![]() Griffinia: PrologueA Story by Jasper Bormans![]() The beginning of a book I wanted to write, I kind of still want to. It's basically about a guy who manages to get a stone which gives power to a league of Griffin-Riders who protects Laynore![]()
Laynore a country which is attached to earth but, not yet discovered. It is a place which can only be seen if you really want to see it, in other words it can only be reached by your mind. It is a place where all the things that human-kind has put in myths is real. Well in Laynore in
Mount Henda (which looked like a mountain from afar but was a city!) there
lived a man called Lorna. He was a jeweller and on this particular day wasn’t
having much business. He stared gloomily at the entrance and hoped that someone
would buy something but only one or two people came in now and then to look at
the things he had to sell but they bought nothing, then quite suddenly someone who
was heavily cloaked rushed in and gave him a stone that was shining mistily in
the sun and then the person in a gruff voice said ,keep it” and rushed out.
Lorna took the stone from the counter and looked carefully at it ,then for a
moment he thought ,why did the person give me this old stone and why did the
person give it to me? He went to the back of his shop and began examining the
stone. He looked at it through his magnifying glass and looked at it normally
but it looked like any old stone. He then thought, I wish the business in my
shop would go better and then quite suddenly he heard a shuffle of feet and
pushing. He stood up peered through the curtain; his shop was bursting with
customers. He stepped out of the curtain and stood behind the counter and made
ready for the people who were going to buy and positively everybody bought something.
At the end of the day his lando (which means money box) was almost going to
explode. He had made so much business he could buy a bigger shop and could get
tons and tons of crystals and semi-precious stones. The
next morning Lorna woke up and went for his usual early morning walk. He was looking
at some signs when a certain sign caught his eye and on it said;
REWARD: 1,000,000,000,000 FOR THE RETURN OF THE
And that was it. Lorna looked at the sign
again and took the stone out of his pocket. The description on the sign matched
the stone he had in his hand at that moment. Lorna grasped the stone in his
hand and went on with his walk whistling a tune along the way. By noon the whole of You
want to look up the stone don’t you said the librarian, why yes! said Lorna how
did you know, Everybody else here wants to research it said the librarian. Except that griffin-rider over there over there, he
pointed at the far side of the library where there was a man sitting in a chair
reading a scroll. He wanted the scroll about the healing herbs of the healing
cliffs up north , he paused a dreamy
look in his eyes then he shook himself awake and said, what sort of scroll do
you want sir, I want to have a scroll about the powers and weaknesses of the
stone said Lorna. The librarian led him to a honeycomb shelf that right at the
top on a big sign it said; FACTS; THE STONE. The librarian took some scrolls
out for him and suggested that Lorna should read them. During this time Lorna
was spying on the griffin-rider and had memorised where he had put the scroll. Almost
at the end of the day Lorna had read all the scrolls the librarian had
suggested to him and found some scrolls for himself but there was something
that bothered him, in one of the scrolls it said;
Don’t ever use the stone for greed Otherwise you’ll get what you will need.
was puzzled. Why was the warning written in the form of a poem? Was it a
prophecy? He wasn’t going to give the stone back to the griffin-riders, not in
the least. Lorna wasn’t going to be bothered by this, he had other errands to
do, now let me tell you something about Lorna, he was no kind man like you
expected, he was a cruel and selfish man and he was planning something,
something that the griffin-riders had been dreading from the moment that the
stone had been lost. Lorna went to the comb where he knew the scroll that the
griffin-rider had been reading was. He took out the scroll and went to the
farthest corner of the library where nobody could see him and began to tear up
the scroll. When this was done he rubbed his hands together and went to the
librarian and asked for some scrolls about griffin-riders but the librarian
said, sorry sir we’re closing up but if you want to you can take out a scroll
about them and read it at home? ,”Ok,” said Lorna and went up one of the
ladders to one of the shelves and looked at some of the scrolls and at last
found one. He went down and took it out. The librarian gave him a scroll pipe
and Lorna put the scroll in. Lorna was just about to leave the library when the
librarian rushed up to him and gave him a slip of paper, “on this peace of
paper is the date that you must return the scroll said the librarian, just make
sure return it on the right date.” The
next morning Lorna woke up and opened his shop and took the stone out of his
pocket and said, “Let’s try you out, my beauty ball.”
