living on caffeine and insomnia but,
sleep is a sneaky culprit.. it has some tricks,
like necessity,
that always catch up with me.
Every night I fight, strain
against the inevitable. yet I can not
avoid it forever, my eyes must
close, even if it is
against my better judgment
to do it unintoxicated.
If I had sleeping pills, I’d take them.
knock myself out cold,
slide into a dreamless oblivion.
but all my pill rights have
in fact, been revoked.
I mean, really. It was just one little
over dose.
So I am left here,
wondering through early
morning nights, finding out
about how long my body
can run without decent sleep.
I’m watching circles
set up camp under my eyes.
But my iris’s, man, they’re bluer than ever.
I can only trust sleep when
it ambushes me with my guard down
from exhaustion.
You’d be amazed at how little you dream
when you’re brain is only worried about not
losing its wits to sleep