why we fight

why we fight

A Poem by George turner

keep on keeping on

why do we fight
when we know the end result
that eventually everything will end
ash's to ash's
dust to dust
but we ignore this fact
we act like the blink of an eye that is our existence is more than that
but it will end
the tide is constantly turning
and yet we fight
we act as if we have a say
as if we can change the world
Is it for the ones we love 
do we keep on for them
or is it merely out of stubbornness
we refuse to accept this fate and so fight against it
i think it is merely human nature
we just have an undeniable need
to keep on keeping on

© 2013 George turner

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Life is hard. I feel like you protrayed this in this peom. Thanks for sharing.

Posted 11 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on February 3, 2013
Last Updated on February 3, 2013


George turner
George turner

bolton, England - Greater Manchester, United Kingdom

i will inevitably piss you off in some way shape or form so sorry about that more..

shell shell

A Poem by George turner