![]() At LakehouseA Story by glorygrace&gold![]() a mystery novel; these are the first 4 chapters; I dare you to solve it before you finish reading it. so write down your thoughts in the comment box as I continue on the story.![]() Here are the characters: -Betsy Green-19 years old -Phil Lanes-36 years old -Dr. Leslie Ricky-42 years old -Mrs. and Mr. Carrel-45 and 49 years old -Mr. Johnson-68 years old -Mr. Cartier-28 years old -Janice Nelson-34 years old -Danny Litmus- 16 years old -Maid Miss Bovina-53 years old -Cook Mr. Lugarno-38 years old -Front Desk Attendant Mrs. Lugarno-37 years old -Butler Mr. Sanderson-50 years old -*Manager Mrs. Tanks-40 years old LakeHouse Hotel was an isolated but attractive ski resort on top of one of the Rennes Mountains which, I guess, most people expected to be a week full of exciting activities. It was a simple quiet yet cozy resort which many adults planned their stays at just before the winter holiday. Yes, it was quite a place to be. But on December 22, 13 guests will experience the thrill of their lives, just as they expected. Or, so they thought. Ch. 1 MISS USA LINDSEY CRAWSHINS COMMITS SUICIDE. “Damn…it’s the same thing every day.” Andrew Cartier mumbles under his breath as he was flipping through the newspaper. “Miss So-and-so dies of a drug overdose; Mr. What’s-his-face dies in a tragic car acci�"damn it's cold.” He shivered, pulling his coat around him tighter. There’s no heater inside this damned tiny room, he thought. He set the newspaper beside him and took a look outside from his position on the mountain incline. He was on his way to the LakeHouse ski resort for a long and peaceful vacation. Mr. Cartier looked beside him to find a middle-aged woman staring at him. She smiled politely and looked elsewhere. She was wearing a red scarf around her neck and a long beige coat. She had a glove on one hand which clutched the other swollen hand. Mr. Cartier figured she must have banged it against something and quickly looked away. As Betsy Green walked into the resort, she felt a warm, comforting breeze surround her. The lobby was absolutely beautiful in her opinion. It was warm and cozy looking. It very much resembled her parent’s home, except much better looking. She walked forward and saw a woman smiling at her behind the front desk. “Hello. Can I help you?” the woman politely asked. “Hi, I’m Betsy Green. I would like to reserve a room.” “You look a little flushed there.” She laughed as she typed something in. Betsy grinned. “I ran.” “Would you prefer�"“ “Suite. Suite, please. I’ll be staying for the week.” “Alright…let me just see…” the woman murmured as she wrote something on a slip of paper. “Okay. I’ll need you to fill this out for me. Let me just call the maid to ready up your room for you and I’ll let you know when it’s ready. Here’s your card; your room number is 21.” “Wow, that was easy.” Green said with a smile. “What’s your name?” “Oh, I’m sorry. I’m Mrs. Lugarno. If you need anything, just ask.” “Thank you so much. I’m so excited for this weekend. I’ve planned to spend it with a couple of my friends but they’re coming tomorrow.” “Really? So what have you planned for the weekend?” “Mmm, well, I definitely want to try to ski. I’ve never done that. Maybe some snow tubing…I’ll try anything. I’ve been feeling really free these last few weeks. Free as a bird!” Mrs. Lugarno laughed. “Well, that makes one of us. I’ve been busy these last few weeks.” Green smiled. “So…you’ll let me know when the room’s ready?” “Of course. Is that all?” “Yes, thank you.” As Betsy sat down in the waiting area, a young man walked through the door, set his things down on the carpet, and walked towards the front desk. She could hear his conversation with Mrs. Lugarno. “Hello, how can I help you?” “Yes, uh…I want the best thing you’ve got.” He said, flashing her a grin. She laughed. “What’s your name, hon’?” “Andrew Cartier but you can call me Andy.” “Alright, I’ll need you to fill this out…” Green zoned out. She looked out the window. She murmured, “It’s a blizzard…” “My God, it’s a blizzard