Though, basic in thought and emotion, the message of this Senryu is an old one; still, we romantics know that love never really grows old, eh? : )
With an apt title and spot-on counts, it should be free from capitals, and could use a more poetic/romantic voice throughout … for example, it could have been put in other than common prose talk, thusly:
in my eyes you look
at first site I know it's love
say softly you're mine
I normally do not do a full edit in a review, but this one of your original seemed so simple to do. I see a fine potential for you to become a masterful poet, with a deeper, more inclusive, and emotional sense of expression.
Thank you for sharing your craft, and for the opportunity to assist you with your skills! 〜 Richard
I'm not much of a writer, but I would love to read other people's work and give reviews and help them out :D
Here is a few things about me
-I'm a sophmore
-I'm a girl
-I love horror and fantasy
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