Never uttering a word,
Living life on mute.
Seeing so much,
Never speaking a bit of it.
Life in Technicolor,
But no sound to share it.
Observations everyday,
And the secrets remain safe.
The girl who can’t talk.
People are drawn to her.
And they all have their different reasons.
She doesn’t cause the headaches the others do.
She can keep a secret.
She won’t tell the world and ruin your life.
When the quiet girl does finally speak.
Her words are heard.
Her words cut deep.
She thinks every single word through,
And her statements are soaked in brilliance,
Her ideas are full of insight.
Always gets the answer right.
Speaking only when necessary.
Some fear her voice.
Knowing she can speak things to end it all.
So many secrets.
People trust the quiet girl so easily.
She knows more than she cares to.
But cares so much for people in general,
She keeps it all inside.
Unable to bear the thought of being a cause of pain.
Everyone loves the quiet girl.
Everyone wants a quiet girl.
Some intentions are malicious,
Others are pure.
She accepts it all.
She takes it all in,
And never gave a bit of it back.
The quiet girl floats through the world,
Watching the lives around her,
Living through others.
The quiet girl is everything that people can’t have.
The quiet girl is a riddle that won’t be cracked.
The quiet girl has already cracked all the other riddles,
But keeps the answers to herself.
The quiet girl understands life more than anyone else.
But the quiet girl doesn’t get to live one of her own.
She fought it for a moment,
But then gave in.
Accepted it for what it was.
Poor quiet girl.
She always knows,
But never is known.