In the afternoon, and in the time in Mount
Henda shopkeepers called the gloomy hour, it was a time when it really became
hot and people just sun bathed that whole hour that was when Lorna decided to
try the stone out he then wished, I wish business went better in my shop, then
all the people in Mount Henda thought I think I should go and buy something and
they all went to Lorna’s shop (although some of them chose differently) even
the emperor of Laynore came out of his palace to buy something. By the end of
the day he had sacks and sacks of money and thought, I can’t believe my own
eyes and then, all of a sudden the scroll that he had taken out of the library popped
into his mind. The scroll he thought suddenly I forgot reading it, my shop is
still going to be open for two more planets (the Laynores measured time by the
planets, two planets, quarter of an hour, four planets, half an hour etc.) I’ll
read it after my shop’s closed. After Lorna had read the scroll he thought
about what he had learnt, the scroll had held the strong powers they had and
their weaknesses, Lorna hadn’t finished the scroll yet, but he was planning to
finish it through. The
next morning woke up and took the scroll from his bedside table, his shop
wasn’t going to open up till 8 o’ clock and he had woken up at one planet past
6. After he had finished the scroll he put up the same sign he had put up the
day before yesterday and went to the library to return the scroll. After he had
taken of his sandals Lorna went into the library the librarian sat in his table
with his head in his hands when Lorna asked him what the matter was the
librarian looked up. The librarians face was completely tear stained and he
said” I was cleaning the library after you left I was in the farthest corner of
the library when something caught my eye, it was small bits of paper, when I
had a closer look I saw that it had letters written in pok (it means ink) the
paper looked very old like all the other scrolls in the library, then all of a
sudden I realized it’s a scroll it’s a torn up scroll of the library, then I
fainted. Today I just woke up and when I opened the library I asked a women
going to the market what date it was, when shed told me I realized I’d been
unconscious for one whole day. I hurried back to the place where the torn up
library scroll was, when I reached it I picked up the library scrolls pieces
and went to my desk and began fitting the pieces together, when I had found out
what the scroll was I fell down sobbing it was the scroll the griffin-rider had
read the day before yesterday. That’s it said the librarian, the scroll that I
had found was very precious scroll but its gone now I can’t get a griffin-
rider, they’re busy with other stuff. Anyway is it the scroll you wanted to
return? Yes, said Lorna. Here you go, I would like to get another scroll, is
that possible? Yes, said the librarian, go and get your self one. When
Lorna had gotten him-self one he took it out and waited for the return slip
when he had gotten the return slip he went and put on his sandals and went
home. When he had gotten home he opened his shop and the day went on like any
other day. When it was time to close the shop he closed it and went to his bed
to read the scroll. The
next morning Lorna woke up, got dressed and put up a sign that said; back in two
planets, he was going to return the scroll to the library. When he came to the library he went into the shoe room
and took of his sandals and went into the library he went to the librarian (who
was looking a little better) and returned the scroll. Did you find it
interesting? Asked the librarian, yes” said Lorna lazily, it was quite interesting.
Do you want another scroll, no said Lorna, I don’t want to read another scroll
I’m any way late. Late for what asked the librarian? I needed to open my shop
one planet ago but I’m late I have to go Lorna rushed out without even saying
hotnata (which means goodbye). Lorna ran, when he got to his shop he was
already two planets late. The rest of the day was what a shop keeper in
I wish the emperor of Laynore to die.
He waited
a few minutes then he heard the distant sound of the mourning horn blowing.
