in politics. I was reading my literature novel in my room when I heard a knock at me door, I almost wished it was my dad come to visit but I knew who it was. I walked over to the door and stood next to it waiting for a voice. "Isla... Please I know you're there... I'm really sorry..." I slowly opened the door and beckoned him inside.

He sat down on my bed and put his hands over his face. "I was a real dick and I'm really sorry! Kissing you was a bad idea and I won't do it ever again!" He said honestly. "I even got you a present to try and make it up to you!" He opened the backpack he had on and pulled out a book. "I know your copy was falling apart so I gout you a new one..." He gave a crooked smile and I saw that it was Naughts and Crosses. I let out a little scream of happiness and grabbed it out of his hands. "Oh thank you Elijah! Thank you!" I jumped on him and hugged him tightly.
Elijah stayed that night and I had never felt closer to him.

Beep. Beep. Beep. My alarm wailed as Elijah and I stirred in my bed. "What time does that thing go off?" "On Saturdays? About 8:30..." "S**t!" He got up quickly and started to out on his pants and jumper. "I've got hockey in 15 minutes! I've gotta get my s**t together and shower and eat something!" He tuned around just before he left my room. "I'll see you in study Wilde!"

Lunchtime rolled around quickly and I was slowly making my way over to my table when I spotted Elijah. He had his arm around his girlfriend and his friend Andrew was staring at me. He smiled, waved and sat down next to Elijah. He had always been a nice guy, never really making fun of me or pushing me around like some of his friends. He reminded me a little of Finn from Glee. More of a gentle giant then anything. Elijah and I made eye contact for only a second but it must have been a moment too log as Rosie got up with two of her minions and headed straight for me.
I looked down at creamy pasta and started to eat; I prayed they were going to attack some other unsuspecting girl but I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned and faced the dragon. "Isla... Isn't it?" I nodded, I looked at Rosie she really was perfection. Her long hear was tied up in a perfectly neat pony tail as were her friends'. Her short shorts showed off her tanned and toned legs. "So... I heard that you were in the my boyfriend's room last week?!" Her friends gave me a look as if I had just been sentenced to death. "I don't know what you're talking about..."

"Oh please! I've seen you eyeing him off as he walks past!" "Rosie, I really have no idea what you're talking about! And if you've got a problem with your boyfriend shouldn't you take it up with him?" "Oh my god!" She exclaimed, getting the attention of Elijah and his friends. Andrew got up from his seat and headed straight for Rosie; "Rosie calm down! They're probably just friends or you're seeing s**t!" "Don't butt into my business Andy! Back off!" He grabbed her arm and tried to yank her away but she pulled away and began to yell at me. I looked up at Andrew and I knew Elijah must have told him about our friendship.

"You better stay away for him you! He's MY boyfriend!" Elijah jumped out of his seat and came over, I sighed a little relief as I thought he was coming to relieve me of his girlfriend but I was deeply wrong. "Rosie jesus! Calm down! You think I'd go behind your back with her?! Everyone knows that she's just some s**t who tried to kill herself! She went to a mental hospital cause she's f*****g crazy! Why would I choose her over you? You're perfect! And she's nothing!" My heart sank into my chest. I wanted to throw up, it was a sense of betrayal that I had never felt so deeply.

Rosie laughed and kissed Elijah for what felt like years. They walked back to their table with their arms around each other. I picked up my bag and walked out of the canteen. It was raining once again but i could hardly feel it under the pain that was streaming through my veins.

Sitting on my bed I held the book he had given me not a day ago as a sign of our friendship. He had ever written a little note in side the cover 'To keep you sane a little longer'. I hadn't realized it until now but I was in love with him. I had been in love with him since the night he made us even he'd crawled his way into my heart and now he had scarred it permanently. As tears blurred my vision I dropped the book on the ground and I began to cry. I cried for everything i thought I'd lost which left like more then just my heart. It felt like someone had ripped a big hole in my chest and it was so deep that nothing or no one could ever fill it.
It was about 8 at night when I finally ventured out of my room and headed for the showers. I sat under the running water and tried to clear my head but it didn't work, his words repeated over and over again in my head.

