unnamed - can't find the words

unnamed - can't find the words

A Story by George turner

basic love story guy meets girl and all of that when i started writing it it was meant to be about a guy who goes to college and ends up doing drugs but i fell in love with the female character


Chapter 1

I wake up and glare at the iPod on my desk. How dare it interrupt my slumber I think as the last remnants of my dream drift from my mind. All I can remember is it had something to do with pie and I think it was pleasant but I’m uncertain. I look at the iPod which is steadily increasing in volume I set it to sound like a siren but I’m regretting that decision it may have been more pleasant to be awoken by music but its way to late for that now. I realise that if I don’t turn it off soon I will soon be assaulted by the sound of my phone to either my mother or sister calling to tell me to turn my alarm off. I resist the temptation to just leave it going just to wake them up as well (although that may be more for the benefit of my sanity than there beauty sleep)and climb out of bed and take the iPod off the desk and turn the alarm off.


The silence that follows is almost as bad as the alarm! I always hated complete silence. I dislike noise as well. Perfection for me would be something like a library or café when it’s not overly busy a few small voices and maybe the sound of pages turning it just lets you know that someone other than yourself exists whereas right now I can’t guarantee that fact. I think I overthink things. I look at the time on the iPod 6:50. I should probably set off by 8 leaving me a little more than hour to get s**t done.


I leave my room and head across the hall to the bathroom. The main reason I get up this early is to guarantee I can take a shower on interrupted by the moans of either a toddler demanding to be let in simply for the sake of being let in or a teenage girl complaining that she won’t have time to fancy up her hair and makeup before school. Don’t get me wrong I actualy love my sisters to pieces just not in the morning. Any time other than a morning. They are not morning people! So I climb in the shower and of course just before I finish I hear a rap on the door but surprisingly its my father


“Hurry up Kevan I need to take a piss” bloody charming my dad is.


I turn of the shower as the last of the suds fall from my hair “give me a second just need to dry myself”


I climb out of the shower and glance in the steamed up mirror. My head resembles some kind of drowned mammal. Maybe a cat? After I wipe away the worst of the steam I see a 16 year old boy with medium length hair glaring back at me. Everyone always says I glare to much but I can’t help my face just seems to have accepted that as my default look I quickly dry myself and then let my dad in the bathroom while I wait at the door. When he’s finished I step back and quickly brush my teeth. I have a quick debate with myself over whether or not to shave but I feel I look better with a bit of stubble so I leave I take a last quick look at myself and look at my eyes. I don’t know why but I always look myself right in the eyes when I’m finished with my daily cleaning routine I think people look a lot different if you concentrate on their eyes rather than their face. It also becomes a lot easier to read them. Of course people moan at you and say your being intimidating but it’s a small price to pay. I always loved the saying the eyes are doors to your soul because in my opinion its true. As I look at the not quite grey not quite blue but somewhere in between eyes that are looking back at me I get another knock on the door this time from an irritated teenager.


“Hurry up you idiot I only have 30 minutes to get ready” my sister says in a less than patient voice.


I avoid making the obvious comment about how she should have gotten up earlier if she needed more time and grab the clothes I left on the handrail the night before and throw them on. As I get out of the bathroom I’m greeted by a girl who resembles my sister but probably looks more like a proud member of the hordes of the undead.


“All yours “I say with a smirk.


“You better not have used up all the hot water” she snaps.


“Oh sweet sister I wouldn’t dream of it “this remark earns me a small smile before she pushes me out of the way of the bathroom and slams the door.


“That wasn’t very lady like” I shout


“Shut your face” she replies


I can’t help but smirk as I walk back into the minefield that is my room to throw on a pair of shoes and my bag. I then place a new item around my neck. A lanyard which confirms my identity as a member of Bury College. Today will be my first day attending but I can’t imagine that it will be unlike school. I’m almost certain we will do some stupid icebreaker tasks and not actualy learn anything today. A braver (and probably wiser) man than I would just skip out but it would almost certainly be more trouble than it’s worth since I need to get my timetable. I head downstairs to get breakfast. My dad always says its weird to eat right after brushing your teeth but it doesn’t make any difference to me and its easier to do everything I need to do upstairs before going downstairs otherwise I’d spend half the morning running between the two. As expected my father is the only one who is already up and dressed I think it might just be that all girls are almost entirely incapable of movement before 8am although I’m fairly confident that if I voiced this opinion to my sister I’d earn a punch. I quickly make myself sandwich using the last of the bacon my dad must have made earlier and then make us both a cup of tea ( this is something else the girls in the family don’t seem to enjoy that we both love A nice relaxing cup of tea) as I devour the sandwich with a fury I usualy reserve only for P.E. teachers my sister enters the room looking rather disgruntled.


