I'm the girl who is scared of thunder,
The girl that can't close her eyes for too long because she's scared of the dark,
The girl who seems so helpless, and maybe is,
The girl falls to the ground when no ones around,
The girl who puts her hands over her ears and screams,
The girl who hides, but when she doesn't, it doesn't matter, you won't notice her anyway,
The girl that's always crying in the back of the class room, no one bothers to ask why,
The girl who wants so much in life because there is so much to be,
The girl who is just so right, and everyone has to be wrong,
The girl that's so alone, every time she opens up, she's thrown back in the dirt,
The girl who wonders what a real friend is,
The girl who looks into the sky with that distant look in her eyes,
The girl that can't keep her head up, she's afraid of peoples faces,
The girl who won't speak loud enough, even though she has the voice, and she' knows what's wrong from right, but she's afraid of the laughs,
The girl that doesn't know her purpose.
I'm the girl who is always told she can amount to something, that she does,
The girl who everyone secretly roots for,
The girl who is strong and everyone knows it,
The girl whose smile can make so make so many wonder,
The girl who cares for everyone,
The girl who can understand everyone's thoughts,
The girl he loves.