Chose One

Chose One

A Chapter by gnesgnay



Entering the abandoned train station was quite frightening. I had parked my car outside the entrance. Like two feet away from the entrance. Just is case, you know, I do encounter an ax murderer. My flashlight was clutched so tightly in my hands, I was sure I'd have imprints of the shape in my hands. The flashlight did not help one bit. It was still as dark as ever. I mean, I was starting to get used to it, but it was still pretty pitch black. The full moon was my only means of guiding lights. And why was it so darn quiet? Gosh. You couldn't even hear the wind blowing.

Oh, I stepped on a twig. At least, it sounded like a twig. Was it a twig? I flashed the light at my feet.

"Oh," I sighed in relief when I saw it was really just in fact, a twig. I started to laugh at my paranoia when I saw something move from the corner of my eyes.

I quickly turned, shining my light every which way. Maybe it was Another quick movement startled me, making me spin all the way around. And the flashlight cluttered to the ground. Luckily, the light didn't go out or I would've screamed.

I got on my knees, reached for the light, and someone grabbed me from behind, moving me with such ease. I watched as my flashlight got farther and farther away. I really did scream this time. But, it was a short scream, for that someone quickly clapped their hand over my mouth.

I could feel hard, smooth muscles behind my back. This dude must have a six-pack. Oh my gosh, why was I thinking about six-packs when I could be dead in less then 2 seconds?

I tried to claw the stupid hand off my mouth, bi=ut it held. Then, I bit down. Hard. He or it (gulp!) let me go with a curse in some language I didn't know.

By now, I could see so well in the dark, I was probably unknowingly born with night vision or something. He had dark hair the color of chocolate. I couldn't see him clearly, for his head was bent down examining his hand and cursing in some unknown language.

Oops.It was bleeding. I immediately felt guilty.

I was guilty? Why

Suddenly, his head snapped back up and my breath caught. His eyes were gold. And he was the guy from my vision.

I stared, dumbfounded at his beauty. At first his eyes were full of fury, then slowly they softened.

"Hey," he said smoothly. His hand had miraculously stopped bleeding. I guess he saw it on my face or something and grabbed my waist, pinning his hand against my mouth again before I screamed.

"Shh," he soothed.

"I will bite again!" i yelled. Actually, it sounded more like, "I will bithe the game." It's a wonder he understood me at all. He moved his hand from my mouth, but his arm never left my waist.

"If you'll be quiet, I'll try to explain the situation."

"Yeah. Right. Then you'll kill me slowly and painfully and no one will ever find out. And I'll be known as that one goth girl who went on an errand for her mother and never returned. I. DON'T. THINK. SO!

I tried to punch him, but he was too fast. He pinned my arms to my side and moved me backwards until I hit the side of a building. He did this without any of my cooperation. Obviously. I was kicking and struggling as hard as I could the whole time. But, no such luck.

Once I was pinned to the wall with him practically on top of me, he smiled. And I noticed two teeth that were longer then the others. And sharper. Was he, it's impossible. I know it's not polite to stare, but I di anyway. He noticed what I was staring gaping at and let out a laugh.

My eyes narrowed on him. No one laughs at me. Period.

"Stop it," I nearly growled.

He continued giggling like a stupid schoolgirl.

"I said stop it! Stop mocking me!"

He stooped as quick as that. My heart was beating so loud and fast, I was surprised he didn't hear it. Or maybe he did. You never know what kinds of creatures come here at night. His eyes were practically glowing.

He bent his head to my ear and whispered, "I'm not mocking you.' That sent a shiver through me. And not in a bad way. Oh my gosh, what is going on with me?

"I want an explanation now!" I said with my teeth clenched. Somehow, I wasn't scared of him. Not really.

"You would've gotten that earlier had you not thrown a fit," he answered clearly amused. Dang was he tall. Okay, focus, Lilah.

"Well, I'm listening now!'

"Will you promise not to scream?"

"Yes. Will you promise to tell me everything?"

"Fine. But we need to get somewhere safer first."

This isn't safe?" My voice was clearly full of sarcasm.

"No" Obviously, he mistaken my sarcasm. Or chose to ignore it. I saw his jaw clenched.


"He's still out there."


"Dominique Kallium."


"Dominique Ka--"

"I heard you the first time! Who is Dominique Kallium?"

"Oh...long story."

"Well, I have time. I am being held against my wills here."

He chuckled. I blushed. Thank god he couldn't see that. Or can he? His chuckle stopped abruptly as he heard or saw something I couldn't see in the dark. Probably what he heard because as you remember, I do have 100% night vision.

A low chuckle came from out of nowhere. It wasn't him either. Now it was starting to sound more like a witch's cackle. Creepy.

He whipped around with me held tightly against his back. I felt Which I shouldn't be.

"You're not coming ear her, Dominique," he snarled.

Oh, so that was Dominique Kallium. Not that I could see from behind this guy.

"I'm not?" Dominique inquired. He had some sort of accent. Maybe French.

"That's right. You're not."

"Don't mess with me, Lavant," Dominique's calmness broke and he was snarling back. "I could do the same thing I did to Falcon to you. You're just as weak."

I peaked out from behind the guy who was supposedly "Lavant". Ten feet away was Dominique. And he was gorgeous. He had a head full of blonde hair. He must've been really muscular under all those layers of clothes. And unlike "Lavant's" eyes, that were gold, his were red. I gasped.

Dominique's eyes were on me immediately, noes flaring. He smile wickedly and closed his eyes. Smelling what, I don't know.

"Mmm," he said with his eyes still closed. "Flowers. Specifically lavender. And cinnamon."

His eyes snapped open.

"That mortal is mine," he growled fiercely at "Lavant".

At once, I was frightened. His red eyes seemed in pain, like he was in hunger. And almost crazy-like.

"You'll never get her, Dominique," this "Lavant" guy answered back even more vicious. "This girl is my Chosen One."


A/N: SOOOOOOO..what'd you guys think!!! please say something!!! stay tuned for the next chapter..Its better.

© 2008 gnesgnay

Author's Note

ignore spelling problems and such. im too lazy too fix them at the moment.

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Oooooooo, I like where this is going. And I know you'll probably hate me for saying this, but it might have been the tinniest bit 'Twilightish'. Sorry = /

I picked out a lot of grammar and spelling mistakes, but I won't bore you with them. =]

Great writing so far, can't wait to read the next Chapter!


Posted 16 Years Ago

more, more!!!

Posted 16 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on August 6, 2008



forks..., WA

Hi! I am a Twilighter. Yay! go us! and I am Team Edward. Jacob Black sucks butt so BAD. KILL HIM. :] more..

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