You're perfect.
She's crazy.
She's nothing.

By the time I had it out of the showers and back to my room it was late and in a fit over uncontrollable anger I snatched the book from the floor and headed for Elijah's room. My drenched clothes dripped onto the marble stairs as I made my way toward him. I banged on the door and I heard a small ruckus inside. He opened the door and rubbed his eyes. "Isla... What are you doing here?" I dropped the book at his feet. He looked down and it then up at me. He could see my eyes were red and puffy, my clothes were dripping wet but he still didn't say anything. "Baby who is it?" Said Rosie sleepily from Elijah's bed. He lowered his head and said nothing so I turned and left.
I made it back to my room and just went straight to sleep.

I awoke the next morning to find my phone full of missed calls, they were all from Elijah. I sighed deeply and pressed on my voicemail button.
'Isla it's me... Rosie had an accident! She fell down the stairs and now I'm at the hospital and the nurses aren't telling me anything!' His voice was shaky and it sounded like he was almost crying. 'Jesus! Somebody tell me about my girlfriend!' The message went dead after that. But there was another waiting for me. I clicked it slowly; 'She's gone... She crashed... Her brain injury was too much and it swelled and cracked her skull...' I threw my phone on the ground.
It was my fault. The water on the stairs was from my clothes and she slipped.
I imagined her falling, her heels slipping on the marble, her large bag hitting the floor moments before she did and spilling the contents all over the floor, her beautiful light brown her being stained with blood.
It was all my fault.

I dressed fast and went straight to Elijah's room. I banged on the door but there was no answer. Again and again I banged on the door but there was no sound, nothing. I sat down in front of the door and I decided to wait.
I didn't have my phone on me but I knew I had sat there for a long time because there was a large glass window at the end of the passage way and I could see the sun slowly going down. I looked over to the top of the stairs and there he was; his eyes were puffy and red, his clothes were ruffled and he was shaking a little. I got up immediately and moved out of the way if the door. He slowly shuffled toward the door and unlocked it. I went to follow him in but he stopped me; he pushed me away. "Elijah... Let me in... I wanna be here for you..."

"It's your fault..." He spat under his breath. "Just go..." "No Rhodes... I'm not leaving.. You need a friend right now..." I begged. He pushed me away and began to sob. "She slipped down the f*****g stairs! They were wet because of you! And she yelled at me for you coming around and waking us up!" He yelled. "I'm sorry alright! I'm sorry Elijah!" I tried to wrap my arms around him but he pushed me off my feet. "You're so fucked up Isla! Just f*****g leave!" I began to cry like him on the cold floor. "Stop crying Isla! I hate you! Leave me the f**k alone!"

I started to shake as I walked around the dark campus, the rain and the wind together in my bare skin was almost unbearable. I walked slowly up the driveway that lead to the school, I made it to the edge of the road before I sat down in the wet grass. Lights from the cars passing by warmed me a little as I sat in the cold rain. "Stop crying.." I told myself over and over again, but the tears kept rolling down my face. Joining the rain drops that landed softy on my forehead.

It's your fault.
You killed her.
You don't deserve to be here.
You don't deserve to be anywhere.

I stood up in the wet grass and slipped off my shoes; I threw them into the longer grass near a fence. I heard the sound of a truck coming and it made me stop crying. As it's headlights came closer I took one last deep breath, closed my eyes then I jumped.

People say being in a coma is like being dead but still being trapped in your body. Others say it's just like sleeping for a week, a month, a year or ten. I thought it was a mix of both; there was one moment during whoever long I was out for when I remembered watching all the nurses and doctors walking through the coma ward. But most of the time, it just felt like sleeping.

"Dr Holland! Dr Holland! She's waking up!" My eyes hurt a little as I opened them, the light coming in from what I assumed was a window; it was almost unbearable. "Isla, Isla can you hear me?" The soft and somewhat caring voice was very familiar. She had small, round glasses and long brown hair tied back in a high pony tail. "S**t! Sorry about the window!" She shuffled toward it and shut the curtains.
My eyes started to focus properly and I began to look around. I was in a room with 5 other people, their bodies were lifeless just like mine had been. "Now love, you've been out for a while which was kinda good for us because of the surgery we had to do on your hip... And your leg..." She was blunt which I liked. I hated doctors that just wandered around the serious parts.

