Genius for a Day

Genius for a Day

A Stage Play by Allyssa77

Genius for a Day

JENNY MCGUIRE, 15, intelligent teenager, square-rimmed, black glasses
MRS. MCGUIRE, 41, short, nice but strict
MR. MCGUIRE, 45, strict and has high expectations for JENNY
Time: Scene 1- evening time on a Friday. After dinner
          Scene 2- Saturday during the day and night
          Scene 3- Sunday morning (early)
Place: Jenny’s house. In the kitchen and hallway.

MRS. MCGUIRE is in the kitchen cleaning off the table from dinner. MR. MCGUIRE is in the computer room doing some research for work. JENNY reaches into her backpack that is on the floor near the door and pulls out her test she needs to get signed.

Scene 1:


(walks over to mom with test in her hand. says in a quite voice)
Ummm, mom. I need you to sign something for me.


(continues to rinse off dishes in the sink)
Yes Jenny. What is it?


Well, ummm. (stutters) I got a... uhhh... a... a D on my math test. (quickly looks at the floor)


(puts down the plate she is rinsing and turns to face JENNY. stares at her for a few seconds)
Well, are you going to show it to me?


(hands paper to mom. says in hurried and nervous voice)
I am so sorry mom! I don’t know what happened. I studied but then while I was taking the test I just forgot everything and before I knew it the class was over and... (takes a deep breath) I am so sorry!


(looks at test before reaching into island to get a pen. signs test with a disappointed expression)
Here you go. (turns back around and starts rinsing off dishes again)


(stares at mom with confusion for a few seconds)
That’s it? You’re not mad at me or anything?


(stops dishes and turns back around. Says with annoyance)
I am mad but there is no point in yelling at you. You know what you did wrong. Just don’t let it happen again.
(starts cleaning the dishes again)


(continues to stare at mom’s back for a few seconds in confusion. Turns around and runs into room. lies down on her bed and puts her face in her pillow)
Why did mom have to give me that “I am so disappointed in you I can’t even speak to you right now” look! I would have rather had her yell at me then have to deal with the awkward silence! If I wasn’t so stupid, this would never have happened! I would have never gotten a D if I was as smart as Taylor! She is lucky to have smart parents that give her math to do so she gets really good. I wish my parents would do that! But that would never happen. They expect me to become a genius without any help. (sighs) I can’t think about this anymore. It is making me sick. At least I have my soccer game tomorrow to look forward to.(gets up off of bed. walks over to door and turns off the lights. walks back to bed and gets under the covers. falls asleep)

Scene 2:


(opens eyes and sits up in bed. stretches. gets up and walks over to table left of bed. picks up calendar and reads it)
Let’s see what today’s trivia question is. January 21st, 2012: What is the capital of Ghana. (blurts out) Accra. (sounds surprised) Wait! How did I no that? Huh, I must have seen it somewhere before. (looks at the clock) I better start getting ready for soccer!


(calls from the sudy)
Jenny! Are you awake?


(calls back to mom)
Yeah, I am awake! I will be right there!
(puts down calendar and walks into study, where mom is)
Hey mom. Where is my soccer game today?


Soccer game? Oh yeah, I told your coach you are not going today.


(says with annoyance)
WHAT? Why would you do that? I have been looking forward to this all week!


Soccer is not important right now. You have to do your math. The AMC 12 is tomorrow and after what you got on your test yesterday you are going to have work even harder! We better get moving!


(looks at mom with confusion)
The AMC 12? Isn’t that the exam that Taylor takes? Why would I do that! I stink at math!


(reaches into draw in table on left and takes out paper and pencil)
Don’t be silly. You take these tests all the time! Now you better get started because your father expects you to finish everything he has planned and you still have to do your homework! (hands paper and pencil to Jenny)


(pushes paper and pencil back towards mom)
Mom! I am not taking that stupid test! I will just embarrass myself! I am going to go get ready for soccer now.
(turns around and starts to walk away)


(puts hands on Jenny’s shoulders and turns her back around)
You are not going anywhere. Now sit down and start the practice tests!
(puts pencil and paper into Jenny’s hand and sits her in a chair)


No mom! Look, dad will tell you I need to go to soccer! (yells into other room) Dad! Can you come here for a second?


(walks in from left side of stage)
What’s the matter Jenny? Why aren’t you working on your math?


(looks at dad)
What do you mean? No dad, I have to go to soccer! Right? Tell mom I have to go to my game. She is saying some ridiculous thing about me taking a math contest tomorrow! Tell her she is wrong, dad.


She is right Jenny. You can play in your game next weekend, after the contest. Plus you need to make up for that D! (mumbles to himself) A D! How could I let her get a D? (adjusts paper to face Jenny and places pencil in her hand. walks out of the room)


(looks at Jenny with compassion)
I am sorry Jenny. If you finish in time I will take you to your soccer game. How’s that?


(looks down at paper and grumbles)
Yeah, sure.


(walks to the left, off stage)


(sighs and rubs puts her head in her hand)
How did this even happen? I should be at soccer right now, but instead I am stuck doing math! I don’t even like math! And where did they come up with this contest? They must have been talking to Taylor’s parents. But how do I talk them out of it? I don’t want to be like Taylor anymore! I haven’t even done one math contest and I am already depressed. (starts tapping pencil on table) Plus, I don’t even know even know how I got to be this smart over night! (looks down at paper for a few seconds) I can actually answer these questions! I just want my life to be back to how it usually is; no more math contests or practice sheets. Just going to soccer and having fun with my friends. (lays head down on table) Maybe I can dream this life away. (closes eyes and falls asleep)

Scene 3:


(opens eyes and sits up in bed)
Huh? How did I get here? (looks at the clock. says with surprise) 8:30 am! Did I sleep through the whole day and night? (gets out of bed and looks at calendar on the table next to the bed) January 21st? That can’t be right! Yesterday was January 21st! (runs into the study and searches table for papers) What happened to the practice exam? Where did it go?


(walks into study from left)
What are you doing in here? You should be getting ready for your soccer game.


(raises one eyebrow in confusion)
What? Soccer? But I thought today was Sunday? My game was yesterday!


(looks at Jenny with concern)
Are you feeling alright Jenny? Today is Saturday!


What? So I am not taking the AMC 12?


AMC 12? What is that? You have soccer today.


So me being really smart was just a dream? (smiles really big) I am dumb again? Yeah! Err... I mean... aww....I mean.. I don’t know!


(steps away from Jenny)
Umm, Jenny maybe you should go lie down. You aren’t making any sense.


No no no! Dad, I am fine! Perfectly, 100% fine!


(says with skepticism)
Okaaaay, you should probably go get ready for soccer then.


Yeah! You are right! Thanks dad! (runs to the left, off stage)


(continues to stand there for a few seconds)
Okay then.
(Follows Jenny to the left, off stage)

© 2012 Allyssa77

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good job ;) (i remember being jenny for acting it out)

Posted 12 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on April 27, 2012
Last Updated on April 27, 2012



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