out there!” Dr. Leslie Ricky exclaimed as she walked into the lobby room. “It sure is. How was it getting here?” Mrs. Lugarno asked her. “Well, I’m just glad I got here. I was beginning to think this place didn’t exist!” “You got lost?” Mrs. Lugarno asked, surprised. “Oh, only a few times.” She giggled. “Oh my Lord, what happened to your hand? It’s swollen.” “Oh…one long and embarrassing story. I was walking through a door and…well, let’s just say not all of me got through before the door shut.” Mrs. Lugarno winced. “Ooh, that must have hurt.” “Unbelievably.” Danny was pacing around in the bathroom. His thoughts were scrambled�"what to do; what not to do; should he risk it; what’s the risk. They’ve been at the resort for six days. He sat down on the toilet seat and pulled his legs up, sticking his head between them. He felt sick. He knew what he was doing wasn’t right. Does heart govern mind or vice versa?, he wondered. Although it had not occurred yet, he knew he would be in an unexplainable amount of trouble, one of which he would not easily be able to squeeze out of. The police would get involved if he didn’t get involved out of it. His parents would reject him. His whole life would be turned upside down for�" He heard a knock on the door. “H-hello?” he answered, his voice cracking. “Honey, are you alright? You’ve been in there for a while.“ “I’m fine…auntie.” He could hear her chuckling softly outside the bathroom door. He got up from the toilet, turned around, and puked. Ch. 2 Phil Lanes was writing another novel again. He always experienced a burst of inspiration at the most surreal places such as the Lakehouse itself. It was quiet and relaxing. It was unsettling which actually made him more able to write. He grabbed his cup of coffee and took a sip. He slapped his lips together and set it back down again. I dream I am on a mountain. My eyes are closed. My head is tilting. I spread my arms out and feel the cold air and shiver. It’s a breath of fresh air, crisp and morning due. Although the air is cold, the sun is beating down on me softly. It’s heat envelopes me. Its light shines on me. He set his pencil and pad down and got up from his seat to look out from his new room’s window. He sees Mrs. Lugarno helping an old man up the steps into the resort. The old man looks like the sort who could never be happy with what he has. He looks grumpy and unsatisfied. Lanes kind of wanted to give him the finger but the geezer was probably blind at his age. And where’s the fun in insulting someone if they aren’t able to receive it? Lanes closed his blinds and shuffled through his iPod. He needed a boost of inspiration again. Abraham Johnson was an old retired lawyer. He hadn’t wanted to spend time at some resort in the middle of nowhere on some quite unheard of mountain�"Rennes, was it? Well, first he had to travel up a mountain incline and it was quite frigid, both in and out. He might have been sitting on peek of the mountain. A young woman, Ms. Lantana or other, was helping him carry his belongings into the lobby room. “Are these all your bags?” she asked as they walked into the well-heated room. He grunted. “It is.” “Would you like to check in?” “I would.” She smiled. “What did you say your name was?” “Well, let me on my computer for a second and I’ll have you something to fill out.” He saw a couple of young people sitting around filling out their forms. He rubbed his temples. He already knew he wouldn’t like this place. Mr. Sanderson, Miss Bovina, and Mr. Lugarno are in the kitchen, having themselves some brandy, laughing and enjoying the fact that several of their family members would be arriving within the next two days to join them for the holidays. “I had no idea you, Sanderson man, you have a wife?! Good God, I thought you hated everyone!” Mr. Lugarno exclaimed. “Not everyone.” He whistled. “Just me, of course.” Sanderson nodded. “And Lilly.” “Hey, what have I ever done to you?” Miss Bovina said, propping her feet up on the chair. “What else haven’t you done to me? You’ve ruined most of my good clothes�"“ “That was