Is He In love?

Is He In love?

A Poem by sweetgreen

for teenage love affair



He seems to be uneasy

And so conscious when face tends to go greasy

Changes outfit almost everytime

And make sure his smell is fine


Food is another issue

Sticking on his diet must be on the go

Three large platter of carbo no more

Fruits, juice and liquids he prefers to incur


Gone are the matchboxes, rifles and sticks

In are magazine, pocketbooks and comics

Cellphone, Ipod and internet

Makes his evening complete before he rest.


He asked much of money on special occassions

To buy roses, chocolates and balloons

It makes our expenditures grow

For loads and telephone bills that blow


His posts and walls  often reflect love complicated

Now he's in relationship, sometimes single or engaged

Yesterday he said his girl was this

 And now its another dish


Simply it shows a puppy love

Or peer pressure because everybody had

But whatever it is that he might feel

There is always a sure and a true love from mother dear.


© 2011 sweetgreen

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Added on March 3, 2011
Last Updated on March 4, 2011



Cebu, VII, Philippines

Hello, I'm Green,an English teacher here in the Philippines. I love writing. It has been my passion. I love to share what I creatively write to others, hoping also that I could learn other techniques .. more..
