Lover's Wrath

Lover's Wrath

A Poem by Demure Penumbra

Woe to the traveler that goes down the wrong path
And woe to the lover who puts up with their wrath.
The wrath of one scorned is no laughing matter.
Filled with blind rage, they will end in disaster.
Make way! Make way! as they're led to their slaughter.
Let's chop off their heads. Let their blood run like water.
They've committed a sin that's worthy of death.
They've defended their love to their shaky last breaths.
I'll never understand what drives them so.
When everything around them screams to let go,
They cling to each other no matter the lies
That were forced down their throat. They don't realize
That they weren't in love, that their feelings were fake.
We made them this way, and icing on the cake,
They fell for the lies and so we have won.
At the moment they kissed, their deaths had begun.
Their bodies beheaded and thrown in their graves.
Despite all our efforts, to each other they clave
Not to be separated for the rest of their days.
As the ground rises up and blocks out sun's rays,
They fade into dark and will soon be forgotten.
Yet every night, though their bodies are rotten,
They come out to haunt those who go down the path
To warn them about a scorned lover's wrath.

© 2013 Demure Penumbra

My Review

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Lovely poem with an interesting story, and a flow that is aided by a steady rhythm. I enjoyed the poem, and the rhymes at the end of every line made the piece flow so much more fluidly. The lover's wrath huh. The duress and prosecution of a naive pure couple, who wish nothing more to be together, and end up together in the after-life. Warning others who may take their path unknowingly. Great job.

Posted 11 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on June 11, 2013
Last Updated on June 11, 2013
Tags: lover's wrath, lovers, wrath


Demure Penumbra
Demure Penumbra

Wherever the Wind May Blow , NJ

I'm 18, but somehow I'm infinitely older and infinitely younger at the same time. I cannot describe myself because I do not know myself. I am an enigma that not even I have solved, and I hope I never .. more..