“Dad the hairdryers broken!” she complains


“What’s a hairdryer?” he asks with a smile pointing to his own bald head.


I crack up but my sister is noticeably less impressed “daaaaaaaaad”


“alright alright I’ll try and fix it” he says while smiling.


“I think I’ll set off then” I say climbing off then coach and checking the time on my iPod.


“see ya” my sister says in a voice that makes her sound like the grynch.


“have a nice day then” my father chips in.


“I will bye” I say as I leave the house.



Chapter 2

I arrive at my new college with maybe 10 minutes to spare and meet up with phil. Phil is pretty much the only person I know besides from his girlfriend that came to this college but that’s fine since we are pretty good friends. However he (being a sports crazed maniac) took a P.E. btec while I opted for A levels so we won’t have any class’s together.


“You ok?” I ask as soon as I see him since, from what I can see, the bags around his eyes appear to have bags.


“Man was not made to get up before 10 am kev it just doesn’t work” he says looking thoroughly depressed.


I smile since I don’t really have this problem admittedly its fairly difficult to get out of bed at first but once I manage that I’m home free.


“Maybe if you didn’t spend the entirety of last night on COD you could have avoided this?” I say with an I told you so look on my face even though I have been guilty of similar crimes. Although mine normal involve I good book but I have been known to become obsessed with a good game as well (though never COD).


“but the new one comes out in 2 weeks and I want to prestige 1 more time before that happens” he replies simply as if this is the most obvious answer in the world .” never mind you wouldn’t understand you’ve only prestiged twice.


“actually I haven’t prestige once you did one when you got me up about 20 levels that time you came over and my sister managed the other” after completing the campaign more or less lose interest in games since the multiplayer rarely presents much of a challenge.


“if you never play the dam game how are you so good at it?” phil complains. He’s never once beaten me at a video game no matter how many more hours he may have put into it than me. When I start playing a game my conscious mind just sort of shuts down and I start working on automatic and before I know it I have won.


“true but your better than me at football” I respond humbly in an attempt to shift the conversation away from my video game prowess. This is our first day of college and I’m fairly confident social protocol indicates we should be talking about how nervous we are and not video games.


“What are you two blabbering on about?” Rebecca ( phils girlfriend) walks up to us " I say walks it looks more like a skip to be honest.


Phil immediately kisses her with such a ferocity I have to resist the urge to tell them to get a room.


They break off and as Phil smiles I decide for some reason to answer her question “video games”.


“have… you even bothered… to check your tutorial groups?” phils public display of affection appears to have knocked the wind out of her. They are a cute couple to be fair although they are the exact opposite of each other in both appearance and personality.phil has closely cropped brown hair and striking green eyes that only I seem to be able to look at for any length of time without being


intimidated he is also now 6 foot exactly and shows no sign of stopping shooting upwards with an incredibly outgoing nature and, of course, a love for anything competitive. In comparison Rebecca is mousey with longish blonde hair and glasses. She is probably the smartest person I know and the only reason Phil didn’t flunk his gcse’s last summer. She isn’t exactly shy though and to be honest she can rival phils competitive nature but she focus’s that on academics not games.


“We were just going to check that now” where we? I’m surprised by how easily he can lie like that but I just nod along.


She smiles at him “ don’t worry I looked yours up your in b201” I look at her expectantly “sorry kevan but I’m not your girlfriend” the way she says that hits home considering some of the things that happened last year just before these two got together “go look up your own room number”


I sigh and phil gives me a look that says “what can you do” I tred over to the board next to the reception desk and attempt to fight my way through in order to find out my tutorial groups room number. By the time I emerge the happy couple has gone, presumably to their tutorial groups, so I decide to head to my group as well.




30 minutes late! I look around at the faces of the other agitated students. How can our tutor be 30 minutes late on the first day! I’ve never been a stickler for punctuality but … come on. The worst part is that since it’s the first day no one knows each other so an awkward silence hangs in the hall between me and my fellow students. Most of them appear to be busily texting friends on their phones but some are like me just glancing around with nothing to do.


At this point I notice a girl trying her best to hide herself in plain sight and doing a pretty decent job of it nobody seems to have even glanced at her yet but know that I have I can’t bring myself to looks away. She is perfect. She has long black hair which reach’s well past her shoulders and seems to cover most of her back and her eyes are the deepest blue you could possibly imagine. as I look at her I realise that if I continue looking at her this thoroughly that she will probably notice. Almost as I think that she starts to squirm a little uncomfortably under my gaze. How long was I looking at her for? At least a solid minute I’m certain. I flush crimson and start to look away but as I do her eyes catch mine and I get a view which I can’t turn away from. Her eyes are beautiful they are the sea on a calm night so tranquil so relaxing. However I only get to look into them for a few seconds before she turns a shade of red which puts my pathetic blush to shame and looks at her feet.


