Things that Money Can’t Buy

Things that Money Can’t Buy

A Poem by sweetgreen

for those who valued money more that the people around them


Money is where the edge of a poor and a rich man meet

Though both longed for it every second in their life,

The former got a bit advantage as where the later fret

For their needs and wants may brought joy or strife.


Money can buy a comfortable and soft couch

Yet it can’t buy such a peaceful and sound sleep without ouch.

The rich may lay in settee at an expensive lounge or suite

But can’t lull him to a good slumber, while thinking for his assets


Money can buy choices of luscious, savoury dish

Yet it can’t buy the gratifying appetite that one wish

The poor can burp with such a single slice of meat

If surrounded with beloved, every bite seemed to be sweet


Money can buy all the costly medicine and breakthrough health apparatus

Yet it can’t buy the healing touch of a dearie nor ameliorate the pain it produces

Once one lay in its distress bed, we ask for people to stay in our rear

Someone to check our temperature and ask if we had eaten or taken the pill


Money can buy houses, condos, castle, sky scrapers and mansions,

Yet it can’t buy a home where peace and love reside, and kin dwells with affections

Money can pay all the services: spa, scrub, massage, facelift, Botox and enhancement

Yet it can’t pay for happiness: of kids and friends, family, glee, comfort and enjoyment


Whether we are rich or poor, servant or master, king or countrymen

Money is simply a mean to an end not the end itself.

Empty pockets is never a reason when people held you back,

It’s always an empty heart that makes anyone from you depart.


© 2011 sweetgreen

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1 Review
Added on March 28, 2011
Last Updated on March 28, 2011



Cebu, VII, Philippines

Hello, I'm Green,an English teacher here in the Philippines. I love writing. It has been my passion. I love to share what I creatively write to others, hoping also that I could learn other techniques .. more..
