Wylie and the K9 Club

Wylie and the K9 Club

A Poem by Grant Norwood

Another of the Wylie series.


Wylie what’s been happening, I haven’t seen you in a while

To keep yourself so quiet is not your normal style


I had an odd encounter, playing down by Rusty’s yard

A weird and crazy ritual by a jumpy St Bernard


Looking left and looking right he stopped beside a fence              

And began to move in ways that didn’t make much doggy sense


It seemed that he was agitated with behavior that he showed

I realized then  I must have cracked some secret canine code


He stood before the fence and with his paw he made a sound

By tapping once upon the wood, then twice more on the ground  


A window opened magically and eyes were seen to glare

Belonging to an unknown face whose aim was not so clear


Watching fascinated, he turned three times upon the spot

Then with one eye open he went one two three four hop


A hidden flap squeaked ajar and the big guy darted in

Of course it made me want to know what wonders lay within


Making my way over to the secret door I stopped

And then I tapped and turned and winked and finally I hopped


The flap was flung straight open and I zipped in to the den

Of a secret hidden club that’s just for man’s best friend


A Boxer came to greet me with hello and suspect grin

Welcome to our dog club, why don’t you come on in?


Her eyes were so familiar, had I met them once before?

Then I recognized the glare, it’s the face behind the door!


As I turned a German Shepherd loomed abruptly at my side

Now longing for the safety that my bedroom would provide


His stare was cold and menacing, a lump formed in my throat

Until his high class accent asked “Sir, may I take your coat?”


This club was just a mad house full of color, shape and size

And many nationalities, one or two were in disguise


Bruce the cattle dog looked on, stood in his rubber boots,  

Upon his head, a hat of corks and he wore a three piece suit


I questioned him about his clothes, that wonderful regalia

“Come on mate, stone the crows! Have you not been to Australia?”


The hats for sun, the corks for flies and the boots they just look great

The suit an insurance policy if I find myself a date


A Pit Bull interrupted us, he was trying to recruit

A partner who could help him beat the Alaskan Malamute


Thank you for the offer, it really is a shame

The truth be told that dogball is really not my game


A poodle was labra-doodling over by a shady tree

A terrier looked cheerier sipping on her herbal tea


Retrievers were retrieving anything that jaws could hold

While keeping clear of Husky who had the common cold


Suddenly a stop and turn, the dogs all faced the door

Two characters had strolled right in and bones all hit the floor


A whisper heard “that’s Jane the Dane and Lucky her Jack Russell”

While Jane’s the brain of this odd pair, Lucky is the muscle


In seconds all before me were a shivering bunch of fur

But Jane the Dane not losing stride just barked out “as you were!”  


The arrival of Jane and Lucky turned the dog world topsy-turvy

And I giggled to myself that I had felt just a little nervy


Tension now relieved and all the dogs they could relax

For me that said the time had come for heading down the track.


And just before departing I bumped in to the St Bernard

Who urged me to apply at once for the brand new loyalty card.


Don’t forget to fill the form, it will sweep you off your feet

A second time at the K9 club and you’ll get a special treat.

© 2014 Grant Norwood

My Review

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Grant, I really enjoyed this poem as well. I love how you used the breeds to show their personalities. This was fun to read and the rhymes were great. Cute story! I'm going to send you a read request or two. There is an author on here that I think you would enjoy!

Posted 10 Years Ago

Grant Norwood

10 Years Ago

thanks, just getting myself sorted out on this site so will start reciprocating with the reviews.
Sharon Kim

10 Years Ago

Take your time! It's overwhelming!

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1 Review
Added on August 8, 2014
Last Updated on August 8, 2014
Tags: children, poetry, dogs, animals