Theme and Reflection

Theme and Reflection

A Chapter by Allyssa77

When I recall all these memories and remember the details of what happened, I realize that my most memorable recollections happen to be of times when things did not go like they were expected to. In Disney World I got scared because I thought the evil witch said that I was next, and at the Zoo Boo I though the little glowing kids were real and out to get me. Even when I was older and went to my first Yankee game and got beer spilled all over me. But because of the unexpected, something good came. I was scared to go on the Black Hole, but once I did it I was excited and did it many more times. It made me feel proud and accomplished. I also realize that even though I sometimes take advantage of my parents, they are the ones who have helped me get through most of the tough times in my life.

In my entire life, there are many different themes, but there are a few that are consistent throughout. One very important message that is evident in every chapter of my life is that good things can come from some of the most unexpected places, but only if you let them.When I got beer spilled on me at the Yankee game, I could have let that ruin the rest of my day, but I didn’t and ended up getting a new jersey out of it. Another consistent message is that your family and friends are always there for you and if you are lucky enough to have people like that who care for you, you shouldn’t take advantage of them. The last message is that sometimes you just need a good scare to help you get over your fears, but sometimes that’s the exact opposite of what you need. When I was scared to go down the Black Hole, the only way to get over that fear was by going down the slide. But when I got scared on the train ride, going through the rest of it only mad me even more scared and caused me to never go on a scary train again.

© 2012 Allyssa77

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Added on May 18, 2012
Last Updated on May 18, 2012



Wyckoff, NJ

Disney Land Disney Land

A Chapter by Allyssa77

The Zoo Boo The Zoo Boo

A Chapter by Allyssa77