an accident and I apologized.” “�"You borrowed all my stuff and you never returned them!” “Short-term memory loss is all.” She said, shrugging it off. “Well, I want them back.” “I’ll get you them back. I’m an old woman, I have problems.” Mr. Lugarno laughed. “Problems?!” “Oh, be quite, you.” “Problems?! You almost burned the place down if it weren’t for me!” “That was one time!” “It only takes one time to burn the house down!” “You know what? I’m gone.” She exclaimed, getting up from her seat. “Good.” Mr. Sanderson replied, with a wheezy laugh. “Good for the both of us.” Mr. Lugarno agreed. Ch. 3 Danny undid his tie and sighed exasperated. “Aunt Janice! Can you help me with my tie?” he shouted. “God, Danny, honey. You don’t need to�"wait, where are you going?” she asked as she walked into the room. “We’re going for dinner. Remember?” “Oh, God. What time is it? Six? Well, alright. Let me see it.” She fixed his tie around his neck. Then, she gave him a hug. “Oh, Danny. I’m so glad you decided to come with me. After all, we’re family.” She grinned at him. Danny noticed how much taller she was compared to him. Ever since they started this vacation, he’s been noticing all these little things that just bothered him. Mostly about himself but sometimes with her as well. “Yeah…but um, I think that I want to tell you something at dinner…or, uh, after. Whichever works out better.” “What are you going to say?” she asked, sounding concerned. “I’ll tell you at dinner.” “Why not now?” He sighed annoyingly. “We should eat first.” Abraham Johnson was having an intelligent conversation with the female doctor he met at the lobby. He was quite fond of her. Other than her, there were just a bunch of idiotic tourists doing whatever they please. As they waited for the rest of the guests to arrive, Johnson and Dr. Ricky continued their debate at the dinner table. It wasn’t a regular restaurant. It was very much like at home where you had to wait for everyone to sit down before they were served. After all, it was a small resort and only one cook to do for them. Johnson enjoyed that it was quite a small resort�"it meant fewer guests. While the others were being waited for, Butler Sanderson brought out their beverages. “Oh…um, I’m sorry. I asked for an iced tea.” Dr. Ricky apologized. “Oh, I apologize. That’s my fault. I’ll be right out with your iced tea.” Danny and Janice arrived and took their seats at the extensive table, a few seats away from Dr. Ricky and Johnson. Dr. Ricky smiled at Danny. “And who might you be?” “I might be Danny.” Danny answered, with a smile. She grinned. “I’m Dr. Ricky. It’s nice to meet you.” “Pleasure is all mine.” “So, how old are you, Danny?” “Sixteen. How old are you?” She laughed. “You will never find out.” Then she looked at Janice Nelson. “Oh, I’m his aunt, Janice.” “Nice to meet you. So are you two on a family vacation?” “That’ll be nice.” “And you?” Janice asked her. “How…interesting.” Betsy Green and Phil Lanes walked into the room talking, sat down, and introduced themselves. Lastly, Mr. Cartier joined them but constantly excused himself to attempt to take phone calls although it was nearly impossible, him being atop a mountain. Later, during dinner, the cook, Mr. Lugarno, introduced himself and told them to enjoy their meals and to have a great holiday. They were just in the middle of their meal when a couple walked into the room, talked to Mr. Sanderson, and he sent them to sit down for dinner. They took their seats and introduced themselves to the guests. “Hi, I’m Mrs. Carrel and this is my husband, Mr. Carrel. Sorry, we’re so late. We just arrived at the lobby half an hour ago.” “It’s no problem. I’m having friends come in tomorrow.” Green chimed. “So how’s dinner so far?” she asked. “It’s great. Have you met the cook?” Dr. Ricky asked. “No, no, I’d love to. Has he already come out?” “Mrs. Carrel, what would you like to drink?” Mr. Sanderson asked her, holding a pen and pad. “I’d like a glass of water.” He scribbled it down. “And for you, Mr. Carrel?” As the guests laughed and talked and enjoyed