"Surgery?" I asked, attempting to sit up. "Yes, we had to screw your hip back together on the right there and your leg just needed a little look see because it was in pretty bad shape.." "Right... Anything else I need to know?" She slipped her glasses off the bridge of her nose and sighed; "You're going to need some rehabilitation, with the way your legs were in pretty bad shape. You should be lucky you've still got them at all so I'm afraid after we get you into the youth ward you can start to learn to walk".

1 month later

I made it out if the coma ward by that afternoon and into one of the youth rooms. Ours was for young adults who had been in 'accidents'.
In the room along with me was Katie; she was 15, she had shoulder length red hair and had a odd obsession with reality tv shows, especially The Bachelor and The Bachelorette. Which made the room mostly full of laughter when her shows were on. She had been found in her school's bathroom, passed out after taking a lot of her mother's sleeping pills. She was still in hospital because when she tried to escape from here, she fell down the stairs and cracked her collar bone in two places.

Nathan, he was 19, had short black hair, enjoyed reading books about philosophy and his brother had found him hanging in his wardrobe. He had never talked about it but he went to a counseling everyday at 2 so we were hoping it helped.

And lastly there was Dylan, 16 and we all hated him. He had broken both of his legs in a motorbike accident and in the midst of his treatment the doctors had figured out that he had done it himself. He had driven a motorbike straight over a small cliff and into a mound of trees and rocks. But even though he was like the rest of us he taunted us like we weren't like him at all. He would say things like 'oh go cut yourself emo!' Or 'I just an accident! Those doctors are nuts keeping me here!' The nurses would warn him to leave the rest of us alone but he would never stop. The only time we got any peace was when he went out for a walk, treatment or counseling.


"Alright gorgeous, just a few more steps and it's all over for the day!" Encouraged Lisa, she was my in charge of me walking again. "I can't! It hurts!" I groaned. "I've heard that excuse before Isla! In fact I hear it all day so it's not gonna work!" Lisa always reminded me of my literature teacher. She was a ball breaker; a lovely women but could always get the best work out of you if she wanted. "Now come on! Just one step give me one and then we can work on the next one!" So I did. My leg ached and so did my hip a little; "There! Happy now?" "Come on Wilde! I've seen you work harder then this on an essay for school!" I looked up and there he was; Elijah.

He was leaning in the doorway and had a smile on his face. "I'd like to see you do this with a big screw in your leg!" I spat back at him. "I'd be able to handle it, if I can handle climbing up those stairs to the study room every other day I'm sure I can!" I laughed and looked back at Lisa, she was smiling. "Come on Wilde, just a few more steps!" I gripped the bars and took a deep breath.

One step. Two steps. Three steps. Four steps. Done.

"There! Done! Now get out of my hair trouble!" Said Lisa pushing my wheelchair toward me. Elijah walked over and started to push me out of the room. "Alright where are we going?" "Just straight down the hallway, I'm the last room on the left." He pushed me down the hallway and asked; "Do you do that every day?" "Every three days and swimming once a week" "Swimming? You guys have a pool?" I laughed. "No, me and a few of the other kids go down the road a little to the indoor pool... Well I wheel down.." He laughed. We turned into my room and I saw that everyone was there but Dylan, I breathed a sigh of relief. "Hi! I'm Katie! Who are you?" Announced Katie as soon as she saw Elijah.

"Hi Katie, I'm Elijah. I'm a friend of Isla's'" "This is Elijah? The Elijah? Wow... He's hotter then you described..." I rolled my eyes as we stopped next to my bed. "I'm hot?" He whispered. "Nah, you're ugly!" He helped me up into my bed and I moved over so he could sit next to me. Katie was staring contently as us and I shook my head at her. She pushed her headphones in and looked at her iPad. "So... There was all these rumors going around at school... There was one where you were in hospital in a coma and another one where you had moved away and another one where you were dead... So I thought I should see for myself..."

