Wow, you really hit the nail in the coffin with this piece. You have taken the misused power of the Media and exposed it in a beautiful attack on vanity!
Beauty is only skin deep,
but thats enough to hide
any ugly on the inner
Its sad but true, your poem is the voice inside the head of little girls all over the world. I love the idea of the skin being the opportunity to hide and ugly inner person. Its rather dynamic and works for several different sides of the spectrum!
It's a very special time in a girl's life when she becomes cognizant of her femininity and desires to be pretty, when she runs from the field of childhood into the arms of near-adulthood and desires to make more of that which she has. The suffocating expectations of society barely allow that girl to be a girl, and she is often forced into being someone that she is not. She wears the smile of a thousand suns on the outside, while inside she slinks in the shadows.
Your poem is a poignant articulation of the narrow-minded, shallow, and impossible expectations of society. The only way that this will ever change is if parents raise their daughters to be strong, independent, individual, articulate, self-starters who don't need to rely on their sexuality to get ahead in life. It's an all too constant cycle that never seems to cease.
Well done!
Linda Marie
Posted 15 Years Ago
and there's nothing scarier than seeing ten-year-old girls prancing around the mall in short skirts, high heels, and wearing bright red lipstick.
Oh yes right on... I have long had issues with how the media tries to dictate what is in and causing the young ladies of the world to starve themselves or get plastic surgery, who needs skinny, I love dangerous curves... a very cool and powerful write with a clear cut message.
Wow...another great one...sad to know that this is really what the world believe today...appearance are everything right?? You truly are a great writer :o)
My name is Glenn Davis Jr. I am not clever enough to come up with a pen name I suppose...... Oh well. I was born and raised in South Louisiana, about an hour below New Orleans, pretty much in the midd.. more..