Missed strokes
It isn’t difficult
Greeting some one
‘Good morning’
Say ‘Thank you’, for favors
Life, an experience
Make it more exciting
Appreciating others
Making them, feel good
To feel good
A desire n need
For all, at all times
Yet, always missed
Its human nature
To insist from others
Love n affection
A irresistible urge
‘Need to feel good’
Yet, refuse others
Returning the same
Cause pain, misunderstanding
N mistrust
Fulfilling own obligations
Isn’t, sufficient enough
Put that extra step
Be, bit more human
Choose special days
Of remembrance, birthdays
Marriage anniversaries
A day, make some one important
An expression, positive
To others n cosmic nature
Our reason for existence
Stop, complain not
What we miss
But being positive
Recognize others’ n your own worth
Poem n video by Pal
81. Missed strokes