the road

the road

A Poem by George turner


I stumble along
not totally aware of the world around me
I just keep putting one foot in front of the other
I force myself to walk this road

its a painful experience
each step slightly harder than the last
and there's no end in sight
it would be so much easier to give up

but I carry on
I'm to stubborn to give up
a small voice in the back of my mind
insists I can do this

so I continue on
I go where the path leads me
and as long as I have the energy to
I will walk down this road

if I stop
I'm terrified
of the things that will catch up

this is the road I chose to walk
and I'll be damned if I don't reach the end

© 2013 George turner

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Added on March 1, 2013
Last Updated on March 1, 2013


George turner
George turner

bolton, England - Greater Manchester, United Kingdom

i will inevitably piss you off in some way shape or form so sorry about that more..

shell shell

A Poem by George turner