their meals, Danny sat there pale-faced, staring at the ground. His heart was pounding. He knew he couldn’t tell Janice what he was going to say at this point, not now�"and if not for tonight, it would be over. In fact, he knew the end was coming soon. It was quite obvious that it was over. Janice Nelson fell quiet during most of the conversations with Dr. Ricky. Mr. Cartier was growing frustrated with his cell phone that night, walking in and out of the room to sustain his temper. Mr. Lanes grew quite uncomfortable with the loud noises and crowd. He just wanted to return to his room and get a good night’s rest but Green insisted he stay for a while. “Excuse me, I think I’ll be going to bed.” Phil Lanes announced. “Sorry, Betsy. I’m really beat. I’ll see you in the morning.” Mr. Cartier was in another hall shouting on his phone because the connection was so bad. Mr. Johnson was in the bathroom, then Mr. Carrel excused himself to go as well. As he passed the table, he knocked over Janice’s purse and spilled her belongings all over the floor. “Oh God, I’m sorry. Let me get that for you.” Mr. Carrel said nervously, as both Janice and he picked up her belongings and put them back into her purse. “That’s quite alright, thank you.” She mumbled. “You know what? When Mr. Johnson and Mr. Cartier return, we should cheer.” Green announced. “To what?” Dr. Ricky asked. “Oh, I don’t know. The amazing holiday coming up? Whatever you’d like.” “Well, alright. Where is the old man?” Dr. Ricky asked. Soon enough, Mr. Johnson took his seat and Mr. Cartier returned shortly. Mrs. Carrel’s husband returned from the bathroom. Green got up with her cup of wine. “To an amazing winter holiday coming up. This may be a little corny but I hope you all get what you wish for.” Dr. Ricky laughed and raised her glass. They all raised theirs as well, clinked glasses, and drank. As soon as they set their drinks down, they heard a glass shatter, hitting the hard ground and a loud thud follow. Janice screamed bending over Danny, whose face was blue, eyes slightly open, and body was convulsing. “He’s having a seizure!” someone shouted. Just a second later, he stopped moving altogether. His eyes slid closed. Dr. Ricky sprinted over him and checked for breathing and heart beat. Everyone crowded around them to see what was wrong with him. Dr. Ricky straightened up. Her face was as white as a ghost. “My God… He’s dead!” Ch. 3 Everyone stood frozen, not knowing what to say or do. Except Janice, of course, who was becoming hysterical, ripping her hair out and digging her nails into her arms. Dr. Ricky was giving Danny CPR and every now and then tried to talk to him or snap him into life. She checked constantly for a heartbeat but with no prevail. “What do we do?” Green murmured, looking at everyone, anyone, for guidance. “Well, don’t just stand there! Call an ambulance!” Dr. Ricky yelled. Mr. Cartier pulled out his cell phone and called 911. He paced around the room, waiting for it to ring. “D****t. There’s no connection on this damn mountain.” Janice tried her cell phone with no luck as well. Angry, she threw it across the room and screamed again. “Do something. You’re a doctor!” she cried. “I am. Someone get the butler.” Cartier sprinted into the kitchen and came back out with the old man. “What seems to be�"my God, what’s wrong with the boy?” Mr. Sanderson asked. “Oh my Lord…let me try the phone in the kitchen.” When he came back, he nodded gravely. “I’m sorry. The line is dead.” “What?! How can it be?” Mrs. Carrel cried. Mr. Carrel put his arms around her. “He’s dead.” Janice mouthed, staring at the ground. “What an unfortunate time for nothing to work!” Dr. Ricky said through gritted teeth. “I’ll get Mrs. Lugarno; she might be able to reach the manager and if so, can call for an ambulance.” Mr. Sanderson suggested. “I’ll go get her!” Cartier offered, running towards the lobby. “Isn’t there anything you can do? Don’t you have some medicine or something to give him?” Mrs. Carrel suggested, looking very much panicked. “Honey, she’s doing all she can.” Mr. Carrel