Your right. That is disturbing. It took me a moment to figure out what you ment by this, now I've got it, and thats something we don't need to think about. I know that you would know alot less about the disturbing things on the internet, and so would Micro, so that would be good, or would it? You guys wouldn't get half my jokes, and I might not have gotten into Cosplay as much as I am. Parle was my major inspiration for that. If it hadden't been, then a great entertainment would have been lost, and most of us would not get to meet two marvelous British cosplayers. And the game, Dennis, the word "Phone", and all those inside Parle jokes, would be nonexistant. What would we do then I wonder... I don't know. And I don't want to.
Wow, that was too long a response for a ten word poem... 0,o
Heh, sorry ~Cal
... You just sent my world into a period of darkness with that question. Why would you even think about it? Its such a sad question to think about... If that four year relationship hadn't been broken... We'd all be lost.
17, competitive dancer, musician, runner, general dork.
I used to post a lot a few years ago, and I've found some interest again through a poetry class I am taking at school. Looking forward to pos.. more..