Four planets later the whole of Laynore knew that the
emperor of Laynore had died. This was the perfect time to launch the second
part of his plan. Then he said softly to the stone;
I wish to become
emperor of Laynore.
waited a few minutes then he heard the faint whisper of a dragon-riders dragon flying,
he looked up he saw the dragon glimmering above him, it moved a little and
landed in front of him. The dragon-rider climbed off his dragon and said, “The
elders of When
they’d the palace they landed on the dragons landing balcony and then went
inside the palace. The dragon-rider lead him to a big pine wood door and then
reached for the door handle and then opened the door solemnly and quietly then
beckoned him inside. After going in the dragon-rider closed the door quietly
behind him. Lorna looked around, he was in the emperors private scroll library.
Lorna shivered the honey comb shelves made him think he was a bee come to work
here forever. At the end of the library he saw a gigantic round pine table
around it he saw four figures. He walked towards the table when he got nearer
he saw that the figures were extremely old there were three men and one woman. Then
it popped into his mind the old people were the elders of Then a creature scuttled onto the table, it was an
emot, it looked at Lorna cautiously and scuttled towards him then Lina said in
a stern voice, “Zizia come her”! Lorna was surprised, but Lina laughed,” she
was going to attack you,” she may seem friendly but she’s very harsh to strangers, then, Lorna noticed, the emot was
different from any he’d ever seen, all emot’s had green flippers and light blue
spikes but this ones was different, instead it had light blue flippers and
green spikes. Lina noticed him staring and said” she’s no ordinary emot she’s
one of the last two of her own kind, the male one lives with a poor fisherman
at the coast of the desert near the border, I’m the only on who knows about his
emot and him. Lorna had been told tales of emots like this but they where
mythical creatures that never existed but now, there was one right in front of
him. Gontina interrupted “we have to get on with what we where doing” and he
took something out of his robes. It was a big round steel ring, Gontina looked
at him “this is the crown of the emperor of Laynore” he said, the first emperor
of Laynore said that it gave him good thoughts so all of the emperors of
Laynore have been wearing the ring but now its yours for the rest of your life.
Then Gortono said “kneel Lorna and repeat the words I say” Gortono stood up and
came to Lorna and whispered something in his ear and then he took the ring of
the table and said “say the oath of the emperor”
swear to rule Laynore In
a rule of wisdom
swear to help Laynore In times of trouble And
help the ones in Need
Gortono put the crown of the emperor on Lorna’s head. Lorna had meant what he
said but in a way of evil.
It had been a week sins Lorna had been crowned king
and something was troubling him, the griffin-riders were acting suspiciously
and Lorna was worried, (wait have I told you that Lorna hated the
griffin-riders no? Well now you do well let’s get on with the story) he hated
the griffin"riders and wanted to destroy them but it just wasn’t the right time.
Then his thought were interrupted by his guard who announced “leader of the
griffin-riders wants to see the king” Lorna sighed people were always wanting
to see him and it was dreadfully tiring, “let him in” Lorna sighed and expected
to hear the normal complaint but instead he heard “you have the stone don’t you”. Lorna sat bolt upright and then said
“well of course I have it and how did you now” we were realising that you were
getting everything but not through servants but through something else and we
figured out it might be through the stone. With all the amazing feats you have
managed we new you had the stone.””, Oh did you now,” said Lorna,” and we
,”said the leader of the griffin-riders,” are not going to allow you to keep it
any longer! And now,” he paused for breath,” you are under arrest! Lorna smiled,
he new that the griffin riders were clever but sometimes they were just plain
stupid then he took out the stone and said:
I wish for all the griffin riders to die
The leader of the griffin-riders went wide eyed and
then a faint breeze went through the room and in that instant the leader just
dissolved into dust. At last,” thought Lorna,” Laynore is in my hands!
© 2012 Jasper BormansAuthor's Note
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StatsAuthor![]() Jasper BormansWestern Cape, South AfricaAboutI am a collection of carbon atoms with a consciousness attached existing in this current position in the Space/Time Continuum. I have no actual purpose in life because life itself is a pointless exerc.. more.. |