Whats wrong with America? If a person was to listen to listen to any random person on the street, they would hear a half million things that are wrong. Everybody knows that President Bush has messed things up. That the American bussiness charges to much for everything. The children of America are running wild. Truth is everybody knows this, but what is really the matter with America is the people that doing the whining!
You have a country full of people that want to gripe about every little thing that goes wrong in their lives. Yet they don't want to get off their butts and do something about it. If these people would take some time to fix the problem, then we might actually get something done. Plus, these whiners might actually get some brains by doing something.
Somebody that has a problem when something happens, doesn't bother to hear what is behind it. They just start going off on the person that they feel is the cause. Pay attention people you might learn something. Learn the facts before you start blaming someone.
America's problems are not what people think. If we as a people would get off our butts we could fix the problems. We are a whining nation, full of idiots that want everything handed to us!