whispered in his wife’s ear. “I’m sorry. It doesn’t work like that.” Dr. Ricky told her, sadly. “He’s dead.” Janice repeated, shaking her head back and forth. Mr. Cartier ran back in, panting and sweating. He bent down, his hands on his knees. “She’s…she’s…she said she’ll try to communicate with Mrs. Tanks�"she’s the manager. She’ll try to contact her as best…possible.” He collapsed onto the floor, hand on his heart, trying to control his breathing. “Well…I…I’m sorry, Miss Nelson. There’s nothing I can do at this point. I’m so sorry for your loss.” “I haven’t lost.” She immediately responded. Dr. Ricky looked sincere. “I know you’re going through a hard time�"“ “I have not lost.” She repeated, got up, and walked out of the room. Betsy Green had stood motionless the whole time. She shook her head a few times. “I know, Miss Green. It’s very hard to swallow, but right now I think it would be best that we rest his body somewhere.” “But how did he die?!” Green cried. “I don’t know. I’m sorry�"” “But you’re a doctor! You must know!” Mr. Cartier exclaimed. “I’m a neurologist. I can’t do an autopsy. I’m not certified. What I do know is that this was not a natural death. Was he not young and healthy just a minute ago? Was he�"” Dr. Ricky stopped for a moment and thought. “Wait a minute. Let me see the glass he was drinking.” Mr. Johnson found and handed it to her. She took a look at it and sniffed near the rim of the glass. She dipped her finger in it and touched it to her tongue. “Well, it looks like water…it doesn’t taste or smell like anything. It could be hydrogen cyanide…” “What?” Green asked. “It’s a poison which can kill in less than a minute�"well, depending on the amount.” “Did he…kill himself?” “Suicide? I don’t know, but it’s possible. Again, all I know is that it was not a natural death whether it was a homicide, suicide, I really don’t know.” “So what do we do?” Green asked. “Let’s move his body first; maybe to an unoccupied room until we can get some connection up here.” Mr. Johnson finally opened his mouth for the first time since Danny collapsed. “You’re not supposing that one of us is a criminal murderer?” An awkward yet dreadful silence hovered over the room. Dr. Ricky straightened up and looked at Mr. Johnson. “I am not supposing anything.” She told him and asked Cartier to help her pick Danny up. “Poor boy…so young.” Green murmured and then she realized Lanes hadn’t a clue what had happened. She wanted to go and tell him. “Murder? A murder at the Lakehouse?” he said, astonishingly. He looked very much a broken man. It was morning and he hadn’t shaven yet. His pants had a couple holes in them and his eyes were blood shot. He looked so strange, sitting like a child. He looked so immature but in a sad, pathetic way that she wanted to feel bad for him. “I know it’s hard to choke down now, Phil, but�"“ “Hard to choke nothing! This is brilliant!” he said, running over to his computer desk and opening up his laptop. He started typing furiously, staring as if what he was thinking was being engraved onto the screen. Green stood there, dumbfounded. Slowly, she walked over to him and leaned over to see what he was typing. “What�"what are you doing?” “Phil Lanes?” Green mumbled. He sighed, annoyed, and wheeled around to face her. “Yeah?” She ambled out of his room and slammed the door. Ch. 4 The guests were sitting there, quietly. It was hard for them to open their mouths, chew, and swallow. It was a rough morning. No one wanted to leave their rooms. It was just unsettling. What if there was a murderer on the loose? How could the police reach them in time even if the phone was working? Mr. Sanderson walked into the room and cleared his throat. They all turned to give him their full attention. He looked at them, nervously. Just as nervously as they looked at him. “I have…em, unfortunate news. It seems that there has been a horrid storm overnight and last afternoon. There was an avalanche and the mountain incline was wrecked. That’s why the phone wasn’t working yesterday and the cell phone reception…well, it’s always