Be that miracle.

Be that miracle.

A Story by wanderingminds

spread love :)

The category that will never cease to amuse me are kids..they got so much pent up energy even after a full ,tedious working day..i see them excitedly narrating to their moms the happenings of the day,laughing lightly at their own silly jokes..god!they make this world so much more wonderful..

It was after a long wait that i had finally gotten a chance to visit my hometown.I was on my way from hostel to home for the weekend and was giddy at the thought of homemade delicacies and of course,to meet my parents after a long time😛

It so happened that i noticed a girl around 7 years probably, sitting on her grandpa's lap and asking all possible questions her little curious mind could come up with..
she wanted to know how the train driver knew that all the bogies are following the engine,why her maths ma'am and their neighbours dog has the same name,and how she wished her mom works in kfc and so on..In order to divert her attention her grandpa started asking her few questions..This exchange had soon gained the attention of the fellow passengers..And then the grandpa asked the very old question!"Tell me ma,what do you want to become when u grow up?"i leaned a little forward to hear what she would respond.Clearly enjoying all the attention she was receiving,she gave a sly smile and replied cheekily" i wanna be a police dog gramps!"And with this the entire onlookers cracked up.
I was mesmerised at how effortlessly that little angel brought a smile on to our faces.Children are true gift from heaven.Its depressing to know that,we still have innumerable kids who are ill-treated,trafficked from their villages and forced to beggary,slaving away their life in hotels and industries..Childhood is the cardinal stage of life that molds us into individuals with unique personas and thought flow..When exposed to such excruciating experiences,they are scarred for a life time..

Every growing child has got emotional needs.He or she needs to know that they are loved and valued,that their caretaker would go to any extend to ensure their happiness and security.Only when they are emotionally secure does the actual process of growing up begins..

I had actually sat down to write a care free article,where i would tell just how happy i am..but then i thought,this isn't how it should be..While we are lucky enough to have a place we lovingly call home,people who care for us endlessly;there are kids who are denied of daily meals,a roof over their head..Kids just like you and me,who loves to play hopscotch,who would fight over a chocolate bar and wish that somebody would tell them that darkness is nothing but gods playing hide and seek from heaven..

What we forget is that,other than our children,our circle of friends and family,there are people who need us..expecting miracles to happen in their lives..Why not be that miracle?Why limit love to such a small boundary?☺Next time you see a kid in need,reach out,give them hope,make them believe that there is still goodness in this world☺
_for a happier world,with love WM.

© 2015 wanderingminds

Author's Note

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Added on October 3, 2015
Last Updated on October 3, 2015
Tags: kids, care, love, social, awareness



mangalore, India

i believe in the goodness of the world!painting,singing like crazy,and dancing till my foot hurts are my hobbies :p i love dark writings. more..