Then a man rounds the corner he appears to be wearing some type of trench coat and also seems to be talking to himself. When he reach’s us he begins to speak.


“sorry I’m late guys but on my way into college this morning I saw an old lady struggling to carry her shopping and I decided it was my duty to help her carry it home” .


Is this guy for real? Surely he can come up with a better excuse than that. He just smiles at us all awkwardly and instead of letting us into the room continues to speak.

“I hope you all took this time to get to know each other a little” he looks around hopefully only to be met by blank stares “I guess getting teenagers to socialise is more difficult than I thought” I’m pretty sure he didn’t mean to say that out loud but he seems to take it in stride “well in that case we better get started on the ice breakers right away” he says with a smile as he begins to go into his bag and pull out a pile of papers.


“ummm sir” a braver boy than me speaks up “maybe we should go into the classroom now”.


“an excellent idea you’re a smart one” says the strange man who still seems to have overlooked one crucial part of an introduction.


I decide to man up and point this out “sir it would be rather useful to know your name”


“it probably would especially since I hate being called sir.” He replies while fiddling with the door In a way which I’m fairly confident will not open it “ok my name is Michael Sussex but you can call me mike” he replies as I hear the door click open.


About 20 teenagers all attempt to rush into the room at once. It’s a fairly basic room which looks like it’s also used to teach math me and the black haired girl are the last two to walk in and as a result end up sitting next to each other on the second row since the back to rows had been instantly claimed by the people who don’t much care for tutor groups (if I had got in faster I would be included among them) and the front row has been claimed by those who are eager to impress (although from what I’ve seen of mike this effort is almost entirely pointless).however I’m not complaining if it means I get to sit next to a cute girl although she seems to have edged her seat as far away from me as possible while still being on the desk next to mine.

“Is the meaning of life written on that desk or something?” I ask her but all I see on it is the number 42 etched into it probably with a set of keys or something.


For some reason this makes her giggle although I didn’t think it was an overly funny joke “you noticed that to did you? I wonder if that’s what the person who did it was thinking about at the time”


Well I may not know what she’s talking about but it coerced a sentence out of her so I’m not about to admit it “so I think we are meant to have a conversation about something know” I say rather bluntly. I really should work on that whole tact thing.


“Ok what do you want to talk about?” she replies.


I just barely resist the temptation to say your eyes and know that she’s turned towards me and is speaking to me I can make out a lot more of her face and still seems to be smiling at my meaning of life joke. The smile is so cute I completely lose my train of thought.


“Do you not have any ideas?” she asks.


Great know I look like an idiot just ask her something “which secondary school did you go to?” good that’s not too bad.


“I went to ST Nathans” she replies.


“There’s a ST Nathan?” I ask dumbly


“Apparently” she’s still smiling at me.


“Huh” I am once again out of ideas for this conversation.


“You’re not quite as weird as I thought” she’s teasing me.


“Well you aren’t acting quite as shy as you where” I try and make a comeback


“I was acting shy?” was that not obvious?


“Out in the corridor you seemed to be trying to shrink into the shadows” that must have been her being shy.


“Well you kept staring at me” I blush again.


“You did that to” she’s enjoying herself now she knows I’m “not that weird”.


“so did you” I’m definitely on the back foot at this point but luckily at that point mike glances at the clock and concludes that we should go have lunch and meet back here in one and a half hours for a quick tour around the college.


Courage I didn’t know I possessed seizes me at this point “Sophie do you want to check out the town centre with me?”


“Sure I haven’t got anything better to do” there’s definitely a hint of red in her cheeks as she responds to that.


Her words make me feel like I had just managed to climb Mount Everest with both hands tied behind my back. Although I feel worried about that. Anything that can make me feel this good also has the power to make me feel incredibly bad if it wants to. Well too late for thoughts like that now as we both leave the college and begin the five minute journey into town animatedly talking about books as we walk.


Chapter 3

I never thought there was someone with such a similar taste in books as me in this universe but she’s currently walking next to me with the ability to match and the out do every john green, terry Pratchet, Darren Shan , Derek Landy , Sophie McKenzie and tons of other quotes that I throw at her. I thought I had her when I brought up Robert Muchamore but it turned out she had read book by him and had just forgotten his name at this point I accepted she was the only person in existence who reads more than me.


© 2013 George turner

Author's Note

George turner
probably going to cut down the first chapter quite a bit since some of it is entirely pointless when i read backthrough it to be honest

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Added on February 3, 2013
Last Updated on February 3, 2013


George turner
George turner

bolton, England - Greater Manchester, United Kingdom

i will inevitably piss you off in some way shape or form so sorry about that more..

shell shell

A Poem by George turner