

A Poem by George turner

a thought i had on a bus

I look down at my newborn sister
she is beautiful she is innocent
she is everything good in the world
but my eyes are cold

I glance at the girl I like
feeling longing
but she can't see
because my eyes are cold

I attend my grandmothers funeral
the pain is overwhelming
but I do not show it
my eyes are cold

I overhear a man while on a bus
he makes a homophobic remark in passing
anger threatens to overtake me
but still my eyes are cold

I am hurricane of emotions
all of them tearing into me
sending me from happiness to depression in an instant
but my eyes will always be cold

so people say I don't feel
my heart is ice
I am soulless
I do not love

© 2013 George turner

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Added on February 4, 2013
Last Updated on February 4, 2013


George turner
George turner

bolton, England - Greater Manchester, United Kingdom

i will inevitably piss you off in some way shape or form so sorry about that more..

shell shell

A Poem by George turner