horrid. Anyways, we’ll be stuck without communication for a couple days, I’m sorry.” Everyone groaned, cried out, yelled, and started talking out all at once. “What will we do?!” “We’re stuck here with a murderer! Oh my Lord!” “What the hell?! I was going to get the hell out of here today! I can’t leave? You’re telling me I can’t leave?” “There’s a dead body in this house! How can you expect us to relax?” Dr. Ricky rolled her eyes. “I think there are bigger things to worry about now, Miss Green.” “It’s not that I’m not worried about that! I was just saying!” Betsy retorted. Miss Bovina, Mr. and Mrs Lugarno were in the kitchen drinking away their misery. “Merry Christmas…” Miss Bovina muttered, sarcastically. “We’ll never have guests again.” Mrs. Lugarno moped. “Why do you say that?” her husband asked her. “Andy! Look around you…everyone is miserable. There’s a dead body upstairs and we’re hosting a murderer!” “What makes you so sure it was a murder? He could have committed suicide.” He answered. Miss Bovina laughed. “What a way to kill! I say it’s a murder. I mean, here’s this kid with his aunt on vacation during the winter holiday, ready to go home and join the rest of his family for Christmas…and he kills himself. Not to mention it was in public. I mean, normally people don’t shoot themselves in front of a crowd.” “Well, it doesn’t seem likely but people do kill themselves in front of people. A lot of those people wanted attention all their lives and that’s how they thought they would get it, don’t you think?” he added, pouring himself another glass of wine. “Go easy on that, darling.” Mrs. Lugarno said, eyeing him. “I’m fine, Liz…I’m not like that anymore.” “Fine. I’m just looking out for you.” “You two alright?” Miss Bovina asked them. They both looked at her and said, “We’re fine.” She just shrugged her shoulders and walked out of the room. Dr. Ricky, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Cartier, and Betsy Green were in the lobby’s waiting room, watching TV and reading books. Mr. Cartier kept trying his phone every few minutes or so. Dr. Ricky and Mr. Johnson were watching the history channel and Betsy laid out on the couch and closed her eyes. “It’s all so strange, you know. I didn’t think the boy had it in him. He looked very much young and healthy. And in front of family…what a way to go.” Mr. Johnson murmured, shaking his head. “You think it was a suicide?” Dr. Ricky asked, raising her brows. “Well, what else? A murder? Who would murder the poor fellow? None of us have any relation to him except his aunt. Except his aunt…” he repeated, thinking out loud. “What are you saying? Mr. Johnson, what are you thinking?” Dr. Ricky asked him. “Well, I was just thinking…you said it was not a natural death. And if it were suicide, it was quite peculiar, eh? It just doesn’t make sense. The only thing that would would be murder, but it doesn’t seem that any one of us would be murderers…” “But none of us know each other. And even if we did, we could still be murderers and not expect it.” Dr. Ricky argued. “You’re right except that none of us have any connection to the boy except his aunt. If we could figure out a motive, we could get somewhere.” “You mean, you want to solve the case?” Dr. Ricky asked. “Well, why not? If there’s a murderer on the loose, we should catch her…before she kills off the rest of us! We could be stuck here for weeks; who knows?” “You are perfectly right but do we have the authority?” “What you mean by that?” “I think we are entitled to do everything to ensure our safety.” Dr. Ricky nodded. “Mm, I agree. So what do we do first?” “We should have a house meeting, so we can see who we can eliminate and who we can suspect. Who is capable of murder?” © 2009 glorygrace&goldAuthor's Note
Added on December 24, 2009 Last Updated on December 24, 2009 Author![]() glorygrace&goldAboutRomans 8:24-27 says this: For we were saved in this hope, but hope that is seen is not hope; for why does one still hope for what he sees? But if we hope for what we do not see we eagerly wait for .. more..Writing