when i feel this terrible loneliness
aching into my bones
paralyzing my heart and constricting my lungs
and i try to think of something that would ease the pain
and realize there is nothing
that happiness only thinly veils pain
which is ever present, all encompassing
but which is also forgotten
and painted over
and may stay ,hidden, until the aging rose-coloured tint slowly chips away
and then there it is
same as before, only built upon with years of lies
and i think that i want love
and i think that i want friendship
and all these things are just fillers
for a life that ends too quickly for meaning
where every second can never be recaptured
because father time is cruel and cold
and marches on regardless
and your children will soon die
and their grandchildren will die
because even though we think it will be a long time,that we have plenty of time before
it all ends
we don't
no one does
and no one ever has