No More
A Poem by gorillarock
As if too short to explain Yet all is said The definition is nice Concise
© 2018 gorillarock
Author's Note
Take a moment and think about the title after reading the poetry. The two entities go together, intended to incur reflection on the use of the title in your own life. How did you feel once you said those words out loud? to someone? to yourself? Did that feeling sway the course of your voyage through life? Are you able to find happiness in what you've learned through personal choice and experience? What harms you still that should be No More?
Honest introspection can lead you through darkness, and help you see your universal truths. Even in a state of balance and happiness, it is good to reflect with such critique.
I hope you enjoyed the read, and the thoughts!
I found this to be confusing, but very beautiful. When I speak this aloud, each word carries a lot of weight.
However, I did feel a bit confused as to the meaning.
Personally, I take it to mean the act of saying "no more" to things. "all is said" in the sense that we have a long-term relationship with this item. "as if too short to explain" refers to how that entity might not understand why we are saying goodbye. And the last two lines, reflecting on "no more" as a tool in our life.
Again, very beautiful, but I was a bit confused.
Posted 7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
I don't think you were confused at all! In something this short, it is easy to take a personal spin .. read moreI don't think you were confused at all! In something this short, it is easy to take a personal spin on what was actually intended. You captured the connection to the title nicely, which was one of my intentions when writing this. Thank you for taking the time :)
When I started this shorty from your comment on my other work, I started simply with the word "Concise". This was the mantra that I was set to follow; quick, clear, and comprehensive. I started thinking about the times when I lived and felt this mantra, and put those experiences from that moment down in a few words. In many cases, it was me making the decision to take control of a situation using my instinct. "No more of this, we're going in that direction" and all is said... quick, clear... as with any time i strive to be concise, the struggle is in being comprehensive as well as these other factors. I grew the poem, tailored it, grew it, changed words, and tailored it some more. This way I knew that each line was the summary of a whole different poem that was written, and was coherent to itself when edited.
You could read this poem to explain "No More" as well as read it as a commentary to the definition of "Concise"
1 Review
Added on January 10, 2018
Last Updated on January 10, 2018
gorillarockVictoria, British Columbia, Canada
I like words so much I started learning Spanish to learn more words! :) more..