"Are you glad I'm not dead?" "Of course I am! Don't be stupid..." There was a long moment of silence but then he spoke up. "It wasn't your fault... Anyone could have slipped on that water and we don't even know it was from you..." I nodded. "Her funeral was so nice though, big flowers around the coffin, like they were big blue flowers in big clear vases; she was wearing a dark red dress with her mum's pearl necklace, they didn't make me get up and speak which was good cause I'm not good at getting up and talking in front of people..."

I laughed a little; "I know you're not... Remember that one time when Mr Tibbs tried to get you to do your speech in front of everyone and your face went bright red and you started stuttering?" He punched me softly in the arm. "Of course I remember that! I was traumatized!" We both laughed. But the silence eventually settled. "I better get going, got my hockey grand final this weekend so we've had training almost every night. I'm sleeping well to say the least!" I nodded. "Oh and I almost forgot!"

He slipped off the bed and grabbed something out of his back pack. It was the book I had dropped at his feet. It was a little tattered and torn but there it was. "Oh my god..." I breathed. "I know you probably didn't want it back but I know it always had you feel better so..." I grabbed it out of his hands and flicked through it. The water had left the pages a little crinkled but it was still readable. He leaned in for a hug and I held him tightly; "I always loved you Elijah..." He hugged me back. "I know you did..." He whispered back.

As soon as he walked out the door I began to sob softly. "That was him wasn't it?" Said Nathan suddenly for his bed. "Yeah that was him..." He sat up a little. "Do you think he'll come back?" I sighed a little and sniffed; "There's a part of me that hopes that he will but then... There's another part of me who knows that he never will..." I sobbed again and lay back down in my bed. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, I knew there was nothing I could do or say to get him to sit back next to me in my hospital bed.

5 years later.

'Ms Wilde, you are cordially invited to St Joseph's Boarding Academy Graduating Class of 2008's Reunion. It will be held on the 17th of June at St Joseph's Boarding Academy, starting approximately 7pm in the Robert Quinn Activities Centre.
R.S.V.P by the 7th of June.
Yours Sincerely, Principle Mr Gerald Peterson.'

I laughed a little in my head and wondered how old Mr Peterson would have been now. A hundred or two? I penciled in the date and time in my notebook and turned off the computer. It was weird to think that I'd be back there again, after 5 years. Everything was so different.


The hall was lite up beautifully. There were little rows of fairy lights wound through the purple and blue streamers. The band was at the other end of the hall and there were large circular tables scattered around the dance floor. I started to walk slowly around the crowded room, the first person I locked eyes with was Andrew Weiss. He had gotten very handsome, he was even taller then I remembered. A younger looking women was standing next to him, I assumed it was his wife or girlfriend. She was wearing a high-waisted skirt, a cream blouse and a grey cardigan. He smiled at me and waved, I smiled back and started walking again.

Tessa Reynolds, I sat just behind her in politics. She always had to put in her fair share when we were discussing ethical issues, or any issues for that matter. Her and Luke Perret were always at each other's throats. She had her arm around a women's hip, the women was about the same height as her but had short red hair unlike Tessa's blonde hair.
By the time I had almost reached the band I suddenly heard a voice from behind me; "Aren't you a sight for sore eyes?" I knew exactly who it was but I didn't want to turn around. I slowly turned and saw him, Elijah.

He almost lunged forward and hugged me tightly, lifting me up a little. "Elijah! How are you?" Once he had let me go he answered; "I've been great Isla! I finished my physical fitness degree with a diploma of education on the side..." He continued to talk and I tried to listen but I just couldn't stop staring at him. He seemed so happy and energetic.

"And yeah... That's about it... What have you been doing?" "I um... I'm a manager at a publishers agency... I did a degree in literature and business management and now I make sure books get to where they're supposed too..." "Wow Isla! That's amazing!" "Thanks..." I took and breath and asked the question I didn't want to ask. "Let me guess you've got a wife and three kids at home waiting for you?" He laughed and punched me in the shoulder, the way he used to. "Oh no, not yet anyway. My fiancé is around here somewhere... She went to the bathroom a little while ago so she must have gotten talking..." He turned and pointed to a girl coming towards us.

