

A Chapter by gnesgnay

"I'm sorry, " I whispered to my feet. And a tear slipped. "Just sorry."


This was worse then an ax murderer. I would do anything to be in the hands of one right now. And, that's saying a lot, seeing that I was in the hands of a hothothot hostager and I was the gothgothgoth hostagee Be glad I don't ever wear black lipstick.

"What?" I hissed out at "Lavant."

His hold just tightened on me.

"Yes, like the mortal said,” Dominique uttered, clearly sharing my confusion. "What are you talking about?"

"You know perfectly well what I mean, Kallium," growled "Lavant." Geesh, these two seemed to be snarling and growling a lot.

A sudden laugh erupted from "Lavant."

"You should know what I mean," he smiled, his voice still evil sounding." You did have a chosen one."

Dominique's face erupted in emotions. First, it was sad. Then, aggravated. And finally, furious.

"Don't ever talk about Ruth to my face again," he sneered. "You'll be sorry."

"I most definitely am not."

"You're straying off topic here, Lavant."

"It's good that you notice."


Lavant's whole body turned stiff on me. It vibrated of energy, mostly anger though.

"I'll repeat, Kallium," he ridiculed with a laugh."She's my Chosen One."

He enunciated every word like he was talking to a four year old.

Dominique's reaction to that was unexpected. At least on my part. A loud roar , almost a sound an animal will make, exploded from him. He lurched forward at the same time, closing the distance within seconds. But, Lavant was just as quick. Maybe quicker. Already, we were on the other side where Dominique was before. Dominique sped back, the look of annoyance on his face.

Immediately, Lavant hitched me on his back without any effort and led Dominique on a wild-goose chase on the premises of the train station at an inhumanly possible speed.

Well, it was more like a "catch-me-if-you-can" chase.

His hands burned my thighs at where my skin was exposed through my fishnets.

He was so friken inhumanly cold, but he was setting me on fire.

It would've been hilarious had my life not been on the line here.

Then, Lavant stopped. Just stopped. And faced Dominique.

"I see you're impossible to stop. Just take her."

I gasped at his words.

Dominique had also stopped not ten feet away. He was grinning like the devil he was and came forward. Did I think he was gorgeous anymore? Ew. No. And what was this Lavant guy doing? He was all insistent on protecting me then, POOF! He was handing me over to that devil dude.

Oh my god. Were they both in on this? Am I gonna be like, gang raped, and then brutally killed? I started squirming, trying to get down. His grip tightened. I pounded on his back. He stumbled forward, loosening his hold on me. I jumped down and started running back to where I thought the entrance was.

But, something stopped me in my tracks. What if that Lavant guy was killed? Oh , and that stupid Lavant guy suddenly had his hands on me again. Gosh. And here I was worrying about his well-being. Why do I always feel guilty when he doesn't even seem to care?

"Don't even try that again," he said oh-so-calmly.

"F**k you," I deadly whispered.

The jerkface just chuckled.

Our exchange lasted only less then a minute. Then I was held behind him again. And Dominique, who had stopped, started walking towards us again.

He reached for me and Lavant looked quite willing.

Something happened. Lavant moved so fast I had no time to think or even see.

Lavant had let go of me and had Dominique's outstretched arm behind his back . His other hand was at Dominique's neck, in a chokehold. His eyes that were once gold, were now charcoal black.

"I could send you to hell with Ruth, Dominique."

Dominique's eyes were now frantic, though still red. He was in panic mode.

"Please, no."

"You're still so new to this world. You're still blood thirsty. I could send you straight to hell without a care."

God, no!"

"There's no god."

And with that, he snapped Dominique's head back with a loud crack with ease. Everything was still. Dominique's body slumped to the ground lifelessly.

Lavant's eyes locked with mine. His eyes that were back to gold, were full of what looked like regret. I had not notice that my mouth was hanging wide open and he strode foreword to close it. I snapped it shut. Frantically, I took a big step back from him.

OH MY GOD! This guy was a fucken murderer! Now's he gonna have to kill me, too because I saw the whole thing!

I thought I saw something like hurt flashed in his eyes before he had grabbed me yet again. This time we were facing each other. I took a deep breath and let out a bloodcurdling scream, but he stooped me with a ,"Shush."

At that, I exploded. Not literally.

"How can you be so fucken calm about this, Lavant guy?" I screamed. "You just killed a fucken guy. And that guy was so friken gorgeous! Now I'm going have to go to call the cops on you and you're going to jail! Oh my god! Are you gonna kill me, too? Like, snap my head back, too? Or are you gonna be more creative this time? Like, rape me and then scalp me and burn me? Let go of me, you monster! I'm gonna scream again if you don't! Oh my gosh, you mon--"

My rant came to a sudden stop when his lips crushed down against mine. His lips were smooth. Soft. It moved against mine. It molded to my lips perfectly, like it belonged there. Then, my lips started moving, too. I grabbed the back of his head, moving closer. His tongue traced my lower lip, before sliding inside. And I responded like fire. Suddenly, I couldn't get enough of him. I wanted to be closer. Closer...

What the heck as wrongwith me? Hello? What about Samuel Locke? Your boyfriend? His image came into my head and I ripped away from him, panting. He was panting, too so, Ha!

"What did you do that for, jerkface?" I shouted in his face.

"I wasn't the only one who enjoyed it," snapped.. "It takes two to ignite a fire."

I glared at him because I knew he was right.

"I have a boyfriend, Lavant guy," I hissed out. "That can't ever happen again. Besides, that response from me was just because of the situation. I don't even want you!"

Lavant's face crumpled in pain.

I was guilty. What? No, I’m not!

"Don't you know?" he whispered. "You're my Chosen One. We're meant to be. It just works that way." His voice was so full of pain and hurt, my eyes started burning from unshed tears. And I didn't even know the guy's full name!"

I turned away.

"I'm sorry, " I whispered to my feet. And a tear slipped. "Just sorry."

© 2008 gnesgnay

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Added on August 25, 2008



forks..., WA

Hi! I am a Twilighter. Yay! go us! and I am Team Edward. Jacob Black sucks butt so BAD. KILL HIM. :] more..

Irresistible Irresistible

A Chapter by gnesgnay

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A Chapter by gnesgnay