Hour of Night

Hour of Night

A Story by Grace

An idea. That i had.


O dark dark dark.They all go into the dark.

                 -T.S. Eliot



The light had been gone since the day he was born. Sometimes, in the middle of the night  where the only difference between it and daytime were the sounds and smells outside, he imagined that time had stopped. He was in space floating; He was underwater with currents that flowed backward and foreward, passing from above and below until the weightlessness turned into unconsciousness. He would stay in this half asleep state all night, and it was never peaceful. It was always filled with the memories of the day, the fears of tomorrow, the exciting smells of the night. Sometimes he fell asleep. His dreams were always filled with nightmares, and while most children his age dreamt of the hideous monsters that dwelt in the dark, he dreamt of the horrors that lived in the light. Darkness was calm, clean, cool. It cloaked all the dirtiness of the world in a veil of mild sameness. It was a refuge that blessed, and soon it would be taken away from him.

© 2009 Grace

Author's Note

sorry if it isnt that good~~~

My Review

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I think the idea is excellent and worth expounding upon. WHY was the light gone since the day he was born, was he born blind? Did the sun explode? Is he truly in space? Underwater? This leaves the reader with more questions than answers...but...that's a great way to hook your reader...now just slowly reel him in and you might just have something here. A great beginning.

Posted 15 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on March 17, 2009



El Segundo ( formerll lived in LA....i miss it!), CA

ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm~~~~ haha i dont really know what to write! I am 16 and have wanted to post my poems online for a long time. I dont care if anyone reads them or thinks they're good or anything, but i .. more..

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