She was gorgeous, long blonde hair, dressed in a knee length navy dress that hugged all the right spots and sensible heels and stockings. "Isla... This is my beautiful fiancé Heather!" She smiled then said; "Isla? You mean the Isla?" He nodded and I was very confused. "He told you about me?" "Oh yes he did! And I can't believe I'm finally meeting you!" She hugged me just like Elijah did. "Oh jesus Rhodes! What did you tell her?" He laughed and leaned over after she had finished her hug. "Almost everything Wilde, but some things were better left unsaid.." I nodded and tried to smile. "Well... I'll let you guys get to the dance floor... See you later!" I walked away and tried not to look back.

I sat down at a table on the far left side of the hall. I checked my phone and there was nothing but a text message from my assistant Riley telling me that the Newscape books had left for London at 7:15. I sighed and I felt myself tearing up, I quickly grabbed a handkerchief from my purse and wiped my eyes. "Hey Isla!" I looked up and it was Andy. "Andy! Hi!" I attempted to hug him but he was so tall. "Wow! You look great!" We both sat back down in chairs next to each other. "Oh thanks Andy, so do you!" "It's so great to see you Isla! I was really hoping that you would come tonight!" "Really?" I was a little confused. "Of course I am!" I nodded and attempted to smile again, it was becoming harder by the moment. There was a long moment of silence and I knew it was my fault.

"So I saw you talking to Elijah and Heather... She's a nurse in training... Actually she goes to medical school with my sister!" "Oh well that's good..." I said in a monotone voice. "You know... Elijah told me what happened between you guys... He was actually really happy to have you around, you must have triggered something in that that made him really happy! Must have been all that reading!" I laughed a little and it was nice to hear about me and Elijah from someone else's point of view. "He used to tell me how you used to be up till 1 or so in the morning talking and reading. He told me about how you used to fall asleep in his bed but you'd never let him go to your room. And he told me what happened the night of your accident..."

My head fell down a little, in shame. "And you know... I was the one who made him go to the hospital that day... He didn't want to go but I made him! But he never told me what happened..." "I told him I always loved him and he said that he knew I did... Then he left..." I sniffled and wiped my teared up eyes. He put his hand under my chin and lifted my head up. "Please don't cry... It makes me think about that day in the canteen... I wish I had done more..." "Don't say that Andy!" I held his hand that was under chin. "You did all that you could and it wasn't even your battle to fight!" "I know but... I feel like I could have done more..." I squeezed his hand and shook my head. "You did all you could, I was happy that somebody had my back that day..."

"Well I couldn't just let her yell at you like that, someone had to step in..." "Well I'm glad it was you!" He squeezed my hand back. "So um... I'm here with my sister tonight... The one who's doing nursing... And I think she's going to be going home with Thomas Anderson tonight..." He pointed across the room to the young women I saw with him before, passionately kissing a man with a beard on the dance floor. "Do you wanna get out of here and go get a drink?" "Yeah... I'd like that Andy" I said cheerfully. We both got up and a grabbed my bag.

As we reached the door I turned around one last time. There they were; Elijah and Heather. They were dancing together, you way you saw in corny romantic comedies; closely and lovingly. They were smiling at each other and Elijah leaned over and whispered something in her ear, she giggled and then kissed him softly. "You coming Isla?" I suddenly heard. I turned back to Andy, he was smiling and holding out his hand. "Yeah I'm coming..." I took his hand and we walked out of the hall, out of the school and hopefully Elijah would finally walk out of my heart as I did his just 5 years ago.

© 2013 Caitlin Jane

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Wow very interesting characters. Other than minor spelling errors, the story was very interesting. I couldn't stop reading, very good write.

Posted 10 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on December 6, 2013
Last Updated on December 6, 2013
Tags: Romance, tattoos, teens, books, reading, love


Caitlin Jane
Caitlin Jane
